Ever Ever After

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Lawrence’s Proposal

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Clint didn’t know that Lawrence never cared for Ailea. He thought the Crown Prince postponed the marriage due to her health, but now he knows the truth.

Clint’s lips tugged upwards, slightly. “If a woman like Lady Rita was by my side, I wouldn’t dare look at any other woman. I can guarantee you that, Your Highness,” said Clint.


“Should I talk to her?”

At the moment Clint let out a mischievous chatter, Lawrence’s heart that didn’t want to let go of Ailea faded to oblivion. He couldn’t allow this… womanizer to touch Rita.

“In terms of beauty, Ailea, who is engaged to me, is as beautiful as her,” Lawrence said.


“You know, right? Ailea Elgar Euilana? She is the daughter of Ron Elgar Euliana that you so dearly admire.”

“Mmn. I see.” 

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It was the first Lawrence had ever talked about his fiance to another.

“She’s magnificent. She can’t be compared to Rita,” Lawrence continued. 

She wasn’t pretty, though. 


H-huh? Was he truly, surprisedly worried about Ailea’s health? Clint bit his tongue. 

‘Damn brat, which side are you on? Choose one, you snake-like brat…’ Clint thought.

Clint was upset at Lawrence’s words.

“His Majesty the Emperor was thinking about how to honor you because of your glorious services.”

“I see.”

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“He even asked me to give up my woman.”

Clint’s forehead, which was calm and resting, narrowed.

“What joke is that?” Clint scoffed. 

“Yeah…. you won’t find a better woman as good as her in this world. Moreover, you’ve something to pay back to Ron Elgar Euliana, Clint Risher.”


“You’re the only one who escaped from the throes of war.”

Clint’s expression hardened. He had nothing to say.

“Well, I know you won’t argue with me because you’re worn out. She’s never had a relationship with me. That woman, she’s shy; even refused our first night,” Lawrence continued speaking leisurely like a beast with sharp teeth.

It was surprising how he could talk about a woman he had been engaged with for seven years without any slightest bit of affection.

“What do you think? You don’t want her? She’s more beautiful than Rita and the daughter of the man you look up to.”

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“…His Majesty said he wanted to pair me off with her?”

“Yes,” Lawrence nodded, “I can’t do anything if it’s His Majesty’s will.”

It was a forced marriage.

Much like his father, Lawrence was the same. Lawrence was soon to become emperor and he’s wary of influential aristocratic nobles who’d be a threat to him and his seat of throne. They’d think of any possible means to trample them.

Clint recalled the previous nobility who died as vanguards in the previous wars. Like Murray, the emperor who pushed Ailea’s father to the battlefield, Lawrence was doing the same.

Ron, the former captain, was aware of this. He warned Clint over and over again to never be seen by the Crown Prince should he return back to Imperial City alice; that he should pretend as if he had died till reaching adulthood.

Clint couldn’t believe Lawrence was desperately attempting to give him his woman to forcefully break up the engagement. 

No, this was expected. He had seen the Crown Prince’s true nature far too many times to count. But what about Ailea? What was her end?

To Lawrence, she was nothing more but a pile of thing left forgotten in the back of his drawer. He was tired and weary because that thing was alive and kept rotting his life. The best outcome was to get rid of that thing in the most convenient way.

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Clint thought it wouldn’t matter which woman he married. He knew he’d never be a faithful husband so he thought it better to marry a woman who expected nothing from him and to marry in a political marriage and live their own separate lives thereafter.

But if it was Ailea…

Surprisingly, Clint wasn’t angered.

“What do you think?” Lawrence asked impatiently.

“What do I think? If I’m ordered, then I should dash straight to it. Didn’t this come from the emperor?”

“That’s one thing, but don’t you have a woman that you like?”

Clint shook his head. “I have none. I’ll have the same thoughts with any woman I’m with, if I’m being honest.”

Lawrence smiled slightly at his words.

“That’s a relief. Ah! But never go near her before we break our engagement because she’s still my woman. And she’s residing in the Outer Castle right now. It’s better if you don’t go there.”

‘This brat…’ Clint cursed inwardly.

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