Chapter 52 – “I am back” and “Welcome back”

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“… Good morning.”

As the door of the dance school slowly opened, Yuu made a small voice greeting. Having not been contacted by him before, he wondered how everyone would react to his first visit in a long time. While Yuu normally would not show any interest in other people, after taking lessons together for so many years, his feelings towards his fellow dancers were more or less mutual.


As he opened the door, his gaze fell to his feet.

“Sonohara, welcome back!” the teacher’s cheerful voice greeted him.

When he fearfully raised his glance, he saw the same members as before──

“Welcome back, Sonohara!”

“Welcome back, Yuu!”

As each person offered a word of welcome, they all approached Yuu as if to say that they had been waiting for him. Being crowded by more than a dozen members, he was welcomed by a female member of the same age who stroked his hair and by an older male member who hugged him and gave him a rubdown.

“… I-I am back…” he muttered again with a bashful smile at the rather intense skinship.

“I’m glad to see you’re ready to be here.”

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“Let’s dance together again.”

After receiving a barrage of positive words, Yuu glanced at Kyosuke, embarrassed and at a loss for a reaction. Kyosuke, who was leaning his back against the wall near the entrance while watching, nodded with a peaceful smile on his face as if to say, “Good for you.”

At that moment, someone clapped their hands as if to draw attention, attracting everyone’s attention, including Yuu’s.

That someone – the teacher – waved both arms wide.

“Hey, guys, if you keep flooding in like that, Sonohara won’t be able to move. It is time to disperse and begin the lesson.”

At the call, the students patted Yuu on the head and patted him on the shoulder before retreating in an obedient manner.

“Huh? Teacher, where’s Sonohara’s reunion party?”

When one of the boys raised his voice to ask the teacher, all the students around him placed their index fingers over their mouths and applied pressure with a ‘shh’. However, it was already too late.

“… Reunion party?” Yuu tilted his head and gave out a question mark.

“Ah, see, this is your fault.”

“Oh no, I’m sorry!”

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After hearing the exchange between the male student, who apparently slipped up in some way, along with the boys who were blaming him in a teasing way, Kyosuke retrieved his smartphone and checked the time.

It was still before seven o’clock.

That reminds me, I believe this place opens at nine o’clock, right?

When he visited before, he recalled that he had confirmed the lesson time. Judging by the lack of concern on Yuu’s part, and taking into account how excited he was, it would be reasonable to assume that the school usually opens its doors before 9:00. Before living together, Kyosuke himself was also active early for club activities.

While this may not prove to be convincing, it would require the teacher to be an early advisor for that. The teacher who was beside Yuu, whose state of mind had been affected following the accident, was a great help to him.

“Since Sonohara has found out, I guess there’s no other choice. Let’s start the reunion party right away! The lesson starts at 9:00 a.m. as scheduled. Until then, let’s be moderate and get merry!”

To the teacher’s effervescent words, the students replied, “Yes!” and each began to set up the tables and chairs. They were quite an amicable and supportive group. Following the members’ prompting, Yuu was made to occupy the seat of honor and was given a flashy red and yellow hat to wear.

… Well, I guess I’ll go home for now.

Kyosuke was ready to leave, not because he felt lonely or isolated by any means, but simply with the idea that he himself would be completely out of place among the members of the dance school, and with his hand on the knob of the door he had entered, he slowly opened it and turned to leave.


As soon as he heard the sound of a chair collapsing with a clank, he halted in his steps when Yuu shouted his name.

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“Why are you leaving? Stay with me.”

His attempt to leave without saying anything seemed to have caused a terrible hurry, revealing Yuu’s true feelings in his expression. With his eyebrows drooping, he bit his lower lip and stared at Kyosuke with an aura of solitude. He hastily turned his thoughts to full speed in an effort to excuse his behavior.

“Ah, well… I feel bad if I interfered as an outsider presence…”

“Even if you did, you were going to leave without telling me!”

Straining his voice to complain that it was unforgivable, he puffed out his cheek with a muffled puff and formed an expression of sulkiness.

“… Ah, it was my bad.”

As he would have left, he turned on his heel, closed the door he had opened, and walked over to his partner, who was standing and glaring at him, so as not to obstruct the members who were busily preparing for the event.

“You’re next to me, Kyosuke. Though I’m not sure what is happening.”

“Hmm. Ah.”

After being urged to settle in a chair that he had taken the liberty of bringing from somewhere alongside his own seat, Kyosuke nodded and sat down next to his partner.

“… Well, after all, it would be awkward if I stayed. Since you’re the lead role.”

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Other than Kyosuke, everybody knew each other, and Kyosuke was the only one who was not acquainted with most of the students. As he was contemplating staying in the shadow for as long as he could, Yuu spoke back to him.

“Stand up for me, the leading role.”

In short, he was telling him to stay in the shadows. As Kyosuke was considering this, it seemed that the two of them were connected by an invisible bond. At his partner’s words, Kyosuke gave a relaxed smile.

“Don’t worry. You’ll stand out even if I don’t do anything.”

“What do you mean?”

Why? How? Yuu raised his eyebrows dubiously with a question mark showing on his face.

“You are more beautiful and exquisite than anyone else. Like a flower that everyone would turn to admire.”


When Kyosuke shot back an exchange of compliments, Yuu’s cheeks reddened, his lips puckered, and he lowered his head.

“… Idiot.”

Even the weak swearing has now subsided into a cute lover’s figure. He tenderly stroked his hair as he calmly lifted the corners of his mouth.

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