Ever Ever After

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Saved You

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When her name was called, Ailea stopped in her tracks, surprised. She could only nod her head. She saw a ring on Rita’s hand and the beautiful woman hid her hand behind her back.

“Th-that’s not it, Lady Ailea…” Rita stuttered.

“It’s fine.”

“I’m sorry. I wanted to apologize.”

Ailea shook her head with a smile. “It’s fine. Then I’ll be go—”

“Ah, yes! Sorry for holding you back. Will you be attending Commander Clint’s knighting ceremony? A party will be held thereafter, too.”

One noblewoman standing at Rita’s side gasped hearing Clint’s name. There was a spark in her eyes.

“No, I’m not feeling too well,” Ailea answered.

“I see…”

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“Isn’t it better for you to come?” asked one of the noblewomen. “You should look for other men as well.”

“Th-that’s true…”

But I think I’m going to marry the star of the ceremony.

Ailea was embarrassed, but only slightly so. She found it pleasing to be able to hold a conversation with other women. It’s been ages and her lack of social experiences made her unable to sense the sarcastic remarks of the noblewomen.

“Oh, come to think of it, Lady Ailea, isn’t it your birthday today? It’s such a shame that today’s a tragic day for you.”

Ailea blinked, wondering what they were talking about. Then it dawned on her and a soft “Ah…” slipped out of her tongue.

“Yeah… you’re right.”

The noblewomen burst out into laughter.

“So what if you just realized now. Oh, will the Crown Prince take care of you, right? He called you today.”

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“No, I don’t think so.”

“Oh, please do! Show us the gift the Crown Prince will present to you. We’re so curious, Lady Ailea.”

Troubled, Ailea was at a loss for words. She managed to slip out of the crowd with much difficulty and headed towards the office.

Kaiton, who had been watching from afar, crunched his brows. He saw Clint walking out of the Imperial Castle’s library. The eyes of the noblewomen immediately focused on Clint. As he entered the corridor of the Imperial Castle, Kaiton appeared before him.

“Where are you going?” Kaiton asked.

“The Crown Prince told me to pick up Ailea after that fool breaks their engagement. Why?”

“Oh, that’s good to know,” he said, smiling. “Did you know that today is her birthday?”


“What? You don’t know?” Kaiton’s mouth dropped to the ground. “You’ll soon become her fiance and you don’t even know the day of her birthday?”

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“I don’t want to hear that from you, brat.”


“I know, I know. Today’s her birthday, right?”

“Yes. And as you know, today’s supposed to be her wedding ceremony and the day she would marry the Crown Prince. But it turned out like this… Those snobby noblewomen keep teasing her. Aile didn’t even know she was being bullied.”

Clint’s gaze darkened.

Kaiton continued. “It may be because she’s been living in a bubble for two years that she doesn’t have much social awareness. I’ll leave this to you, Commander.”

Kaiton left, hiding the bitterness in his heart.

Clint, who’d been silent all this time sighed. “Why does it have to be today of all days? That fucking bastard. At least have some…”

To break up the engagement on the day of her birthday? That’s cold. Clint knew he hadn’t done it on purpose. Knowing him, he probably didn’t know today was a special day for her.

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Clint’s eyes grew fierce. “Fuck.”


Lawrence looked at Ailea.

“You came,” he said, sighing. He had wanted to get this over with in one fell swoop, but he could not. He had a lot to explain.  “Is that cat still alive?”


“I know you’re angry with me.”

Should he justify what he would soon do to her or appease her with words? Lawrence thought of many things, but it didn’t seem right.

He looked at Ailea again.

“You know, I saved you, Ailea.”

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