Eternal Log

Chapter 11

Eternal Log — Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 – Dungeon Challenge – After

After that, when I came back home jii-chan and baa-chan were crying.

“Since you were late coming back, I thought you were attacked by monsters.”
“I thought you were abducted by someone.”
“I thought you suddenly strayed from the right path and left the house.”

They said such things.
I don’t understand the last one though.
But, because the reality is I did worry them, I honestly apologized.

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By the way, after that I wasn’t able to to see Roy’s figure in a week.

When I asked Roy,

“Since my family was worried they scolded me so I couldn’t leave the house.”

Is how it is.
I consulted with Roy and the result was we’ll wait until we’re a bit bigger to challenge the dungeon.
With our curfew, challenging the dungeon is difficult.

By the way, the magic stones we got from the dungeon were split with Roy, Roy said,

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“I don’t nee… I’ll take 1/3rd”

and I received a lot.
I asked for the reason and well, seems like we were saved because of my magic.
Then, I’ll take them without reserve.
I disguised myself and sold them, the result was 27 silver.
This world has 5 different types of coin.
Platinum. Gold. Silver. Copper. Bronze.

10 Bronze = 1 Copper
10 Copper = 1 Silver

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100 Silver = 1 Gold
100 Gold = 1 Platinum

Platinum is only be used for deals between countries or by nobles.
Gold is usually used by merchants and nobles.
The currency commoners use is silver.
By the way, staying in a cheap inn for one night without meals would be around 3~5 copper.
A meal would be about 1 copper.
Something like a grilled meat skewer would be 5 bronze.
So, 27 silver is quite the fortune.

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The amount I get is 18 coins. Roy gets 9 coins.
For my portion, I slowly, one by one, gave it to jii-chan and baa-chan.

Also the monsters we defeated seem to be C rank.
You can tell the rank of the monster by the size of the magic stone. Of course the higher the rank the larger the stone.
The magic stones from the monsters we defeated were about the size of C rank monsters.
Well, with size as the standard how ferocious it is raises or lowers also affects the rank.

By the way, monsters go from S rank to F rank. And above S rank there is a legendary class but it’s only been told in legends, and in reality no one knows if it exists.

The monsters we fought in that dungeon were C rank… we need to train much more.
So we go back to spending our days training diligently.

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