As Woo-hyun embraced Yoo-hwa, her lower parts tightened.

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“… Hng!”

She thought she was ready, but when he pushed it in, she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t take a deep breath because of the feeling of her lower parts being filled up.

“… Ah.”

Woo-hyun’s low breath tickled her ears. As Yoo-hwa wrapped her arms around Woo-hyun’s neck, his waist slowly moved.

“… Ah! Aah, ah!”

The pain was momentary, and the body familiar to Woo-hyun responded by slowly adjusting its breathing. The speed got faster and faster. Even though her body was shaking, she couldn’t open her eyes because of the strange feeling of something going inside her.

Then, when she opened her eyes as she felt her body being lifted in the air, Woo-hyun’s sweaty face was in front of her. She was suddenly in a seated position, facing each other, and Woo-hyun was looking up at her blank face. When she hugged Woo-hyun hurriedly because she had nowhere to hold on to, he smiled in satisfaction.

Yoo-hwa smiled along with him for a moment, but the feeling of being lifted up and down made her body tremble. Their touching skins became hotter and hotter, and a sense of pleasure swept through her whole body from her lower parts, rubbing against his. With the intense sensation that made her think ridiculously about what she would do if she fainted like this, Yoo-hwa unconsciously let out a moan.

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Woo-hyun laid Yoo-hwa’s body down. Woo-hyun’s body was moving roughly, and Yoo-hwa’s whole body became tense. With the feeling of her insides being too tight, her vision turned black and then white.

Though she was sure it was nighttime.

Her mind was a mess.


Amid her hazy mind, only Woo-hyun’s voice could be clearly heard.

“Thank you.”


“For being with me.”

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Yoo-hwa opened her eyes at Woo-hyun’s words, as if she were surprised. Leaning over the bed with his arms extended, Woo-hyun was looking her in the eyes. All she could see was Woo-hyun.


“Thank you.”

“For being with me.”

The confession that she had said to him one day when they were having sex, but thought she would never hear it back… She heard it.

A warm feeling seemed to gather in the middle of her chest.

Yoo-hwa replied with a tearful expression and a faint smile.

“… Yeah. Me too.”

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The sun came in through the big window. Woo-hyun’s gaze did not move from the same spot in the document until the sunlight that barely touched the corner of his desk disappeared. Although he was physically here, his mind was filled with Yoo-hwa last night.

The hand that grabbed him despite the pain, and the warm embrace that wrapped around him.

“… Yeah. Me too.”

And even that answer, which she said with a tearful face filled with joy.

If he hadn’t been contacted by Jun-kyung in the morning to check some urgent documents, he would have been in Yoo-hwa’s house until now.

He had to work now that he was home, but things were slipping through his fingers. Losing focus from time to time, he remembered the thin arms that embraced him.

Giving up in the end, Woo-hyun got up and stood by the window. It was a sunny spring day with dazzling sunshine.

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Woo-hyun suddenly remembered the time when he was hovering around Yoo-hwa without her noticing him. Shortly after she moved away, he thought that one of the guys who knew about Yoo-hwa’s existence from among Executive Director Kim’s subordinates might do something to her, so he went to check on her from time to time.

He went to check on her once, maybe twice a day for a few days, and checked the movements around her. During that time, Yoo-hwa did not come out of her house. Whenever he felt uneasy, he would go to the front of her house and listen to her moving around through the front door before returning home.

It was only a few days later that he saw Yoo-hwa. One day, when time was passing so slowly that he felt sluggish, Yoo-hwa was standing next to the railing of the hallway.

She looked at the sunny spring sky with a dull expression before reaching out her hand. She tried to grab it with her hand as if to feel the spring, but the more she did so, the more her expression fell apart.

Woo-hyun looked at Yoo-hwa’s face without even blinking. Woo-hyun held his breath with the thought that he was glad she was safe, that he wished she would stay there a little longer, and that he hoped he could see her like this often.

He only saw Yoo-hwa for a moment, but he felt like he was breathing properly. To the point he wondered if he hadn’t breathed during the time he hadn’t seen Yoo-hwa.

And a few days later, he found out that Yoo-hwa had started working in a grilled fish store. Going out to work at the same hour every day, Yoo-hwa seemed to be slowly finding her way to live. If she didn’t stare blankly at the sky on the way home from work from time to time, or look like she was going to disappear at any moment, she seemed fine.

She had the will to live, and she even got a decent part-time job that helped her stick to an ordinary life, so if only he disappeared, things would be perfect.

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