Eternal Log

Chapter 8

Eternal Log — Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 – Dungeon Challenge – Part 3

We continued while paying close attention to our surroundings. Then, from the dark passageway something’s presence was felt coming closer. -shu- As something came flying out Roy and I jumped to the sides. Then, a sticky looking liquid crashed down where we just were.

**TL note: I’m thinking of enclosing SFX in – -. Unless anyone has any kind of particular preference.

“What!?” (Haru)

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I used magic to light up the passageway. There, on the ceiling, a spider monster was aiming at us. It was about as big as us. At the very least the size wasn’t at the level of a normal spider. It wasn’t only it’s size that was different, its eyes were also glowing red.

“Careful!” (Roy)

As Roy shouted, the monster shot out more sticky fluid at us. Monsters can move this fast? At the very least, it’s definitely attacking us. This is the first time I’ve been on the ‘hunted’ side but I can’t let myself get hunted. After I dodge the sticky liquid I immediately invoke my magic. Fire arrows rained down on the monster. One after another they pierced the monster.

…… Did I get it? If it’s a biological type then fire should be super effective. Standing a bit away we carefully watched the spider monster burning, but it isn’t moving. Just in case, I used water magic to put out the fire. Seems like it died.

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“Haaa~……” (Haru)

“As expected of Haru, huh.” (Roy)

Unexpectedly, Roy praised me. Also, it was my first battle but surprisingly I moved smoothly. Even if I say so myself, I’d like to praise myself.

“But, looks like it’s better not to use fire magic too much in caves. Seems like it can make you lose consciousness. That’s why I thought to bring equipment so I wouldn’t need to use magic.” (Roy)

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Eh? Is that how it is? Then say it earlier…… But losing consciousness from fire in caves…… how does that work?

As I was thinking, Roy moved closer to the monster’s dead body and stabbed it in the chest. **TN Note: do spiders have chests?** As I was wondering what he was doing, from the crack he pulled something out with his hand. It’s a magic stone.

“Ooh!” (Haru)

In my surprise, I raised my voice.

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“Hm? Haru, you don’t know about magic stones?” (Roy)

Damn! I’ve been exposed!

“Well~ If it’s Haru, it can’t be helped. In the center of monsters there is a magic stone. That’s the difference between monsters and animals. And the stronger the monster the larger the magic stone. Magic stones are filled with magic power so you can use it for a lot of things. Like the lamp. So they’re bought and sold as materials. It’s the main earnings of adventurers.” (Roy)

I received a truly easy to understand explanation. My common sense level raised by 1. No no, wrong wrong. But, the magic stones taken from monsters are sold for money. This is important.

At any rate, our first battle in the dungeon is a victory.

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