Eternal Log

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Testing Skills

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I became 10.


Since then I trained with Roy.

Roy was busy with various things so he would come in the pace of 1-3 days.

Though that way of saying it makes it seem like I’m a convenient man.


In the span of 2 years besides training we also deepened our friendship.

Occasionally arguing and fighting, occasionally laughing at stupid things… a world with such things was not natural to me so everyday was fresh and fun and in the blink of an eye time passed.


I’m too embarrassed to say it directly to Roy but he’s my best friend.

…He will definitely make fun of me so I won’t say it though.


Well, Roy won’t come every day, so on those days I hunt all morning and in the afternoon I work on my original magic.


By the way, healing magic and supplementary magic bonuses were able to be used from the start.

For some reason I instinctually understand the way to use magic.

Am I a genius?

Or because my hair is a different color, a monster maybe?

…I want it to be the former.

Besides, my body is that of a normal human.


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As for original magic, at the beginning I wanted something flashy so I made a tornado with wind magic and using fire magic to fuse with it to make a magic with an embarassing name called “Hell Tornado”.

Exactly like its name it burned the surrounding trees turning it into a picture of hell.

Immediately I used water magic to put out the fire but that became a trauma.


Thus, flashy magic had too large of a scope and was hard to control, so with trial and error I developed practical magic.

In the midst of that, I got a single hint from a bow and arrow and thought of a magic that works like a bow and arrow.

The result, earth magic to make the arrowhead and wind magic to blast it high speeds.

This practical magic was very useful for hunting.

The same as a bow and arrow the target doesn’t get burned or exploded so it was a magic suitable for hunting.


Happily I consulted with Roy about the name.

“Using 2 attributes at once, no one else can use it and since you can use it without an aria so you won’t use the name; there’s no need for a name right?” (Roy)


Is what he said.

That certainly is true.

But, to leave behind a name for magic I made… that should have a certain romance to it.

In places like these Roy has no dreams.

Surely that owner of such a thought is a realistic person.

But, because of that in one go the tension fell.

Well, that being said, when introducing to someone it needs a name, after all I need to think of a name from now on.

And in regards to other magic if the chance comes it should be arranged.


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Well, 2 years of training with this and that I became an crazy existence.

Roy, too, in these 2 years learned to use chantless magic and his magic power rose.

Magic power rising probably has some kind of reason, there’s merit in researching it from now on.

If I were to make a breakthrough of the century I could become a professor and start a family.


Come to think of it, I can beat Roy in magic but Roy beats me in swordsmanship.

It’s obvious that our styles are different, his way of handling the sword flows while I put all my strength into cutting. He wards off my cut and counters and I lose.

Even though my physical ability should be high…


“Haru should use his head a little more to think and polish his skills.” (Roy)


Roy said such humiliating things.

As if he was saying I was a muscle brain.

I’m not an idiot, I’m a genius artist who moves by feeling I persuade myself.

And there’s no one to teach me.


“Roy for sure had someone teach him right? That’s unfair!”


If I said that


“Using multiple attributes without an aria, I don’t want to hear that from such an outrageous existence.”


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Will be said.

Lately Roy has no restraint towards me.

Even I get hurt.


After training this and that, I think we’ve gained considerable power.

By the way today is more training, right now we’re on break.


“Aa~ Want to test our skill somewhere? Roy.” (Haru)

“Then want to go to a dungeon?” (Roy)



There are things like that?!

This is the first time I’ve heard of it.


“What? You didn’t know?” (Roy)


Uu, bullseye.


“Really, not just your ability but your head is outlandish huh” (Roy)


This guy!!!

But I’m interested in the dungeon so let’s endure.

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“Where is this dungeon” (Haru)

“The other side of this mountain” (Roy)




It was that close?

5 years on this mountain training and I didn’t notice. I’m a little shocked.


“Your village usually has merchants and adventurers drop by right? They’re here to trade items gotten from challenging the dungeon. Dungeons occasionally have monsters that come out, its dangerous for the town” (Roy)


As he said I did notice seeing a lot of people coming to the village….

Yosh, let’s study society a bit more.


“Then this time let’s go to the dungeon!” (Haru)

“Well, as we are now we should be ok… let’s go” (Roy)

“Yosh! It’s decided! But we won’t be able to return when it’s night huh.” (Haru)


If I can’t return at night jii-chan and baa-chan will be worried.

That thing called child’s circumstances.

Roy didn’t complain about this either.

Well that’s because Roy’s a child too.
Thus with the feeling of going on a trip, we went to test our skill in the dungeon.

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