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Chapter 42: Feelings (4)

After taking a bath, Zhi Yin wore a simple white shirt and black pants and as he dry his hair while sitting at the bed and tiredness can be seen in between his eyebrows. He is not tired physically but tired mentally. Zhi Yin realize that after his rebirth he did not think thoroughly about the things that happened in his past life as he immediately prepared all the things that he needed for the future happenings.

And thinking right now, ever since he got reborn he did not do any unnecessary things as all the things he did was for encountering the future events that will happens. He is not tired physically but mentally because he is using his brain for thinking and planning which greatly take a toll on him. After all, he is still a human so he still can be exhausted.

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"The dinner is ready." - Nangong Yuan Zhi said as he lean in the door while looking at Zhi Yin which immediately stood and walk towards him.

"Let's go." - Zhi Yin said as he walk past Nangong Yuan Zhi while the other close the room and follow Zhi Yin.

After they arrived in the dining room, There was only one table which is good for eight people and the others are not seen the dining room except for Claire and Si Rou who was arranging the foods in the table. Zhi Yin walk lazily towards the head sit as he sat while Nangong Yuan Zhi walk towards his right side. Not bothering that the young man sat in the head sit. Since he have the highest authority in the group, he should be the one sitting at the head sit and he should have been the only one who have the authority to decide what path they should take while going back to A city.

But Nangong Yuan Zhi knows that the subordinates of the young man would not listen to him but onky to their master. And he knows that Wei Zhi Yin also not want to be order around

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"Master, Would you like wine?" - Claire ask while Zhi Yin hummed.

Tonight dinner, There was only Nangong Yuan Zhi and Zhi Yin as the others will only eat after they finished. Nangong Yuan Zhi is find if his subordinates will eat at the same table as him but Claire inform him that Zhi Yin can only eat with him in the same table as he had a high status. Nangong Yuan Zhi did not like that, as he does not look towards a person status but Claire stated clearly that Zhi Yin does not want to eat with other people.

Nangong Yuan Zhi doesn't want to believe it but somehow, deep inside, he had this feelings that it was true. After all, even if Zhi Yin looks calm and icy yet at the same time gentle, (A/N: Ha? is that even possible?haha) yet deep in those eyes, There was a cold feeling that drive people away, It was a a natural feeling as if he is more superior than others. A feeling that the young man is looking down at them.

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Claire immediately stood at Zhi Yin side as her hands who wore gloves are reaching out for the shrimp to peel it to serve it to his master. After seeing that, Nangong Yuan Zhi's expression became dark as he did not bother to hide it as he said coldly, "I will peel it for him. Leave us alone."

He was already full of irritation towards claire as she was always sticking with Zhi Yin. He was only holding himself back but he cannot tolerate it anymore! Claire didn't immediately leave as he look at Zhi Yin for permission. His master is Zhi Yin and he was the only person that can order her around.

Zhi Yin nodded so Claire bowed as she walk back towards the kitchen to prepare the desserts of his master.

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Zhi Yin looks towards Nangong Yuan Zhi as he asked calmly, "Are you going to peel it for me?"

"En" - Nangong Yuan Zhi answered as he wore the gloves at the table and started to peel the shrimps. As long as he can, he doesn't want for anyone to serve Zhi Yin, as he is willing to serve Zhi Yin and cater to his every whim. But he knows that it is impossible. He is also a busy man and he cannot stay at Zhi Yin sides twenty-four hours a day so he cannot serve and accompany him. So, as long as he have free time, he will accompany Zhi Yin and cater to all of his wishes. That's why he would not allow a third person to hang around them.

After all, he would not let the short time that he can be with the young man be stolen away from him.

To be continue...
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