Naturally, it’s dark inside the wagon.

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There is a hint of moonlight piercing the hole that I made and the gaps in the leather bindings, but it’s almost pitch black.

At times like this, I’m grateful that I’m a cat.


It seems that the battle outside is over, and a strange shape peeked inside the carriage.

I hurriedly hid behind a nearby box to avoid its gaze.

It seemed to be checking inside for only a few seconds. Thankfully, it didn’t go inside to check every nook and cranny.


“Okay, the cargo is safe. Let’s get moving.”


With those words, the carriage starts moving.

Whew..! If it weren’t for [Concealment], wouldn’t they have found me…? I shouldn’t be overconfident in my ability since my [Concealment] level doesn’t completely erase sound.

Well, it’s a good thing that I could get in here, but…I wasn’t thinking about my escape…I can’t reach it, so I can’t use the hole in the ceiling that I entered with…

The floor is made of wood…

If I wanted to smash through it, I could use Slingshot, but if I did that, the demons outside would definitely notice the sound. No, wait? If I throw the boards that make up the floor into the Collection Box, I can do it without making a sound, can’t I?

No, no, no, no, I can’t. Even if I could get out through the gap where I pull the boards out, I would definitely be seen leaving the carriage. After that, if they notice the floorboards are missing, they might be suspicious.

…What should I do? Should I just give up on getting what’s in here? I can get the ability bonus once I put the item in the Collection Box…I guess I shouldn’t make a fuss about it until I see what’s in here.

Well, let’s see what we have here.

Come on! It’s item collection time!

I have a bad feeling about the big black box sitting there, so I’ll open the wooden boxes first.

I open the small wooden box first.

I say it’s small, but it’s big enough to fit ten cats.

Fortunately, the top lid seemed to be unfastened and I was easily able to slide it off, even with the strength of a cat.

Now, what’s inside.


It’s a golden helmet.


The gold helmet is wrapped in a clean cloth to prevent scratches.

It’s so shiny and gold…

No, but this is exactly what I expect a rare thing to look like! It’s golden.

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The decorative black lines are simple and cool. I love the rugged corners as well.

Hmm. I’d like to add this helmet to my collection.

I’m putting it in my Collection Box and just hope it’s not just a plated piece of scrap.


“[Orichalcum Helmet Lv.22]

Category: Armor

Size: Medium

Rarity: B

Quantity: 1/10”


“Bonus to physical abilities has been added due to the collection of new items (Effect: minor)”


Whoa!? What a great feeling!?

Orichica…Orichalcum!? Isn’t this the same as the legendary metal in games? Rarity B!?

It’s also level twenty-two!? That’s what I’m talking about!

…But even if it wasn’t, it’s very strong armor, right?

Isn’t this super dangerous!? Isn’t it bad enough that it’s beautiful and strong!?

No, no, calm down! This isn’t time to get too excited, let’s get the other stuff.

Next, I opened a large wooden box.

In this box—wrapped in cloth—are golden gauntlets and greaves.

Huh? Could this be the whole armor set?

When I opened the last wooden box, there was a golden chest piece wrapped in cloth.

The decorative black lines are the same on all of the armor, so this must be a set.


“[Orichalcum Armor Lv.28]

Category: Armor

Size: Medium

Rarity: B

Quantity: 1/10”

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“[Orichalcum Gauntlet Lv.23]

Category: Armor

Size: Medium

Rarity: B

Quantity: 2/10”


“[Orichalcum Greaves]

Category: Armor

Size: Medium

Rarity: B

Quantity: 2/10”


“Bonus to physical abilities has been added due to the collection of new items (Effect: minor)”


“Since you’ve met the condition [Collect 20 Items], you can choose one of the following bonuses:

Physical Enhancement: (Effect: Major) +1 to the item level of anything taken out of the Collection Box Gain a new skill(random).”


Ooh, I can pick a bonus again!

I’m going to pass on physical enhancement once again.

Plus one level for items taken out of the Collection Box? Weapons and armor levels would have some effect, but very subtle for materials…

I guess we’re doing the ability gacha again.


“The ‘Get a New Skill’ option was selected. You will get one random derivative skill.

You have acquired the derivative skill [Birds Eye].”


Okay, let’s check the details of the skill first.


“[Bird’s Eye]

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You can send your field of view anywhere in a three dimensional space as if you are flying. The range that your vision can be flown depends on your physical ability. When your vision is flying, it will not be blocked by obstacles.”


What the hell?

This is another active skill, so why don’t I use it once to see what it feels like?


My vision spins around.

What the—?

I see a pitch-black forest. As if I am passing through them, I see a wagon and a group of demon guards walking. One of the demons walking to the right of the carriage is about to fall.




I heard a voice from outside the carriage.

Is this…what I would see outside?

It’s like a—bird’s eye view looking down from the air. So this is the effect.

It’s a skill that allows me to move my vision away from my body and put it somewhere else…!

This time, it’s a normal cheat skill!? I can see what’s going on outside while I’m inside like this, that’s super useful! Well, if I had to give it a weakness, it would be that I can’t move my body while I send my vision out, so I’d be defenseless.

Okay, okay, this is the perfect power for me right now, though. Now that I have this skill, I may be able to escape from those demons.

Yeah, this is great!

Let’s take advantage of this good flow and go to the last box, the black one.

It’s about the size of a guitar case.

It’s made of wood after all…isn’t it? Although it has a smooth texture like ceramic, it has a slight heat. I feel like it’s made of marble or something “high grade” like that.

The box itself has a rare feel to it, doesn’t it?

…Let’s check it out then.

I throw the black box into the Collection Box.


“[Abyssal Box]

Category: Material

Size: Medium

Rarity: A

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Quantity: 1/30”


“Bonus to physical abilities has been added due to the collection of new items (Effect: Moderate)”


Rarity A!?

That means it’s the most rare!? Just the box!?

Maybe it’s not the contents, but the box itself is important, right?

I’ll check the detailed information.


“It’s a special box with a spell that makes it so it can only be opened by those with the [Demon King] trait or those with a special key.

If you try to open the box forcibly or duplicate the key, the curse in the box will absorb your lifespan and kill you.”


…Eh? What is this disturbing explanation?

There really is a cursed box that will kill you if you open it…That means it was a really good idea to put it in the Collection Box instead of opening it…I stopped thinking and my vision blurred into the distance as more logs flowed.


“Condition [Collect Items of Rarity A or Higher] has been met, The following derivative skill has been released:

Restriction Removal”


“[Restriction Removal]

This will unconditionally remove all usage and equipment restrictions on items that have been placed in the Collection Box at least once.”


Oh? Huh?

Since I have this skill, I can open the Abyssal Box, right?

It says in the description that only the Demon Lord can open the box without a key. This is a restriction on the item’s use, right?

What does it mean that only the Demon Lord can open the box? Is that what this box is? Is it a secret box for the Demon Lord? Is there an embarrassing past or black history in there? If that’s the case…then no wonder they move it so securely. No, wait, there’s no way I’m letting this thing out of my paws. I’ll definitely keep it within my reach.

…Well, I’ll understand more if I open it.

I take the Abyssal Box from my Collection Box.


Let’s open!

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