Chapter 32 – After-School Broadcasting Room

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“What’s up, Yuu?”

At the end of homeroom, Kyosuke finished sorting through the materials to bring back in his school bag, and when he rose to head off to club activities, he called out to his partner, who was still sitting down.

“… Mmm, what a hassle.”

The complaint, added with a sigh, brought a bitter smile to Kyosuke’s face as he recalled what he had been told at lunch.

“Oh, you mean going to the broadcast room?”


He replied in a perfectly sulky tone of voice, but there was nothing Kyosuke could do about it.

“It may be a hassle, but since you agreed to be in charge of broadcasting for the sports festival, there is nothing to be done about it. You’ve never been in a broadcast room, have you? Come on, let’s meet up at the entrance after we’re done.”

When he gently patted him on the shoulder and urged him to do what he needed to do, the other person reluctantly stood up and picked up his bag.

“I don’t feel like doing this without Kyosuke.”

“There are things you have to do even if you aren’t motivated to do them.”


With nothing to retort to Kyosuke’s words, Yuu hugged the other’s arm in the empty classroom and indulged in a moment of pampering. Whenever the two of them are alone, this is how pampering is done. Normally, he would never try to spoil him. The pampering itself made him very pleased, and Kyosuke accepted this without any comment.

“… Okay, I’ll go.”

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Kyosuke’s face relaxed with relief when he pressed his cheek against his shoulder and his small voice spoke.

“Alright, good boy.”

When he tenderly patted his head, he was brushed off his hand forcefully.

“I hate being treated like a child.”

What a tsundere his partner was. Voluntary pampering was fine, but Kyosuke’s pampering seemed to cause him to act embarrassed and grumpy.

“I didn’t mean it like that, I was only complimenting you.”

Then they left with regretful farewells and exited the classroom together.

“See you later, and don’t forget to meet me at the entrance of the school.”

“Mm, bye-bye.”

The broadcast room and the dojo were in opposite directions. They bid each other farewell on the spot, turned their backs, and headed for their respective destinations.



Passing through a corridor from the classroom building, the students will reach a separate building called the “Special Building”. Ascending the stairs one floor next to the library just across the hallway, one can spot the sign for the broadcast room.

The classrooms were arranged according to grade level, and the second-year classrooms were on the second floor.

This meant that the broadcast room was on the third floor. Walking up the stairs to the third floor, which was infrequently visited, it felt silent and dimly lit.

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What a hassle.

After letting out a brief, tiny sigh, Yuu knocked on the door of the broadcast room.


When a cheerful voice was heard, the door opened.

Seemingly made of metal, the door looked somewhat weighty.

The one who appeared was the blonde of the two girls who had visited him at lunchtime – Rindo Ayana.

With a joyful, bright smile on her face, she smiled even more brilliantly when she realized that it was Yuu who paid a visit.

“Sonohara! Thanks for coming!”


Not keeping up with the other’s tension, he made a small nod with a blank expression on his face. Ayana smiled gently and pleasantly at the response, and then glanced back into the broadcast room before lifting her voice.

“Oh, Yuka, thank you! Since Sonohara is here, you can leave now, no worries!”

Yuka was the female student who was present with Ayana at lunchtime as well who approached him.

“Yeah, sure.”

After replying in a reserved, small voice, Yuka left the broadcast room, bowing to Yuu and waving to Ayana as she descended the stairs.


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With his gaze still focused on the direction in which Yuka had left, Yuu inclined his head as he listened to the echoing sound of her shoes recede into the distance. He didn’t comprehend why she left upon his arrival. Seeing his expressionless and motionless appearance, Ayana called out to him with a bitter smile.

“Oh, you see, Yuka is not a member of the broadcasting committee. She came to assist me for the sports festival, but she also had to participate in the short-distance race, so with your help, she can concentrate on the competition. Thanks!”

“… Hmm.”

Not that I really care.

After giving some thought to what to do with Yuu, who showed no interest like always, Ayana came up with an idea and made a suggestion.

“Oh, come inside first! And I want to introduce you to the other members!”

“… I understand.”

Stepping into the broadcast room after Ayana, the heavy door closed with a soft clank.

Right next to the entrance was a private glass-walled room with recording equipment and microphones, and a large space in front of it was set up with camera equipment, desks, and chairs.

According to Ayana’s explanation, the private room on the side was for broadcasting. The larger space was used for producing PR videos.

Usually, when not in use, the room served as a place for the broadcasting committee members to rest, prepare, and engage in discussions.

“Right now, there are only three of us, including myself.”


Apart from Ayana, there was only one man and one woman in the room.

The first was a fine young man with short, golden-dyed hair and long bangs up to his forehead, wearing black-rimmed glasses.

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While the other had medium hair that was dyed violet and was braided on the side.

Both had the appearance of being as radiant as Ayana, and were sitting comfortably on the carpet.

However, upon sighting Yuu, who entered the broadcast room for the first time, they gradually adjusted their posture.

After a few moments of silence, all three except Yuu awkwardly exchanged eye contact, and as a result, the three students began to introduce themselves to him in an effort to shift the atmosphere.

“Um, Sonohara… right? I’m Shibayama from the third class. Shibayama Yanagi.”

“Oh, I’m from the fourth class, Akura Sena. N-Nice to meet you!”

Following this, all of them hastily completed their self-introductions, and all three turned their gazes towards Yuu. Judging that self-introductions were in order, Yuu spoke up.

“I’m Sonohara Yuu from the second class.”

With the exception of Yuu, they all breathed a sigh of relief as everyone was able to successfully conclude their self-introductions. However, a doubt surfaced in Yuu’s mind.

“… Where are the second class?”

Are there no other members of the broadcast committee for the second class? This was the question he asked. Instantly, the atmosphere among the three of them clouded slightly, and after sharing a glance with each other, Ayana opened her mouth in a cautious manner.

“Sonohara, the broadcast committee member of the second class is Saiki.”

“Ah… I understand.”

Unexpectedly, Yuu felt a little pleased to know that he would be in charge of broadcasting in place of Saiki.

Of course, there was no way he would ever let it be shown on his face.

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