Chapter 66 – From a Sister’s Request to a Child’s Request

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“Where are we going today, Kouki?”

Under the clear, sunny sky, Tsuzuki was standing in front of the entrance of his best friend’s house, contemplating today’s activities.

The time was shortly before ten o’clock in the morning.

“Hmm, what shall we do?”

Upon hearing Tsuzuki’s question, Kouki gave a troubled laugh. Even though they often hang out at the amusement park, they were planning to spend the day at a different place instead. They had not yet figured out where that “different place” was going to be.

“Hmm… I want to ride a ferry.”

This was the choice that Kouki conjured up after much thought and consideration.

“Oh, that’s great! Well, let’s have it ready at once…”

The smartphone, which he had just brought out to request an acquaintance for a favor, played a light tune along at the right timing.

“A phone call?”

“Yeah, from my elder sister… Yes? What has happened?”

When the message was received in a languid tone, Saki’s flustered voice rang out on the other end of the line. It was regarding Kyosuke, his departure to the U.S., and that since she herself was unwilling to deal with her parents, she wanted him to negotiate on her behalf.

“I don’t mind… but are you doing well, sis? At least drop me a letter or something. Well, I understand your point and you prefer not to get involved in it, so I’ll just inform my parents nonchalantly. After all, they are the ones who have been treating Kouki well.”

While answering, he turned his gaze to Kouki and asked, “What is it?” with his head tilted slightly.

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From the phone, words of gratitude and apology were made repeatedly, leading to an involuntary chuckle from Tsuzuki.

“Don’t sweat it, sis. You’re independent from our parents, and you earn your own bread and butter, you’re amazing. I’m proud of you. Now, live your life with self-confidence.”

After delivering a few words of encouragement, Tsuzuki hung up the call.

“… Tsuzuki, what was that about?”

Since the content of the call suggested that some kind of matter was brewing, Kouki stared at him reservedly. Against such a person, Tsuzuki put on a warm smile.

“You see, it’s about Ichinose. Apparently, he’s going to have a face-to-face meeting with his parents to clear things up.”

“Eh… Ichinose?”

The conversation at the amusement park recurred to Kouki’s recollection, feeling that not only himself but his senior as well was dealing with some sort of issues with his parents, and he glanced at Tsuzuki with a touch of uncertainty.

“To think that he is also affiliated with my sister, the world is indeed a very small place.”

As he tucked his smartphone into his pocket and focused his gaze on the other person, it was obvious that Kouki had a mystified expression across his face. After briefly wondering if he should say something to him, he tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

“You’re going to be self-reliant after you graduate from high school, right, Kouki? I’ll be right behind you in that time, rest assured.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

The word “self-reliance” elicited a bit of strain and tension on him, but he displayed a look of relief that his friend would be there for him. After reassuring Kouki, Tsuzuki grabbed his smartphone again as if he had recalled something.

“Now, let’s call my father. Kouki, we are going to America, okay?”

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“Eh, isn’t this a bit sudden?”

To go there now would cost a considerable amount of time for preparation.

The astonishment in his eyes prompted an irrepressible fit of laughter from Tsuzuki.

“Haha, not today. I have my passport to deal with, and I need some time off… I think my sister said he wanted to arrive in the U.S. within two weeks…”

“Within two weeks… I’m fairly certain my dad and your dad are close friends, right? Maybe I’ll ask my dad to help out… It’s possible he knows Ichinose’s parents too…”

He had never anticipated that Kouki would propose negotiating with his father, so his eyes widened and stiffened temporarily.

“… Eh, would that be alright?”

Having spent so long living passively as an “illegitimate child,” in the presence of his parents, it was no wonder that Tsuzuki was worried. Kouki inclined his neck while bitterly smiling at the question, which could be said to be a natural one.

“Well, it may not be alright, but if Ichinose is going to confront his parents, I think I have to face mine as well.”

“Face it?”

When asked, Kouki’s expression was extremely serious and earnest.

“Yes. The reality of me being an ‘illegitimate child’ is something I’ve always thought was something I have no control over, but it seems I’m the only one who’s running away from this… so I want to lend a helping hand to Ichinose. I believe my parents have more leverage than the rest of the parents.”

“… Well, it’s infuriating, but you’re right.”

When Tsuzuki undeniably nodded, Kouki drew out his smartphone with a brief sigh, as if he had resolved to do so.

“I’ll try to negotiate.”

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Even though he affirmed this and tapped the touch panel, his fingertips gradually began to tremble.

He had never made a phone call to his father before.

The first time anyone does something like this, a certain amount of anxiety accompanies it.

This is even more true for those involving a particular circumstance.

The pressure caused his fingers to freeze, his breathing to hasten, and his body to begin to shiver.

Watching over Kouki, Tsuzuki gingerly touched him on the shoulder.

“How about I make the call for you first?”

“… Sorry.”

After all, it appeared that a substantial degree of tenseness had overtaken him. After handing the smartphone to Tsuzuki, Kouki took a slow, deep breath. Within moments, Tsuzuki began to speak.

“… Ah, hello. This is Akiyoshi Tsuzuki. Thank you for always looking after my father.”

Once the social pleasantries were over, he quickly cut to the chase.

“Kouki said he needs to talk to you, so he will take over for me.”

Having said this, he offered the smartphone to Kouki. When Kouki made eye contact, he accepted the smartphone with a timid nod.


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He gently held it to his ear.

“… What’s up?”


His brusque tone of voice sent tremors through Kouki’s eardrums, jolting him to his core.

It was frightening.

But he had to speak.


Although he managed to utter the words in a wavering voice, if he did not mention the specifics, the other party would not reply. Until Kouki delivered his next words, his father waited silently. The longer the time dragged on, the more nervous Kouki would become. Therefore, he boldly assembled his words.

“I want you to get an aeroplane…”


Naturally, it was answered back by a question.

Kouki was not willing to be overwhelmed by the other party.

He spoke up and gave his end of the sentence.

“I’m fine with you leaving me as your ‘illegitimate child’. I hope you will help Ichinose!”

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