Chapter 51 – Long-awaited Visit

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It was an early morning in the middle of summer vacation.

“Kyosuke, hey, Kyosuke?”

“… Ngh…”

As his exposed shoulders were shaken and his name was called repeatedly, Kyosuke’s consciousness, seemingly plunging into an abyss, slowly surfaced in a fluffy manner.

It had been three days after returning home from the overnight trip. Having experienced their first sexual intercourse at the hotel, the two of them have, as a matter of fact, been engaged in the act at least once before going to bed. It may sound like youthful indiscretion, but their mutual love and desire for each other was irrefutable.

Even last night, they were desiring each other, but only Kyosuke was drained of energy by this. While Kyosuke was finishing up the aftermath of the act, Yuu had already fallen into a deep sleep. Afterwards, Kyosuke was also exhausted and fell asleep in his underwear.

“… Ngh, what’s the matter?”

Despite being woken up forcibly and in a haze of thought, he grasped his partner’s voice, faintly opened one eye, and asked in a raspy voice characteristic for a sleeper.

“The dance teacher called me, ‘Do you want to come and watch?’ and I’m going.”

In contrast to Kyosuke, who has regained consciousness but still clung to sleepiness, Yuu’s voice carried a clear and bright tone. Ever since the disastrous accident, Yuu had been reluctant to go to the dance school because of his feelings of estrangement from it. So when the other party asked him if he would like to join them, he was naturally elated. Although he would have loved to be happy with him, Kyosuke, who had just awakened, lacked the energy to be that enthusiastic.

“Ngh… ah, that’s great… what time is it now?”

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Even though he somehow managed to turn his joy into words, the subsequent voice asked about the current time.

“6 o’clock.”

When Yuu answered with those words, Kyosuke held his head and cast down his eyelids.

“… No… it’s too early…”

“Hey, Kyosuke, wake up!”

While shaking his body in his sleep, his partner’s voice, which was unusually loud and strident, sent a tremor through his eardrums. A temporary ringing in his ears struck him with a feeling of sluggishness.

“… Fine… I’ll wake up, stop it…”

Yuu’s attack was intolerable, and he raised the white flag prematurely and lazily raised his upper body. At that moment, Yuu tugged on his arm.

“Kyosuke, hurry up and get dressed. Pull yourself together.”

Sighing heavily, he rushed him, revealing a trace of irritation. Kyosuke looked at him with sleepy eyes, his cheek twitching.

… Where did the usual you go?

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Normally, Yuu was a weak riser, whose only desire could be described as a craving for sleep, yet today, he was wide awake and eager to head out at 6:00 in the morning.


Perhaps Kyosuke seemed to be in a daze, so Yuu raised his voice to his full capacity. Kyosuke’s expression became increasingly bitter.

“I know you’re happy… so calm down a bit. I’ll go get ready, just wait for me…”

After settling the other’s emotions in this way, Kyosuke got off the bed and headed dizzily to the washroom, uncertain of his footing.


“Now, off we go!”

Fifteen minutes after Kyosuke has awakened, Yuu’s soft voice rang out at the front door. The temperature difference in their spirits was astounding. It was especially true for Kyosuke, who was urged to get dressed from the beginning to the end, but his stomach was growling annoyingly since he has not eaten anything from last night. Without being able to endure it, he put his hands on his well-trained abdominal muscles.

“… Yuu, about breakfast?”

“I already had a meal.”

His feeble plea didn’t register with Yuu, who gave him a misplaced answer and a vacant stare. Perhaps he had took a light meal during the time Kyosuke was getting ready, but that was not what he wanted to convey. Shaking his head, he spoke again.

“No, I mean I haven’t eaten yet.”

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“Be patient.”

Those words came back to him in a ruthless manner. After being woken up forcibly, he was not even allowed to have a meal.

“… Are you the devil?”

“Let’s go quickly!”

After being rushed again, Yuu pulled him by the hand and he reluctantly went outside. With a sigh, Kyosuke locked the front door and headed for the dance school as he was told.

It was around 6:45 when they arrived at their destination. Despite the early hour, apparently the students of the dance school had already shown up. It has been a long time since the last time Yuu went to the dance school. From the entrance, they went inside──


“Yuu, what’s up?”

Having been heading towards the entrance with great enthusiasm up to that point, Yuu came to a halt right before the entrance and became motionless. When Kyosuke, who had followed from behind, called out to him, he received no response.


Concerned, he looked into his face and noticed that Yuu had lowered his gaze to his feet and was biting his lower lip. However, once aware of Kyosuke’s gaze, his expression changed to a vulnerable bitter smile.

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“… It’s nothing.”

… Yuu…

In the past, even his emotions his facial expression would have been suppressed. However, it seemed that now he could tell a lie with his words and speak his true feelings with his expressions.

“Are you nervous?”


Upon questioning him, he fell silent and lowered his head. It was an obvious answer. Rather than giving any comment to Yuu’s reaction, which had grown much easier to recognize, he gently patted his head.

“Shall I go in first?”

As he continued to ask more questions, Yuu shook his head.

“… Don’t worry… I’ll go in. Since I’m the one who wants to be here.”

“Ah, right.”

With Yuu clearly expressing his intention despite his weak tone of voice, Kyosuke nodded and softly gave a push. After opening the glass outer door and entering the wind-resistance space, the door leading to the classroom lies just beyond. Taking a deep breath to release his tension once, Yuu’s hand grasped the knob and turned it, and with nervousness, anticipation, and apprehension in his heart, the door was slowly opened.

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