Chapter 49 – Farewell Time

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When the meal was over, the four of them stood up from their seats. In this short time, both Kyosuke and Kouki had a much softer expression on their faces in comparison to when they first met.

Kouki said that he would continue to live with his present situation as it was. He explained that while they may not seem decent, nevertheless, they were irreplaceable parents.

Although he still found it a hardship to be forced to pass the time as an “illegitimate child,” other than that, he had no particular dissatisfactions nor was he being mistreated.

His mother, who left a terrible impression on him initially when he met his father, apparently was generally very caring and took good care of him. Until he attains adulthood, he has resolved to maintain the relationship with his father, who handled the finances, while living with his mother, who handled his livelihood.

… Yes, until he attains adulthood.

Once he can be independent financially and in terms of living, he will leave his parents’ house.

If that has been determined by him, there shall be nothing for others to say about it.

However, it would be wise to offer support when necessary.

“Whatever you want to complain about, I’m here to listen, so don’t hold back.”

For someone who would have difficulty in expressing his true feelings to his parents, Kyosuke told his precious junior that he was willing to be an outlet for him with words, and gently patted him on the shoulder as if to encourage him.

“Yes, thank you very much.”

As if to assert himself, Tsuzuki leaned in close beside the other who nodded his head.

“Um, may I interrupt for a moment? Basically, I’m here with you, so don’t worry about it.”

While saying this, he put his arm around Kouki’s shoulder and drew him towards himself. In a roundabout way, it sounded as if he was saying, “Leave this guy to me”. His words were somewhat sarcastic yet brimming with confidence, and Kouki beamed in delight.

“Yeah, well, I’ve got Tsuzuki here to help me out. Thank you for always accompanying me.”

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When he was thanked with softly narrowed eyes, Tsuzuki flashed a grin and stroked the other’s hair in a disorderly manner.

“He’s my best friend, so it’s only natural.”

“I see.”

Although Kouki was smiling shyly as he ran his hand through his disheveled hair, judging from his expression, it was evident that he was sincerely pleased. Until now, Tsuzuki must have been supporting him.

“I don’t have to worry about money either, so if an emergency arises, I’ll take Kouki with me and flee to wherever it is.”

“I’ll accept your feelings. You have been taking me to the amusement park once a week… and thank you for always.”

Despite the casual nature of their conversation, there was one part that Kyosuke found it hard to ignore.

“Once a week?”

The question escaped Kyosuke’s lips in astonishment. At the abrupt remark, Tsuzuki rolled his eyes and tilted his head curiously.

“Huh? Did I not mention it? We often play at the amusement park.”

To this, Kouki nodded gleefully.

“I use my money in many different ways, but playing at the amusement park with Tsuzuki is the most enjoyable.”

While being very polite in tone, he agreed with an innocent cheerfulness towards Tsuzuki’s words. Having heard it sounded like a given, Kyosuke was at a loss for words for a few moments and then uttered a single phrase.

“… How should I say? Well, you are quite a rich person.”

Tsuzuki’s reaction was one of incredulity, to which he offered a simple explanation without denying it.

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“Well, for the moment, yeah. I don’t know when things will turn upside down. My father is a medical practitioner, but Kouki’s father owns a major financial conglomerate, so if it comes to wealth, he’s the richer one.”

When his friend boasted about it, Kouki hurriedly shook his head.

“Tsuzuki, don’t embarrass me.”

While staring dumbfounded at the exchange, Kyosuke mused.

… I don’t know but, isn’t the world they live in different from ours?

“Oh, are you both going for a ride?”

When Kouki questioned Kyosuke, who couldn’t possibly have known what Kyosuke was thinking, he nodded his head with a start.

“I’m going on the Ferris wheel.”

Upon hearing the answer, Tsuzuki let out a disappointed, “Ah!” sound.

“I guess that means we will be parting ways again, then.”

Kouki also nodded at these words and explained his reasons.

“We’re going to rest some more and then go on the thrill ride.”

When he heard that Kyosuke was going to ride a roller coaster and other attractions, which he had refused to do earlier, Yuu rolled his eyes and expressed his surprise.

“The Ferris wheel… is probably still open right now. When the sun goes down, it will be crowded and there will be quite the wait.”

The two looked at each other at Kouki’s advice, and Kyosuke hurriedly spoke up to say goodbye.

“I-I see, thanks. Well, we’re off then.”

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When Kyosuke lightly waved his hand, Yuu waved his hand as if imitating him. With their backs turned to the two who were seeing them off, they started walking away, and after a short while, a voice shouting his name resounded from behind them.

“Ah, Ichinose!”


After stopping and turning around, he found Kouki pointing to his hair and signifying something to him.

“It looks great on you!”

He reminded him, looking as joyful as ever, and it was undoubtedly the black cat’s headband with ears.

“… Thanks!”

The reason he responded after a pause was because, yet again, he had forgotten he was wearing it on his head.

Being struck with shame as he recalled it, he replied afterwards, thus resulting in a strange pause.

With a broad smile on his face, he gave a small wave back to the other person who waved at him, then turned on his heel and walked away from the juniors.

Eventually, after confirming that they were out of sight, he reached for the headband more or less in a hurry.

That didn’t go unnoticed by Yuu.

“You’re going to take it off?”

Without missing a beat, a piercing voice tossed a question mark at him, but rather than a question, it sounded more like an order not to remove it, which stopped his hand from attempting to do so.

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“Sakura bought it for you, and you’re going to take it off?”


His partner’s eyes were strained as he continued to ask the question. Kyosuke could offer no retort and reluctantly lowered his hand.

It’s not like I lost to Yuu.

While inwardly reassuring himself, he recollected the beaming smile on his face when he handed the headband to him.

How would Sakura feel if he accidentally encountered him again and discovered that he was not wearing it?

Considering this, it was unbearable to take it off.

It can’t be helped. I’ll be patient until I leave the amusement park.

As he was imploring himself to be persuaded in his mind in this manner, his hand was unexpectedly grasped causing him to slightly jerk.

“Kyosuke, let’s ride the Ferris wheel.”

Where was the penetrating tone of his voice earlier in his words? His inflection was shallow and his emotion was diluted, as it normally would be. Perhaps it was his realization that the headband would not be removed, for his tone contained a certain calmness.

“Ah, yeah.”

Nodding with a wry smile at the change, he followed as his hand was pulled along.

After all, I guess I lost.

Although most of this was influenced by Sakura, there was no mistaking that he was pressured by his partner’s words in the headband dispute, which he had to admit.

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