Eternal Log

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – I Made a Friend

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When I look at the direction of the aria a boy about my age was there.

Jeez, if you’re hunting prey don’t burn it up…….

As I thought that, the other party noticed me and came closer.

As I saw his figure coming closer I felt a sense of discomfort.

Hm, the face wasn’t dark, if I had to say then the pale parts were in the right places so to speak, he was handsome.

The face had no problems, height is about the same as me, his figure seemed well trained and he had a slim macho feel that’s doesn’t seem too uncommon.

What might it be …….?


His hair color is orange!

I see, I see!

Surely, the same as me, with that hair color that everyone was unused to he came here alone play and train.

Fufu, here the only senpai will give out some counsel.


“Yaa~! All alone in a place like this, do you not have any friends?” (Haru)

“Eh? No such thing…….” (Boy)



This guy has friends?!

This is a cardinal mistake!

Just like saying in public


“what a good looking boy”

“No, it’s a girl”


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That sort of state.

My mouth is the source of calamity…….

And then, as if he noticed the other party gave me a dubious look.

Don’t look at me with those eyes!

I’ve already taken enough damage!

I mean, why does this guy have friends and I don’t!?

Somehow I’ve reached the miserable state of wanting to blow myself up.


“Rather, who are you?” (Boy)

“Eh? Ah, I’m Haru! You?” (Haru)

“Ro-……..Roy. What are you doing here? It’s dangerous, you know?” (Boy)

“Eh, no, ah, a little hunting…….” (Haru)


No, no!

When did our places reverse?!

If it’s like this…….


“Hunting… Before you didn’t say any aria or raise your weapon it would have been impossible.” (Roy)


The child named Roy looked at me with an amazed expression.

It’s here, It’s here!

Here let’s reverse our standings.

He might be a little surprised but that’s fine.


“Fufufu….” (Haru)

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“What? You’re being creepy.” (Roy)



You’re just adding more mental damage as you please!



“Roy-kun. You seem to be misunderstanding something, you see I’m actually amazing ok?” (Haru)

“Haa?” (Roy)

“Just watch….yo!” (Haru)




Without notice my chantless magic burned a nearby tree.

By the way, it was a reinforced version of Roy-kun’s previous magic.


“Na?!” (Roy)

“By the way I can do something like that” (Haru)


….zaa (fire being put out)


Without chanting again I used water magic to extinguish the brightly burning tree.


“Well something like that” (Haru)

“I-I can’t believe it” (Roy)


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Finally our roles have been returned.


“…….You said you were Haru right? Is it because you’re a special person that you can do that?” (Roy)

Special person?

Aah, hair color huh?

But, so far this person hasn’t lost their composure looking after looking at my hair color.


“Mm……. this is just between us, using 2 attributes is special but, you should be able to use chantless magic shouldn’t you?” (Haru)

“Really?! Then, please teach me!” (Roy)



He caught the bait!



“Yosh! Call me mast-” (Haru)

“I’m going back” (Roy)

“It was a joke, a joke! I’ll teach you!” (Haru)


Why does this guy have a grip on the pace?


“Fufu, you’re an interesting guy. Then I’m in your care. Call me Roy” (Roy)

“Eh? Aah, then call me Haru” (Haru)


What’s this?

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This development?

Could this be that thing called ‘friend’?!


“Eeh, um, Roy? Are you sure you’re okay with my hair color?” (Haru)

“Yeah, I’ve had my share of troubles cause of my hair” (Roy)


I see I see!

We’re comrades who had hardships because of their hair after all!

That means we’ll become friends!


“Is that so! Then as a fellow sufferer, nice to meet ya!” (Haru)

“Yeah…” (Roy)



He’s unexpectedly obedient huh!

As I thought, people who aren’t well spoken aren’t well understood.


“But having no friends and training alone you can become this amazing huh” (Roy)



Saying whatever you want….

The shape of his mouth takes a smale, you’re doing it on purpose huh.

I take back what I said.

A surprisingly good personality. (sarcastic)
Like this I somehow made my first friend.

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