Chapter 50 – Deep Cordiality

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In accordance with Kouki’s words, the Ferris wheel was unoccupied. Both of them were seated facing each other, admiring the view outside. As if to evoke the passage of time, the view slowly ascended.

“… It’s a fine view.”


When Kyosuke asked quietly, keeping his gaze outward, Yuu replied bluntly.

“Can I take it off…?”


Although he asked about removing the headband in a smooth flow, it was dismissed with one word, which was also within his expectations.

“Don’t spoil the pleasant atmosphere.”

He even scolded him, leaving Kyosuke with no choice but to apologize.

“That was my bad.”


The other party, whose voice slipped out with a force that interrupted Kyosuke’s words, placed his hand against the window.

“Hm? Do you see anything?”

Following his lead, he stood up and stared out the window at a distance where his shoulders were practically brushing the window.

Whatever he was looking at, the grounds of Neko Neko Wonderland can be observed before his eyes, the parking lot, the main street beyond, and the residential area far enough away to intersect with the sky, yet he cannot discern what Yuu was staring at.

He cast his gaze again, asking what he was viewing.

“I see the apartment building.”


Could it be the apartment where they live? In that case, the distance by express bus would be an hour, and from such a high place, it would appear relatively small.

“Seriously? From here?”

Following Yuu’s gaze, he searched for it, only to find it nowhere in sight. No, it was inconceivable for him to find it. After searching for a while, his partner, who had been peeking outside with him, sat down.

Kyosuke was still looking for it. He was speculating their apartment was over that street… as he looked for it. Yuu stared impassively at his appearance for a while, eventually bursting out into laughter.

“… Pfft, it’s a lie.”

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When Yuu fessed up, his shoulders shaking with uncontrollable mirth, Kyosuke shot him a brief question mark.

“There is no way it can be viewed from here.”

“… I-I know.”

Averting his gaze, Kyosuke cheeks flushed red for having taken his partner’s words to heart even in the slightest, he settled down across from his partner, crossed his legs, and rested his elbows on his knees to restrain his forehead.

“Are you angry?”

Looking as if he were disappointed, Yuu posed the question. There was not a shred of guilt there. Shaking his head, Kyosuke lifted his head and folded his hands.

“No, I’m not angry. I’m simply upset at myself for falling for your lie.”

“You are right, it’s awfully pathetic. Even the coffee cups can knock you down.”


That was certainly miserable. However, that matter will not be bring out again. As for the embarrassment this time, the source of it was Yuu’s deceit.

“… Stop mentioning that subject. Let’s not bring it up again.”

His face paled at the recollection. After studying Kyosuke for a while, who looked genuinely indolent, Kyosuke eventually stood up and moved to sit next to him without uttering a word.

“What is it?”

When Yuu exhibited bewilderment, not grasping his intention, he replied while gazing through the opposite window.

“This way is more like how lovers are supposed to be.”


A faint loosening of Kyosuke’s cheeks fell into place as he stared at the back of Yuu’s head, where his face remained averted. Even though Yuu was a partner who can’t be honest about things, he was glad that he came voluntarily in this manner to him.


Even if he called out his name, he knew a hundred times that Yuu would not turn around. Stealthily, Kyosuke’s hands were on the wall from both sides as if to trap Yuu.


Without hesitation, he slowly drew his face closer to the person who looked back at him incredulously.

“… Kyosuke, what is it?”

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With no way out, Yuu asked weakly, his eyebrows drooping and his eyes fixed upwards. With a gentle lift of the corner of his mouth, Kyousuke placed his index finger to his mouth as though to say, “Stay silent.”

“Let’s just stay like this…”

While whispering this, he brought his face close to him and exchanged a soft kiss that was only a touch.



Yuu showed not a hint of resistance and responded by raising his own face. After mutually sensing the warmth of each other’s lips, they slowly pulled away from one another.

“It’s fine, right? Nobody’s watching.”

As Kyosuke whispered in close proximity in a masculine manner, Yuu’s cheeks heated up and he nodded his head, shyly averting his gaze to the side.

Meanwhile, the Ferris wheel continued to spin slowly, while Kyosuke embraced Yuu and enjoyed the rest of the ride together.

Having a good time at the amusement park itself was an indulgence, but being able to spend time alone with Yuu in this way was another source of bliss.

With such a sense of euphoria, the time flew by rather swiftly.

“We’re almost there.”


As they neared the ground, the two sat back down leaving a short space between them. In exchange, their hands were firmly linked with each other’s. Like telling each other that they will not let go.

Soon the chains securing the door were removed by the staff. Since the Ferris wheel never stopped moving, they had to descend to the platform while it was still aligned with the ground. The first to get off the ride was Kyosuke, who gently pulled Yuu down by the hand.

“… That was fun.”

“I suppose so.”

Upon landing on the ground, Kyosuke nodded in agreement to the impression expressed in a hushed tone.

“What are we going to do next?”

“I guess I’ll try…”

While watching the people passing by, he tried to figure out what to do next, but was at a loss for ideas.


Kyosuke’s hem was unexpectedly pulled as he looked around and contemplated, snapping him out of his thoughts and directing his attention to his partner. With one hand still connected to Kyosuke’s and the other gripping the hem, Yuu was facing downwards.

“What’s up?”

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“I want to go back to the… hotel.”

Despite his small assertion, which could have been drowned out by the hustle and bustle of this place, Kyosuke received the message well.

“I don’t mind, but what’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell?”

After asking this, he looked into the other person’s face.


Turning his head and averting his gaze to the side, Yuu had a reddish tint on his cheeks.


When he called out again, the downcast Yuu abruptly withdrew his hands and put his arms around Kyosuke’s neck in an embrace. Kyosuke’s eyes widened and he gulped, having been too startled by his partner who pressed his cheek against his neck as if burying his face in it.

“… Eh… Yuu…?”

Failing to fathom what was going on, Kyosuke softly hugged the other in a reserved manner, releasing a question mark, and patted him on the back in an effort to soothe him.

“… I mean.”

His reason was assembled with a warm breath that emerged from his lips close to his ear.

“Because… I want to be alone with you…”

While desperately struggling with shame, he squeezed out a weak voice. These were the honest words that he usually would never share. Within Kyosuke, an inexpressible love for his partner flooded his heart.

“… Ah, I understand. Let’s head to the hotel.”

Replying in a volume that only his partner could hear, he kindly brought a kiss down on his forehead and gingerly let go of his body.


Even when he peeked to have a look at his face, Yuu, whose cheeks were flushed red, wore a sulky expression as if to conceal his shyness, and his gaze was averted.

You are indeed cute, after all.

Exhaling deeply as if to say that he loved him and couldn’t endure it, he held hands firmly with his partner and headed for the exit once more.


That night.

Neither Kyosuke nor Yuu headed for the large communal bath, but instead entered their room’s bathroom together. As this was a first-class hotel, even the bathroom in their room was quite spacious and stylish. Following the bath, Yuu put on a bathrobe, which was something he did not typically wear, and made Kyosuke put on another bathrobe over his body.

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“Kyosuke, you look good in it.”

“Really? Well, it looks better on you…”

After bathing, his partner’s white skin was moist and light peach-colored. From the collarbone to the neck, all of it exuded a sexy atmosphere that caused Kyosuke to have trouble looking directly at him.

“Kyosuke, what’s wrong?”

Yuu’s arms were once again around Kyosuke’s neck as if to stroke him.

“… Y-Yuu?”

His partner’s right eye squinted seductively, and their lips softly overlapped. Each other’s breath escaped from faintly parted lips, sweetly mingling and fading away.

“Kyosuke… are you excited?”


The tone of his whispering voice, tinged with sex appeal, sent jolts through Kyosuke’s eardrums and made his skin crawl uneasily. Kyosuke can tell what was happening. This was an invitation. His rational mind can only hold him for so long. For Kyosuke, who loved Yuu; every word he spoke; every gesture he made; every voice he uttered; his rationality was being stripped away little by little.

“…. If I am, what would you do?”

When he asked the question with a hint of lust leaking out in a slightly disordered breath, Yuu giggled and withdrew Kyosuke’s hand with a wistful, sexy smile. Then he was brought to the bed, as he had expected. Holding Kyosuke close to him, Yuu ran his fingertips along his muscular chest, which was now exposed. The sensation was thrilling, delicate, and sweet, stimulating Kyosuke’s heartbeat to the point of heightening.

“Kyosuke, I’ve been holding back for a long time, you know.”

As he spoke, he suddenly pushed Kyosuke down on the bed, and Yuu was covering him and looking down at him as he slid and rubbed his skin against his.

“… Hey? Let’s do something that feels good.”

Those honest words were sweetly inviting. Within Kyosuke, the sound of his sexual desire’s hoop being lifted resounded.

“I won’t let you sleep…”

As soon as his piercing gaze looked up at him and announced in a low tone of voice, he grabbed the back of the other’s head, pulling him closer and kissing him as if biting him. Like a beast, he sucked on it hard and repeatedly, changing the angle… Yuu accepted it, without any reluctance, but rather with a happy look in his eyes.

“Ngh… Kyosuke, I love you…”

“Nn… ah, me too…”

While Kyosuke responded to his partner’s words, whose breathing was turbulent for oxygen, he stroked up his partner’s beautiful white thighs. As it was, he let his bathrobe brush against his skin and reveled in the beautiful white body. From there, it didn’t take long for the two of them to engage in intercourse.

This marked the first time for the two of them to have an intimate time alone together in a hotel room.

Together, intertwining their mutual desires, they ended up spending a wildly passionate night.

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