Eternal Log

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – Heading Towards the Dungeon

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Since then it’s been 1 week.

Roy had various circumstances at home that he said he absolutely had to do so until today I haven’t seen his face.

I am…… restless.

Because it’s a trip… er, testing our skills.


Today I arrived a little earlier than usual at the meeting place to head to the dungeon.

I left the house a bit early and went to the usual place.

Then, Roy had already arrived.


“You’re late.” (Roy)


No no!

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After all I left my house earlier than usual there’s no way I’m late.

Then as I see Roy’s figure, it’s a bit different from usual.

Instead of the usual sword used for practice it was an expensive looking sword with a sharp edge and good appearance, moreover expensive looking armor that combined ease of movement and defense, and on top of that a helmet.


Roy, unexpectedly, is a poser huh.

Rather, where did he get that kind of money?


“No no, Roy was just way too early! Moreover what’s with that equipment” (Haru)



It’s the first time I got to retort to Roy.


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“Haru, too, what’s with that? Are you going on a field trip?” (Roy)



Are dungeons that dangerous?

Well just a little I felt like it was a field …. Not, but I was in a festive mood.


“……Is it bad?” (Haru)

“Haa….. The survival rate of C-rank adventurers in the dungeon is 30%. By the way, C-rank adventurers can be employed by the country, they have competency.” (Roy)



Isn’t that really bad?

By the way I have my usual clothes and my usual worn out sword and a canteen.

But, hydration is important.

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After all dehydration is forbidden.

When going out, hydration is very important is what jii-chan and baa-chan said after all.


“To think you were outrageous to this extent ……. Well Haru’s ability is also outrageous we’ll manage somehow or another.” (Roy)



Calling everything outrageous, stop making me feel guilty!

I, without putting it into words, objected with my mind.


“Well, If it gets bad we’ll leave, at any rate let’s go” (Haru)

“But, with your hair color and being a kid, if we get caught it’ll be troublesome so at least put on a disguise.” (Roy)


Ah, that’s right.

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A black haired child could only be me, I’d be found out instantly.

As Roy said that he presented me a long black cloth.


“If you wrap that around your head and face you’ll look like a thief.” (Roy)


Thief… certainly in a dungeon where there’s items a thief wouldn’t be strange.

But, thief huh~.

At least it should have been magician with Roy as the knight…

I don’t have the luxury to say that.

I had some dissatisfaction but I obediently took the cloth from Roy and wrapped it around my head and face.

But why does he carry something like a long black cloth?

I feel my actions are being seen through.
We, disguised as a knight and thief combo, headed off towards the dungeon.

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