Eternal Log

Chapter 7

Eternal Log — Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 – Dungeon Challenge – Part 2


Entering the dungeon is great and all, but it’s dark. As in I can’t see anything at all further in. The surroundings look like a mountain cave but, the road is wide. Then Roy, from the bag on his hip, took out a lamp.

“Yosh, let’s continue.” (Roy)

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By the way, the lamp seems like it works via magic stone. The magic stone becomes energy and light comes out is how it seems to work. Magic stone …… first time I’ve known of it. Let’s keep this a secret. Besides I could somehow understand it during the conversation. But it’s rarely seen in the village, maybe this is also expensive? Roy said to keep going but I suddenly had a thought.

“Roy, wait a bit.” (Haru)

As I called for Roy to stop, I invoked magic. Then a small ball of light rose up and lit up the surroundings. It was made with light magic. With this we can move more freely.

“Ooh! Haru thought of some things for coming to the dungeon too, huh.” (Roy)

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“Of course I did!” (Haru)

I responded while boldly puffing out my chest. But, the truth is, when I wanted to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and got up it was dark and on the way to the toilet I stubbed my pinky toe on a post. While nearly fainting in agony, I thought I had to something about this and thus this magic was born. Tentative name: guiding light. In any case, in regards to the development I’ve resolved to take it to the grave.

And like that, we continued on into the dungeon. Then we came to a fork in the road. While I hesitated on which way to go, Roy gently took something out of his bag. Peeking at the paper it was a map of the dungeon.

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“Why do you have something like that!?” (Haru)

“They sell a map of this dungeon down to the 3rd floor. So I bought it. By the way, the deepest anyone has gotten was the 15th floor.” (Roy)

Is that how it is? Isn’t having a map foul play? But there probably aren’t people who would rescue lost children in a dungeon. For now let’s continue. But, equipment and a map, Roy’s family have quite a bit of money, huh? While thinking such things, we continued.

The first floor we didn’t meet any monsters or find any kind of items or materials that would sell, so with nothing really happening we arrived at the stairway to the next floor.

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Since we got here thanks to the map, not a lot of time passed. While thinking “dungeons are like this?” and descending the stairs suddenly I sensed something. Compared to before the atmosphere was clearly heavier.

“Roy.” (Haru)

“Yeah.” (Roy)

We braced ourselves and proceeded to the 2nd floor.

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