Eternal Log

Chapter 12

Eternal Log — Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 : Premonition of First Love

It’s been 3 years since then.

As usual we were always training.
But, Roy got more and more busy and the frequency I see him went down.
Besides, I was busy helping out jii-chan and baa-chan.
Lately, I feel like I’ve been hitting a wall in my training.
In terms of magic I feel like I’ve made improvement but it somehow feels not enough.
In terms of fencing I still can’t beat Roy.
Actually I feel like the gap has widened.
In swords Roy has completely surpassed me.
Losing self confidence, I feel impatient.
Thinking about such things I walk to the usual place when ahead of me I hear a voice.

“Hehe, ojou-chan wanna play with us?” (Plot device 1)
“Come on! Just for a little!” (Plot device 2)
“Come on, let’s go!” (Plot device 1)
“I-I’m busy so…” (Girl)

With a cliche feeling 3 men were calling out to a girl.

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She looks to be quite troubled as she curls herself up.
Up until now I thought I would just pretend not to notice them, but then I raised my voice.

“Oi! Leave her alone!” (Haru)

Ah, I also said a cliche line.

“What!? … Y-you’re!?” (Plot device 1)

Ah, do they know about me?
Then if they would just leave that’d help a lot.

“N-no, we have 3 people! Get him!” (Plot device 2)

A cliche development with no art.

“Eat thisss!” (Plot device 3)

One of the men rush at me and throw a punch.

“Oops, here!” (Haru)
“Gu-!?” (Plot device 3)

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Like a cliche I dodged it by turning to the side and at the same time counter with a punch in the stomach, and then hit him in the back of the head making him faint.

“Fu, let’s go!” (Plot device 1)

I dealt with the remaining 2 but forget using magic they were opponents that I could defeat with one hit.

“T-Thank you very much!” (Girl)
“No no! You’re … welcome…” (Haru)

I wave my hand while I turn around, and there was a super cute girl.
A light blue hair bob and transparent-like white skin.
A little shorter than me and cute eyes.
She’s about the same age as me?
In an instant, I am completely fascinated.

“U-uhm~… You’re strong.” (Girl)
“…” (Haru)
“U-um~…” (Girl)

… Ah! Crap!
I completely lost my senses!
It was because I took an impact like a lightning strike.

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“Eh, ah, no, I’m just lacking some sleep …” (Haru)

In my excitement, I gave a random answer.
What am you doing, me…
The girl looks at that me worriedly.

“Are, are you okay?” (Girl)
“I’m fine, I’m fine! I just woke up!”

She looks at me strangely.
… It’s over.

“Ah, I’m busy!”

I hurriedly run away from there.

“Ah, please wait! Could you at least tell me your name!?”

Without looking back I answer,

“I’m Haru! Later!” (Haru)
“… Haru … kun” (Girl)

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For the me right now, this is my best.
Light blue hair … that girl is probably special too.
Do I only meet special people?
At any rate, why did I …
Until I get to the usual place I was reflecting.
Well, can’t be helped.
Until now my only friend was Roy, I’ve never talked to a girl face to face.
Talking to women, I’ve only done it at times like when talking to the obaa-chan when I disguised myself to go shopping.
Furthermore the conversation then was a battle over lowering the prices.
Think of it that way, it can’t be helped.
It wasn’t a situation where a first love would bear fruit.

“Haa~… but she sure was cute.” (Haru)
“Hm? Who?” (Roy)
“Uwa!!” (Haru)

Without noticing, Roy arrived.

“N-nothing! I’m coming!” (Haru)

For the sake of deceiving him, I suddenly shot magic at Roy starting our sparring match.

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