Eternal Log

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 : The Highest Regret

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It’s been 1 week.
Roy wouldn’t leave that day alone.

“What happened?”
“Who’s cute?”
“Haru, being forceful is no good.”

I was avoiding Roy’s persistent questioning but at the very end he got me by inciting me.

“Who was being forceful!? Where in awkwardly running away is being forceful!?” (Haru)

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“Fufu, finally you let something slip! Now what happened? Say it! I’ll give you some advice alright?” (Roy)

I got cheated by Roy’s leading question so I confess everything.
Compared to his wicked face from before, right now is the most wicked.
Well~, it’s somewhat better than worrying alone.

“Something so picturesque happened to you huh. But Haru, that was no good. … Well there’s no downside if you met by saving her.” (Roy)

Roy splendidly lowered and raised my mood.

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“Well, if it’s fate you’ll meet again. How about thinking about not messing up next time?” (Roy)

Next time… Well I need to not do the same thing next time.
On that day, halfway through instead of training it became a love story.


Yesterday Roy came, so today he probably won’t come.
Alone I zealously trained.
At the beginning I concentrated on training but my thoughts eventually flowed to that girl.

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“Hah~… Why did I run at that time. I should have at least asked her name…” (Haru)

I have the highest regret.
The light blue haired girl…
I never received such a shock until now.
After all it was love at first sight.

Should I go look for her?
No, after saying such an excuse, it is too late to just show my face…

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Moreover, what would I say?
Should I apologize?
No, that’s a bit…
After how many times of thinking about it, I fell in a loop.

“Aah, why did I say that at that time?” (Haru)

I say without thinking while holding my head in regret.
At that time, I heard a voice.

“Um~… Haru-kun… right?” (Girl)

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