Chapter 53 – Reunion Party

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With Yuu helplessly unable to wipe away the embarrassment brought on by Kyosuke’s words, the “reunion party” was under way within the dance school.

“Well then, cheers!”

Following the teacher’s lead, each student lifted a glass filled with a refreshment and toasted to the celebration. At the seat of honor sat Yuu beside Kyosuke, whose spot had been hastily prepared for him, while the other students and the teacher gathered around the same table.

Everyone individually sipped the drinks that were poured into their glasses. Even though it was called a refreshment, it was not a juice but barley tea. Besides, assorted fruits and several kinds of confectioneries were arranged on the table.

As they will have a dance lesson after a break following this “reunion party,” the light meal has been prepared for them, so that they do not overindulge.

“Ngh… Yuu, what’s going on?”

When Kyosuke brushed his lips against the glass in his hand, tilting it slightly and downing it in one gulp, he inclined his head, perceiving something strange about the other party. After all, Yuu was puffing out his cheek without even facing him.

“Are you mad at me?”

“Shut up, you idiot, you obscenity. You were supposed to be a serious-minded guy.”

When he asked again, he rolled his eyes at the unanticipated exchange of words.

… Obscenity?

While masking the shock of the first time he was called by this, he addressed him in an extremely nonchalant fashion to confirm the meaning of the term that pierced his heart and the reason for saying it.

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“… Eh, did I do something to upset you?”

“Saying something like that in front of everyone is… such an embarrassing thing, Kyosuke is an obscenity.”

Once listening to the content of his complaint, delivered in a mumbling whisper as if he were talking to himself, Kyosuke had a gist of what he was referring to. He was probably embarrassed by the words of compliment he had just received. For Kyosuke, he only intended to uplift Yuu’s spirits, hence he could not realize it until hearing and observing his reaction. Although he felt apologetic for that, Kyosuke had something he really wanted to retort on.

“Stop it. What do you mean by obscenity? That’s the worst swear word you ever used.”

He spoke up before he could apologize.

“Hmph, idiot.”

With a thoroughly sulky face averted, Yuu thrust the provided fork into the rabbit-shaped apple and proceeded to eat it with the back of his head facing Kyosuke. When this has happened, there was nothing to be done.

“It’s my bad… I’ll only say it when we’re alone next time…”

In an effort to draw eye contact, he lifted his hips from his seat and tried to peer into his partner’s face, yet at that timing, a light backhand blow from his partner landed on his forehead, forcing him to retreat. He returned to his own seat and rested both elbows on the table, restraining his forehead.

“Oh, sorry for that.”

With the fork in his upraised hand, Yuu glanced back and apologized in a tone devoid of any emotion. Apparently, the back of his hand hit the apple as he moved it for a second bite.

“No, I’m the one who’s sorry…”

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“Do you want one too, Kyosuke?”

As if nothing had happened, Kyosuke only cast a glance at him.

“I’ll have one…”

“Here you go.”

“Mmm? Ah, thanks… hmm?”

When Yuu stuck his fork into the apple and offered it to him, he thought it was a rare occurrence and tried to accept the fork while expressing his thanks, only to find that it was not handed over to him. He raised his eyebrows at him, wondering what he was up to.

“Say ahh.”

“… Mnm?”

Upon encountering these abrupt words, Kyosuke blinked twice, thrice, and repeatedly questioned him. However, Yuu remained to stare with his broad red right eye, refusing to budge one iota.

“… Uhm… hmm?”

Struggling to understand, all that ultimately flowed out of his mouth was a question mark. In response, Yuu’s cheek twitched once, before smiling a remarkably beautiful and serene expression.

“Like I said, say ahh!”

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Again, he spoke the same content while presenting an apple pierced by a fork, smiling softly. Although he might look like an angel from the outside, what Kyosuke witnessed now was truly the devil.

“Let me feed you, Kyosuke.”


As if in a state of numbness, he pressed the apple gingerly to Kyosuke’s mouth. In the midst of this exchange, the members of the dance class began to fix their gazes on the two of them, one after the other. Eventually, Kyosuke could no longer bare the attention of these eyes, and he reluctantly decided to comply while keeping his eyelids down in shame.


The moment his lips opened, a muffled cry escaped from the back of his throat. Perhaps out of sheer momentum, Yuu relentlessly shoved the apple into his mouth. In his haste, he set his teeth on it, thus avoiding any harm.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Even his second apology carried no emotion.


While biting into the apple, he bit into his fork simultaneously and let out a snarl.

You’re killing me!

“This is payback for earlier.”

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After telling the snarling Kyosuke that, he snickered wickedly and aggressively pulled the fork out of Kyosuke’s mouth, thrust it into a new apple, and started gnawing on it.

The teacher who sat a short distance away from Kyosuke watched him with her cheekbones, and the corners of her mouth lifted mildly. Since she had not been able to check on Kyosuke after the accident and had been concerned about his condition when he visited her right away, she was happy to catch the sight of the two of them getting along so well, which was reflected in her expression.

“Teacher, teacher.”

A male student sitting next to her called out while gently tapping her shoulder. The teacher directed her gaze in his direction and smiled warmly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Those two are getting along so well. It’s like they’re dating.”

At the whispered words, the teacher looked at him with a composed expression before nodding.

“Yes, that’s right. But in reality, only the two of us know, so we have to be careful that people around us don’t get worked up on their own. When Sonohara discloses it to us, we should listen to him properly.”

The boy who approached her smiled bashfully at her delicately spoken words.

“Somehow, what you said… is so persuasive, teacher.”

“Eh? Really? It’s the first time I’ve been told that.”

She rolled her eyes at the boy’s words, but this time it was the teacher who burst out laughing.

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