Chapter 67 – The Brink Surrounding Kouki

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With the momentum he carried, he spewed out what he wished to convey in a daring moment.

As Kouki’s breathing grew ragged with tension and agitation, Tsuzuki stroked him lightly on the back.

To prevent others from noticing, Tsuzuki took him gently over to a bench surrounded by trees in the garden.

Once they sat down slowly side by side, simultaneously, a hushed sigh released deeply from Kouki’s parted lips.

A period of silence ensued, and it was his father who spoke first.

“… I guess this might be the first time we’ve ever talked like this.”


In a composed and dignified style, he took a breath once, and exhaled a wobbling breath so that the other side could not catch it.

“I know practically nothing about you.”

His father began to speak softly to Kouki, who kept silent.

“I needed to regard you as an ‘illegitimate child’. Because of this, we have never been able to hold a proper conversation.”


“I really would have liked to attend and participate in all sorts of events you participate, but… work took precedence.”

“… I understand. I can’t interfere with your work.”

Although somewhat quivering, his words must have been distinct as he returned them with determined intent.

Whether it was in response to Kouki’s reaction or not, the other party burst into exhaled laughter over the phone.

“I heard… you’re contemplating becoming independent when you graduate from high school.”

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“!! T-That’s…”

A person with whom he has never engaged in a decent conversation.

Not to mention the realization of learning such things that even he had never revealed to his mother, rendered Kouki at a loss for words.

As if sensing this, his father resumed.

“I heard it from Akiyoshi.”


When he hurriedly switched his focus to Tsuzuki, he swiftly averted his gaze.

Doing such unnecessary things…

“I will remain to treat you as my ‘illegitimate child’ even from now on.”

Kouki’s expression faded and he gnashed his back teeth at the information he had been confronted by without hesitation.

“… Yes.”

Even so, he couldn’t say he hated it. Nodding, he waited for the words that would carry on.

“In public, you will pretend to be a stranger.”

“… I know.”

He replied irrefutably, inwardly reminding himself that this too was as it had always been.

“That’s why I want to fulfill your wishes as best I can.”

“Yes… eh?”

After responding laconically, as if constraining his mind to neither deny nor counter anything that was said, a question mark involuntarily followed.

My wish…?

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Perhaps it was a mishearing. But he didn’t have the courage to ascertain.


As he stayed silent, powerless to answer, a faint sigh could be heard from the other end of the phone. Kouki’s body stiffened anew wondering what was about to be mentioned.

“I know that as a father, I’m disqualified. I don’t even know how to handle this, but that’s nothing more than an excuse…”

“What do you mean…?”

The words were assembled so spontaneously that a straightforward doubt popped out of Kouki’s mouth.

“I’ve never done anything resembling being a father, but you’ve always addressed me as ‘Dad’.”

“That’s because… there’s only one dad for me…”

For Kouki, the other party was his father, an irreplaceable being.

That feeling will never change.

“Do you see me as your father?”

“Isn’t it obvious…”

There can be no other person in the world except for his real father for him to view them as his father.

With this feeling aroused, his words intensified slightly, and a tinge of urgency crept into his expression as he wondered what he should do.

“… I see…”

“It doesn’t matter how you look at me, Dad. Even if I am an ‘illegitimate child,’ I don’t care if I carry on the same way as before. I just want you to help Ichinose. I want to be in a position to be of help to him. Please.”

Seeing that the other side was not continuing to speak, Kouki daringly reiterated what he wished for.

“… I consider Kouki as my own child.”


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He did not doubt it.

Nevertheless, the words he never imagined he would hear from his father’s mouth drew out in a natural response.

“You might not believe me… but I heard about your matters through Tsuzuki’s father.”


When he glared at him sullenly, the other cowered his shoulders as he reopened the door.

“Because they asked me to enlighten them. And they also told me not to mention it to you.”

“It’s… cunning that I’m the only one who had no idea about this…”

Kouki’s teary eyes relaxed at Tsuzuki’s words.

“The way I have been treating you will never be a praiseworthy act. You may say it’s wrong… So, although it may sound farfetched… as I said earlier, I want to fulfill your wishes as best as I can.”


He wondered what he would wish for the other person. When thinking about it afresh, he couldn’t figure it out.

“Let me get a private jet for you. When the date is set, contact me later.”

“Ah… thank you.”

With his words, Kouki’s scattered thoughts coalesced into one, and he hastily thanked his father.

“I’ve asked for Akiyoshi’s support when you leave home… and become independent in the next three years. Please bear with me until then.”

The way he and his father will continue to correspond with each other will remain the same.

That was not a joyous thing to say.

Nonetheless, the fact that he was paying even the slightest bit of consideration to him, a minor thing that might be taken for granted by other people, brought Kouki a great deal of joy.

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He wiped his eyes with his sleeve hoping that the person on the other end of the phone wouldn’t perceive it.

“It’s alright. I have Tsuzuki with me.”

After answering that definitively and confidently, he ended the call. Instantly, Tsuzuki, who was sitting next to him, embraced him from the side with all his force.

“Leave it to me! I’ll protect you!”

“Heh heh, I’m counting on you.”

When he gave a bashful smile in reply, Tsuzuki’s palm swept over Kouki’s cheek. Then, finally realizing that he had shed more tears than he had expected, Kouki’s cheeks reddened.

“Ugh, I’m so embarrassed…”

He attempted to tear his eyes away from his face in a panic, but Tsuzuki caught him by the chin and forced him to face him.

“Don’t be shy.”

“Eh, eh, Tsuzuki, hey… wait…”

Kouki’s words were interrupted by their overlapping lips. His lips slowly parted within several seconds.

“… Do you hate it?”

At close range, the expression on Tsuzuki’s face as he posed the question was even more masculine than ever. Kouki’s eyes widened in surprise and he went rigid, but after blinking a few times, he shook his head and denied it. His face flushed crimson as he looked away.

“If I didn’t like it, I’d probably beat the hell out of you.”

When he answered in embarrassment, Tsuzuki’s face lit up and he retrieved his smartphone.

“Okay, in that case, Kouki and I have feelings for each other.”

While the other party announced in a lighthearted tone, Kouki shot a quizzical look at him.

“… T-That king of thing, is it really okay to be saying it so lightheartedly?”

“It’s alright to take things lightly, isn’t it? Anyway, I have to report this to my sister.”

He responded with an overtly gleeful “hmmm,” and began to call his sister to deliver the message before Kouki’s embarrassment had abated.

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