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Chapter 41: Feelings (3)

*Knock Knock

Wei Zhi Yin's face immediately returned to his usual calm and gentle expression while he close his eyes for two seconds before taking a deep breathe and when he open his eyes again, those beautiful bewitching silver eyes are cannot be seen anymore as it turn into black irises.

"Come in."

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The door open and Nangong Yuan Zhi entered the room and close it as he walk towards the bed while taking off his military coat and sat down at the edge of the bed as he gaze at Zhi Yin who is sitting lazily across the room.

"We're going to a share room. This house has only limited rooms so two people needs to stay in one room so that every one can have a room to sleep in." - Nangong Yuan Zhi coldly said but his eyes held a touch of nervousness. He is preparing to be rejected but to his surprised, Zhi Yin immediately agreed, "Sure."

Nangong Yuan Zhi sigh as he heard him agree. While on Zhi Yin's side, he doesn't mind sharing a room with Nangong Yuan Zhi as in his past life, both of them would usually share a room if they are outside A city and would even sleep in the same bed. Even if Zhi Yin knows that the Nangong Yuan Zhi in his past life and this current life are different, Zhi Yin can still trust his personality.

That even tho they are not close as much as they are in his past life, he can guarantee that Nangong Yuan Zhi wouldn't harm him. Because in the first place, if he cannot trust Nangong Yuan Zhi, he would not agree to travel with him. After all, he likes to avoid trouble as long as he can.

Silence befell the room and Nangong Yuan Zhi openly stare at the young man who is leaning in the sofa with a close eyes. He want to converse with the young man but he doesn't know what topic should he open to caught the young man's attention.

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They stayed like that until a half a burn incense of time (15 minutes) and Zhi Yin was the one who broke the silence first. "You should go and have a shower. I have clothes in my space for you to change. Since we're going to share a room and there was only one bed, it only means that we're going to sleep in the same bed so you should take a bath. Since it was not a secret that i have a OCD."

"I know. Then, I'm taking a bath first." - Nangong Yuan Zhi said as he stood up and walk towards the bathroom.
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After taking a bath, Nangong Yuan Zhi wore the clothes that Zhi Yin gave him while his military clothes have been burn. He doesn't know why but he have this feelings that Zhi Yin doesn't really like him wearing military clothes so he did not think twice to abandoned them as long as he can make the Young Man happy. After putting his clothes, Nangong Yuan Zhi look in his reflection in the mirror. He was wearing a fitted black pants that hug his long legs, partner with a brown boots. As for his upper top, his wearing a simple black long-sleeved that was fold till his elbow and the two buttons at the upper part are not close. Although it was only a simple clothes, Nangong Yuan Zhi can see the quality of the fabrics and stitches of the clothes. It can be said that it was a top quality.

"It suits you." - Zhi Yin said as he leans in the bathroom door.

"As long as you like it." - Nangong Yuan Zhi said as he walked towards the young man and pat his head.

"You should take a bath also. I will go downstairs to check them." - He added which Zhi Yin agrees so he left the room to check the others.

Zhi Yin took all of his clothes as he entered the bath tub which already filled with warm water. When he saw it, he immediately understood that it was Nangong Yuan Zhi who prepared it.

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Zhi Yin lean in the bathtub as he close his eyes. He is examining his attribute cores: His Ice ability is already at Level Five high rank together with his Metal ability. and it's been a week since he broke through to level five high rank but he encountered a bottle neck and he knows that he can only advance to the next level if he will going to consume a level two attribute core.

While Zhi Yin stared at his dankness core which hovering in his heart lake, Zhi Yin cannot help but be curious. His darkness ability was already level 8 low rank although he doesn't cultivate it. This darkness attribute, he doesn't possessed it in his past life, and even though he ignore it all this time why he have this, he is still cannot help but be curious as to why he had this attribute.

He is not a zombie so how come he had an attribute that can only belong to a High Level zombie?

To be continue...

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