Chapter 31 – A Duo of Schoolgirls

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Each pupil can consume his or her lunch wherever they like, be it in the cafeteria or in the classrooms. They can order from the cafeteria, bring their own bento from home, or eat something purchased from a convenience store. Both Kyosuke and Yuu grabbed a tray containing the lunch they ordered from the cafeteria and headed for a table in the corner.

“You always have a donburi, Kyosuke.”

“Hmm? Now that you mention it, I suppose so.”

Although the cafeteria’s menu would vary daily, three types of meals would be served daily: donburi, noodles, and set menu. Today’s donburi was “oyakodon,” the noodle was “noodle stew,” and the set meal was “simmered mackerel with miso”. The set menu was popular among the school staff, while the first two dishes were favored by the students.

“Though you look like you would eat a set meal, Kyosuke.”

When the other person expressed an abrupt impression, Kyosuke cast a wondering glance at him.

“… Why?”

“Because that’s what I always make when I cook at home.”

Hearing the reason assembled out in an emotionless tone, he nodded in agreement that such a thing was the case.

“Ah, when you make it yourself, yeah. When I eat at school, I can eat more amount of it in a donburi.”


Although he answered at the time, the response was weak. While thinking that it would not be a good feeling if anybody expressed such an attitude, Kyosuke observed the noodle stew ordered by his partner.

“… Why did you choose that one…?”

“Just a feeling.”

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Apparently, he ordered it without a second thought. Even in Kyosuke’s memory, it appeared that he had chosen one that met his eyes.

“… I guess so.”

He was forced to be convinced by that.

“Convenience stores are better.”

More often than not, Yuu will buy his lunch at a convenience store near the dance school. Because the pudding there was his favorite. Once they placed their trays facing each other at the intended table and took a seat, Yuu complained.

“I want pudding.”

The thought of his favorite pudding from the convenience store evoked a brief sigh from Yuu. If he wanted to eat it that badly, he should have bought some…

“Why didn’t you buy it?”

In response to his question, Yuu shot a cold gaze at Kyosuke with a pouty attitude.

“Nothing in particular. I simply thought I’d like to eat the same meal with Kyosuke once in a while.”

“… I-I see.”

How cute…

While somehow suppressing the forbidden word innerly, he expressed his agreement with his partner’s words. What an endearing way for him to feign anger to conceal his bashfulness.

Even if he could say such a thing, he must not mention it.

Though he said he would like to eat the same thing, what Yuu ordered was noodle stew.

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As the two of them were ready to eat, they halted their chopsticks upon noticing a pair of girls approaching from behind Yuu. Looking at them, as expected, they came up to the table where they were sitting and called out to them.

“Is this seat taken?”

When called by a mature-looking girl with brown hair tied back in two, Yuu turned and cast a puzzled glance at her. This table can accommodate four people, so two more people can sit at the table without any problem. However, the two unfamiliar people kept Yuu staring at them vigilantly.

“Who are you…?”

When asked too straightforwardly, the brown-haired girl shifted her gaze to the blonde girl next to her as if seeking help. The conspicuous blonde girl then placed her hand on the back of the chair on which Yuu was seated and proactively drew her face up closer.

“Sonohara, right? I’m Rindo Ayana.”


At the abrupt self-introduction, Yuu maintained a blank, apathetic reaction and fixed his right eye on the other person. His puzzled expression still remained intact. Kyosuke, sensing that the conversation was not progressing at this rate, intervened.

“Ah, you just showed up out of the blue and left us stumped. What class are you two in?”

The blonde girl, who introduced herself as Ayana, opened her mouth to answer this question as well.

“I am a member of the broadcasting committee from 2nd year class 1, and this girl is in the same class as me, Okino Yuka.”

“I am Okino Yuka.”

Following Ayana’s introduction, Yuka reintroduced herself, somewhat reservedly.

“So? What brings you here?”

When Kyosuke asked again, Ayana settled down in the chair next to Yuu and gazed at Yuu’s beautiful face earnestly. In contrast, Yuu was still shooting cold stares at her.

“Sonohara, you’re going to assist with the broadcast, aren’t you?”

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With emotionless eyes, he stared at Ayana, who tilted her head adorably, and made no slightest movement. He was probably thinking, “What the hell is she talking about?”. He was extremely indifferent to other people. Therefore, Kyosuke answered on his behalf.

“… Ah, you mean that? Are you talking about the sports festival?”

Scooping up Ayana’s words, a beaming smile was directed at Kyosuke.

“Right, right, right! That’s really a huge helping hand! And I just came by to express my thanks!”

Both Yuu and Kyosuke were momentarily intimidated by the other’s rapidly elevated tension. Putting their reactions aside, Ayana suddenly grasped Yuu’s hand with both of hers and shook it.

“I’m looking forward to working with you! I’ll be waiting for you in the broadcast prep room promptly after school today!”

After saying this, she released his hand and turned on her heel, swaying her hair softly, and strode away from the cafeteria. Like a tempest, she stormed through the place. Yuka hurriedly chased after her from behind, and then they resumed their meals.

“Ah, I’ve seen her before.”

When reminded that he had heard that there was a very prominent female student in the first class and muttering it, Yuu tilted his head as if he had never heard of her before.

“She even wears colored contacts to give the impression of being half-Japanese… As I recall, she’s a young lady whose father owns a company.”

“How do you know that?”

It was not surprising that Yuu had his doubts. Because Kyosuke, who generally avoids getting involved with other people, would never talk about Ayana with someone from another class for no reason at all.

“Hazaki from the first class mentioned her before.”

“Hazaki? Was there ever such a guy?”

While asking the question, Yuu slurped his udon, seemingly disinterested.

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“We’re on the committee together, you know.”

“Was there something going on?”

For a start, it was mandatory for every student in the school to join a committee of any kind. To the other, whom he had completely forgotten, Kyosuke scratched the back of his head a little and nodded.

“No, well, in case you’re wondering, I’m part of… the disciplinary committee.”

“… Hmm.”

The disciplinary committee, as the name implies, refers to the student council that works to ensure that public morals are not disrupted at the school. In terms of position, next to the student council members, they should be the ones to keep an eye on public morals in regards to the school.

However, since the committee has almost become a mere label in name only, it has no particular job to be done.

“You, do you even remember what committee you’re on?”

“Hmm… I’ve forgotten.”

He thought about it for a while as he munched on his udon, but the answer that came out was still within the range of Kyosuke’s expectations.

“We’re in the same commitee.”


His reply was a sign that his interest was waning.

“You should show at least a little interest.”

“Impossible. It’s too much hassle.”

Once this happened, he no longer listened anymore. Watching Yuu as he started to slurp his udon, and thinking that it was indeed a hassle, he grabbed his donburi and wolfed down the oyakodon into his mouth.

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