Ever Ever After

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Piece of Trash

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She was confused.

“Let’s end our engagement and don’t tell anyone about our past relationship.”

It was absurd. He didn’t murder her in cold blood. No, he saved her. So in return she should keep it a secret? This entirety of it was irrational, but Ailea didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity to separate herself from Lawrence.

“I see… I’m saddened that I will no longer be your… but thank you, Your Highness. Thank you for taking care of me so far.”

Her reaction was unexpected. Thank you? And to the man who attempted to murder her? He was baffled.

Ailea smiled softly, the veil hiding her smile.

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“I need you to sign the papers to officially annul our engagement,” Lawrence said half-heartedly.

Ailea nodded. “Yes. Then I will do that.”

“Call the priest,” Lawrence ordered the secretary.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The secretary immediately brought a priest in to officiate the signing of the papers. Although dating was open and highly encouraged in Teniac, it was a different matter when it came to official marriage documents. Divorces were complicated and the Imperial Family would need to go through specific procedures.

The priest then held a ceremony asking the Crown Prince to be blessed with divine protection and to forgive him for breaking the promised engagement. He turned around and faced Ailea.

“Please open your veil for a moment.”

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Ailea hesitated but she took it off. Her beautiful blonde hair exuded a nice, fragrant smell. Lawrence noticed the flower pin in her hair when he last made a decision to end her life. Without him realizing, she had quite a mature poise. Her hair was neatly arranged and she had quite the small hands.

“Face each other. Wish the other side everlasting happiness.”

Lawrence and Ailea looked each other in the eyes. Lawrence stood still, his presence caught in Ailea’s sky blue eyes. It seemed to hold bountiful stories.

Ailea, too, looked at him and smiled unknowingly. Today was the happiest day of her life. She never thought that she’d have the chance to separate from Lawrence and the Imperial Family, but it came to be. She didn’t care what would become of her future, she was glad to be free.

May 15th… she won’t ever forget this day.

“…Why are you smiling?” Lawrence asked, forgetting to pray for her happiness as the priest instructed.

“It’s because I wish for your happiness, Your Highness.”

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Who are you to dare wish me happiness? An ugly beast like you would dare?

Lawrence hated the sound of her sweet words. He was filled with the urge to grab her slender neck and snap it in two. He dumped her like a piece of trash. Why was she not upset? She should be upset. Why is she smiling as if she’d been waiting for this all along? And those beautiful eyes…

His face kept distorting.

Meanwhile, the priest concluded the ending of the ceremony and Ailea said her farewell.

“I’ll be going now, Your Highness.”

“Wait a minute. I’ve to introduce you to the man you’re about to marry.”

Lawrence immediately covered Ailea’s face with the veil.

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A sense of embarrassment flashed across her eyes. Now? Clint’s here?

Lawrence opened the door and there was Clint standing tall and proud, deceitfully playing the part of a surprised guest with his golden eyes wide open as he looked at Ailea.

“You called me, Your Highness?” Clint asked stiffly.

“Yes. She’s Ailea Elgar Euliana, daughter of Captain Ron. Our engagement has been nullified. You can take her with you.”

Clint stared blankly.

Lawrence turned to Ailea. “He’s the man you’re going to marry.”


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