Ever Ever After

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Do You Remember Me?

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For the knights who fought in the war, finding work in the Imperial Castle was a piece of cake. They had contributed much to the growth of the empire, after all.

But currently… because they had a required victory party in a few days and needed to prepare, they cut out clothes quickly, memorized the order of the ceremony, and learned the dance for the knighting ceremony; they had no time to rest. Meanwhile, they trained and trained. 

The knights who returned to the Outer Castle were utterly exhausted. They looked thoughtfully at the number of bedsheets that Ailea had washed during the day. She must have felt sorry for them.

“We have to take a bath, right, Vice-Commander?” Kaiton secretly asked Tarren.


“If we don’t take a bath, Ailea will be mad…”

“Right, let’s take a bath.We’re human beings anyway. Let’s take a bath once in a while.”

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It was difficult to lie down and sleep and the sheets were so clean that they felt sorry for lying down on them with a body full of dirt and stain. Eventually, they led their battered bodies to the bathhouse located on the side of the castle.

Thinking that they’d be pleased with the clean sheets, Ailea saw the men came out of the bedroom with agonized faces. She thought she had bothered them—that they’ve grown aware of the strong pungent scent of their feet. 

Not long after, the knights finished bathing and went out. It was the first time in a while that they had changed their clothes either. 

They laid on the bed thereafter.

“Whoah! This is heaven…”

“Ailea, don’t you think you worked too…”

“That’s what I was…”

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Then, she heard snoring sounds and Ailea, who was eavesdropping behind the door, looked at the bedroom with an absurd look. Everyone fell asleep, exhausted and unable to finish their sentence. She was proud that they slept soundly in a clean bedroom. It was as if she had found her calling to serve people.

After confirming everyone had slept, she headed to the bathhouse to wash her body. The Outer Castle had plenty of hot water flowing from the heated spring water.

Living with men was inconvenient, but there was nothing to worry about once they fell asleep. They’d never wake up unless they hear the voice of a female.

But just in case, she went to the bathtub that had curtains, carefully draped it down, took off her clothes, hung them on the wall, filled the tub with water, and went inside. As the warm water hit her, sleepiness washed over her. She worked too hard with what little stamina she had.

Dozing off, she leaned her head against the wall.

Falling asleep deeper, she was surprised to hear the sound of the curtains opening. Her eyes bulged wide, gaze meeting with the man who opened the curtain. Fortunately, she was soaked so deep in the water that only her neck stood out in plain view. But still, she was naked. 

Clint slowly opened his shirt as well.

Ailea quickly turned and faced the wall. She was surprised that she couldn’t think of anything. She thought no one but her would take a bath at this time of the hour.

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Clint, on the other hand, wasn’t in the least bit surprised. Though a little embarrassed at the unexpected surprise, he didn’t flinch nor let out a muffled yelp.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear anything,” Clint said.

“I… I fell asleep. I’m… sorry…”

“It seems like you take a bath often. Even so, it’s not something that can be washed off.”

Ailea’s shoulders trembled. His blunt voice gave her a cold feeling.

What he said was right.

After the black-spotted marks spread through her body, she’d taken baths frequently to the point of insanity. She thought that if she cleaned herself often, then she’d rid herself of the disease.

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Clint’s left hand, too, was black, and it had risen to his forearms. It spread like a wildfire. 

Was it because he thought of her each time he saw that hideous disease? Ailea wondered.

“I’ll be going soon…” Ailea said quietly.

She should’ve been more careful to avoid him, yet she had confronted him at the wrong time.

Ailea quickly rose up and fumbled through the maid uniform hanging on the wall; she put it over her wet body quickly. She needed to get away as soon as possible. 

While Ailea opened the curtain, the half-naked Clint who, perhaps, was too lazy to wear a shirt again stood there waiting. 

“Do you remember me?” he asked.

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