Woo-hyun quickly turned her body around and held it up. He supported her thighs and hips so that she wouldn’t slip down and faced her. Her eyes trembled as she held onto Woo-hyun’s shoulders in order not to fall.

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Although it was dark because she couldn’t turn on the lights, only Woo-hyun’s face was clearly visible. Every time Woo-hyun exhaled, his breath touched her lips and then scattered across her face. Without realizing it, Yoo-hwa opened her lips slightly. Woo-hyun’s head tilted obliquely as if that was a signal. The open lips matched each other like pieces of a puzzle. She could hear the racy sound of saliva passing between their lips.

As soon as he detached his lips, Woo-hyun headed for the room while holding her in his arms. Unlike her, who was fumbling on the wall for a long time because she couldn’t find the switch, Woo-hyun walked naturally as if it were his own house.

“… You can find the way very well even though it’s dark.”

Yoo-hwa muttered softly to shake off the awkwardness while holding onto Woo-hyun’s neck.

“Because I think about it every day.”


“About this house, where you and I are.”

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So, speaking as if there was no reason not to find the way, Woo-hyun opened the bedroom door. The sound seemed to foretell what was to come, and her body became stiff. Her back touched the soft mattress.

“The clothes…”

Questioning whether she should take off her clothes, her lips were blocked. Between their touching lips, their tongues entangled in a secret place that only the two of them knew. Every time their soft, moist tongues got tangled, something in her mind broke and disappeared into thin air.

A hand slipped inside her t-shirt and slowly swept over her bra. The hand, which had been flowing along her plump chest line, dug into her underwear and gripped her chest.


The moan that flowed from in between their touching lips was squashed.

The hand that was caressing her chest from bottom to top was cautious. Yoo-hwa’s body trembled slightly at that small touch. Their gazes naturally met as their lips detached.

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A moan leaked through her lips, which were wet with saliva. Looking at Yoo-hwa’s face like that, Woo-hyun swallowed dry like a thirsty person.

Yoo-hwa raised her hand and swept Woo-hyun’s face, as he had done before. Now she knew why he touched her face. The warmth transmitted through her palm was so good to the point it felt precious.


“… What is it?”

Woo-hyun asked back in a sunken voice.

“It’s just…”

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“It feels good.”


When Yoo-hwa spoke with a faint smile, he stopped what he was doing and looked at her quietly. Yoo-hwa’s smile was so similar to the one she had shown him at first that he couldn’t look away. Woo-hyun’s expressionless face changed a little.

From the corners of the mouth that rose slightly, to the eyes that curved in satisfaction.

Yoo-hwa, who smiled as beautifully as the cherry blossoms that were in full bloom, looked at Woo-hyun with hazy eyes. His expression had changed like this with just her words. Just like her, who blushed and didn’t know what to do with just his words.

Woo-hyun lowered his head and kissed her cheek lightly. The kiss that followed along her cheek, ear, and jawline, descended to the nape of her neck at some point. At the same time, the hand pulled up her t-shirt and bra at once. The cold air touched her skin, welcoming her naked body. Before she could even get goosebumps, a hot breath reached her body.

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“… Hng!”

Something moist and hot touched the most sensitive part of her chest. She couldn’t help but grab Woo-hyun’s shoulders at the strange sensation she was feeling after a long time. Unlike before, Woo-hyun carefully caressed every corner of her body. He was tenacious, as if he would not leave a place untouched by his hand. Her mind was hazy. She was light-headed and hazy, to the point it was scary to open her eyes. As she closed her eyes, she could clearly feel the places where Woo-hyun’s hand had stayed.

“… Ah.”

He reached between her legs, which had become naked at some point. Carefully touching her, Woo-hyun’s hand scanned her sensitive area from top to bottom. Yoo-hwa, who was feeling goosebumps, twisted her body without realizing it; but she was blocked by Woo-hyun’s body and could not move.

Woo-hyun repeatedly kissed the place where his lips were touching until Yoo-hwa’s lower parts were sufficiently wet. The light kissing noises were strangely arousing. His lips descended from the inside of her knee to her inner thigh, leaving a small trace.

As she felt ticklish and aroused, something seemed to flow from her lower parts. When she opened her eyes, she saw Woo-hyun’s wet hand. He grabbed his penis with that hand and rubbed it lightly. Yoo-hwa, who silently watched his action as if he was making the final preparations, slowly opened her arms.

As if telling him she was ready to accept and give everything, and telling him to come quickly.

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