The Abyssal Box opens without any resistance.

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Originally, it said that I would be killed by a curse, but thanks to the [Restriction Removal] skill that I was given, I took no damage at all.

Well, anyway.

I wonder what’s in such a large container




—A single sword lay thrown in the bottom of the box.

Unlike the Orichalcum Armor, it isn’t wrapped in cloth to prevent scratches. Rather, it was tossed in there crudely.

This sword…is no ordinary sword, is it?

It has a handle that looks like two tulips intertwined.

The blade has a faint glow to it.

It’s the kind of thing that makes you feel like you’re being sucked in. Is this the feeling of what they call “Divine”?

Well, at any rate—it’s got a super rare vibe to it!!

Now, let’s get started.


“[Sword of the Rising Sun Lv.382]

Category: Weapon

Size: Medium

Rarity: ★★★★★

Quantity: 1/1”


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“Bonus to physical abilities has been added due to the collection of new items (Effect: Major)”


“Since you’ve met the condition [Collect Item Above Rarity ★], you receive following bonus:

Virtual Body”


“Condition has been met: <<Collect Items of Lv.100 or Higher>>. The following categories have been unlocked.


Category: Magic

Category: Heavenly Art

Category: Traits


You will now be able to collect abilities from the unlocked categories.”


Yeah. No. Eh? Wait a minute?

I should tsukkomi here, but I don’t know where to even start…[1]

Let’s do this in order…

First of all, what is rarity ★? Is it unranked? No, I don’t see how that awesome sword could be rated lower than F. Maybe the rank is above A and the more ★s there are, the higher the rarity?

What is level 382? Even if every level is plus one to weapon performance or something, that’s an added 382 ability value, right? What’s that? How much more powerful is it?

I know that the quantity means that I can only have one of them. The item is so rare that you can’t have more than one per person…It’s like egg specials at the supermarket…

No, wait? Wouldn’t a rarity higher than A mean that the Sword of the Rising sun may be a unique weapon? If so, it’s no wonder the quantity only goes up to one. There is only one of these in the whole world.

If that’s the case, it’s possible that the rarity ★ is a rating for something that exists only once in the world. If it’s the only one in the world, it means that whatever it is, it has the highest rarity. Is there another way to rank them…?

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Well, I won’t know until I’ve collected a couple more ★ items. I’ll put that on hold for now.

The physical enhancement bonus is major…Is it because of the high rarity? If I read the log, the Abyssal Box was a medium bonus. If I want to improve my physical strength, it would be more efficient to collect rare items, right? Well, it’s a high rarity because it isn’t that easy to get.

It seems a lot of things were released after meeting conditions…

Magic, Heavenly Arts and Traits were added to items I can collect…I know what magic is. It’s the one the demons were using, right? What are the Heavenly Arts and Traits? Well, I guess I’ll find out soon enough…

And last but not least…a new skill called [Virtual Body]


“[Virtual Body]

You can create a pseudo body.

It doesn’t exist physically and cannot be touched.”


I don’t get it.

If I read only the explanation, I think, “What? Is that supposed to make sense?” However, I think the fact that it exists means that it’s useful somehow.

Okay, tsukkomi finished.


Sneaking in was definitely worth the risk.

This harvest is so plentiful that it makes me a hundred times happier.

I’ve become quite strong in the blink of an eye, haven’t I? Well, even with this, I don’t think I can beat one of the monsters outside…

Now, I have all that I’m going to get, so I should just roll my ass out of here, but…how?

A head-on assault is out of the question. The most practical thing to do is look for an opening and run away quietly.

…When it comes to that, isn’t it better to not move the loot until I’ve got an escape plan. If they see there’s nothing in here when I try to get away, I’ll be finished.

I hurriedly put all the armor, gauntlets and greaves into the crate. It was a lot of work to wrap them back up in cloth with cat paws…

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I drop the Abyssal Box back in place and throw the Sword of the Rising Sun into it.

I’ll hide underneath the box of gauntlets and greaves.

Now, I’ll use [Bird’s Eye] to check what’s going on outside, and when the time comes to escape, I’ll collect the items and dive outside.

It’ll only take a moment to collect the armor and sword if I grab the boxes all at once.

Well, I guess I’ll just relax and wait for the right moment








Four hours have passed since I thought I was in good shape.

Oh no…The demons have a more seamless watch than I expected…

Even though they talk to each other lightly, they change their positions so there are no blind spots in front, behind, left or right. If anyone approaches them, they kill them instantly and without question…

There’s no chance to escape…

They haven’t once forgotten to stop the carriage and check the inside, so this baggage seems to be important. Well, it’s a ★ rarity sword.

Not only can I not escape, but I can’t even get out of the crate.

Since I am stuck here, I listen to the monsters talking for a while, so I understand a little more about them.

It seems that these guys are actually called “Demons”.

The thirteen most powerful rulers of the demon tribes are called Demon Lords. It seems the guardians of this wagon are all under the command of a Demon Lord.

The demons are enemies of the humans, and in a big battle that took place a long time ago, the heroes, (Oh, there’s more than one hero?) who were the greatest human force, were wiped out. Now, humans are slaves to the demons.

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This world…is a bit complicated…Well, my world was complicated too, but at least there weren’t slaves in modern Japan.

I have been riding in the demons’ carriage for four hours.

Just as I begin to wonder when daylight will come…I see something unexpected.


A town—and a huge wall that surrounds it.


Ooh…The town that I imagined!?

Now I can finally have a quiet life…Oops, I let out some tears of joy .

No, no, wait? This isn’t time for tears, is it? If we’ve made it to the town, doesn’t that mean we’re at our final destination? If that’s the case, they’ll unload the carriage, right? Then they’ll find me, and that’ll be the end of me.

No way!? If I don’t get out of here, this is the end of the road, isn’t it!? I’ve got to get out of here as soon as possible!

What do I do…What do I do? Do I really want to run away without taking the items? No, I can’t. Even if I don’t take them, it doesn’t mean I’ll make it out of the cart…

…Is this really a situation where I have to prepare to force my way through?

I hope not. I’m not sure if I can escape or even survive at all.

The last thing I want to do is fight. I’ll bet on the possibility of escaping peacefully until the very last moment.


The carriage approaches the town.


There are several humans and a demon who are on guard at the gate.

The rat headed demon said something to the demon that was standing guard and then walked right past him into town.

He quietly walked down the central street towards the most magnificent mansion in the back of the town. No, it’s not even a mansion at this point, but a small castle?

Oh…no. It looks like that’s where we’re headed…

Oh my god…I really don’t know what to do now…!

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