Ever Ever After

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: My Woman Now

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“I couldn’t leave you alone right after we broke up, Ailea. With the Emperor’s great generosity, he decided to marry you to Clint Risher.”

Clint held back the anger longing to break free. He couldn’t believe the bastard explained it to her only after he showed up. It must have been difficult for Ailea. She was called here to have their engagement annulled and then handed over to another man without a second thought like a toy to be thrown around. How would she react if he hadn’t told her in advance?

“I’m sure you’ve heard of him. He’s Clint Risher, Commander of the Knights Order and the hero who recaptured Excalibur. He would be a great match to dazzlingly beautiful you.”


“You think so, too, right?”

Ailea did not answer.

Dazzlingly beautiful… She was not that sort of girl that would compliment Clint. Not someone beastly like her…

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Clint looked at Ailea, curious to see the expression behind her veil. He wanted to know what she was thinking. He looked down and noticed her fingertips trembling.

Bastard, you should treat a woman properly.

At that moment, Clint held Ailea’s wrist and pulled her close to him. He looked at Lawrence and said, “I suppose she’s my woman now.”

Ailea was startled. “Com… Commander?”

This act alone would have sent Clint to prison. He didn’t care.

Ailea tried pulling away, but it was futile. It was as if she was a young child struggling to break free.

“Please let go…” Ailea said, her voice quivering.

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“I don’t want to.”

Ailea’s eyes widened.

Clint gently stroked her wrist as if to reassure her without Lawrence noticing. That little act relieved Ailea’s nervousness, and Clint, who was surging with anger, calmed down.

Clint wanted to let Lawrence know that the woman he casually threw away was an act he would soon regret. Ailea had a good heart. She’s sweet and she’d definitely be a good wife to Lawrence, but the bastard had broken her.

Someday, this man will taste regret, Clint determined.

“I’ll accept your gift gratefully, Your Highness,” Clint bowed, smiling mischievously.

He then left, bringing Ailea with him.

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Meanwhile, Lawrence stood still unsure what to feel.

He thought he’d feel better if he got rid of Ailea, but the uneasiness hadn’t subsided at all. He didn’t want that beast, he wanted her gone. But why wasn’t he content? Why was a sense of regret blooming in his heart?

But suddenly thinking how Clint would react soon as he unveiled her brought a smile to his face. He’d run away from his spot, right? Lawrence felt somewhat better thinking of it.


Soon as they left the office, Ailea pulled away from Clint’s grip.

“Don’t you know?” he smiled. “The Crown Prince will surely be jealous.”

“…That won’t happen,” she replied restlessly.

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“I know I’d be jealous, though.”

Ailea looked up at Clint, shocked. “You shouldn’t—”

A clear, chattering sound in the garden suddenly echoed. They had such beautiful voices, colorful dresses, and pretty jewels. And when they wore makeup, they looked gorgeous and out of this world. She could never look like them. She was different. She wasn’t human, just a beast trapped in the body of a woman.

Clint noticed the sudden change in her mood.

“Could you please not walk with me?” Ailea asked softly.

He tilted his head. “Why?”

“You’d look weird if you were seen with me,” she said, walking away before Clint could utter a reply.

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