Ever Ever After

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: I’m Your Gift

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The noblewomen noticed Ailea from afar and scurried towards her.

“Ah, how are you faring, Lady Ailea? Are you alright?”

Ailea nodded lightly. “I’m alright.”

The noblewoman named Lady Norton grumbled. “To break the engagement on the day of your birthday, he’s so inattentive.”

“It’s fine, really.”

“He didn’t even part you with any gif—”

She was about to blurt out the last word till she noticed Clint’s presence. He was standing behind Ailea. The color of his golden eyes was splendidly beautiful even under the evening sun. Her heart fluttered looking into his eyes. This man was naughty and mischievous and she loved the overwhelming mystery of his eyes. And his composure, it oozed so much confidence that her knees went weak.

“What brings you here, Commander Clint?” Rita asked in Norton’s stead.

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“Just bringing the Crown Prince’s birthday present to Lady Ailea.”


“It’s me,” he said, smiling. He looked at Rita and Norton alternately while bobbing his head.

There was a moment of silence. Ailea, who was the first to grasp the meaning of his words, quickly blushed. On the other hand, Clint shrugged as if his words hadn’t borne much weight.

As soon as the noblewomen’s eyes turned to Ailea, she blazed to the door without saying a word, much less a farewell.

“Excuse me, ladies,” Clint said, following after her with giant strides. “You left without me. Isn’t that a bit rude?”

“…You’re talking nonsense.”

“But I’m right though. I’m yours. I’m your birthday present, your future husband.”

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Wh-what sly dog! Playboy! Stupid playboy…

How he could say such shameful things as if it was natural without blushing was absurd.

She looked back for a moment and noticed the noblewomen who held a varying degree of affection towards Clint stared at her mindlessly. Ailea hadn’t expected it, but she somehow caught the golden egg. As she turned away, she made eye contact with Rita. A sudden chill surged from her back. It was a cold, piercing gaze, but Rita turned back to her usual self and smiled sweetly, waving her a sweet goodbye.


“I guess many people know what I look like.”


“I went to the Imperial Castle with my face fully covered, yet Lady Rita was able to recognize me.”

She found it odd that anyone would recognize her when was covered from head to toe.

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Ah, that’s right. Rita called her by her first name.

“Well, they know you’re sick, but not the details. The maids and servants’ gossiping might have spread beyond their inner circle.”

“Ah, is that so? They might have heard it from the Crown Prince, too.”

“It seems to be the case.”

Was Lawrence the sort of person to speak ill of Ailea in front of Rita? Clint wondered while leaning his arm against the carriage’s door frame.

“Once I’m done with my shift today, I’ll come see you again alongside my subordinate,” he said, aiding Ailea to the carriage.

“You’re coming back today?”

“Of course. I can’t leave you all alone on your special day.”

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“Clint,” she called his name gently.


“You don’t need to be so sweet to me… I know you feel obligated to do so, but you don’t need to. I know you don’t want a wife, just someone to act as your wife.”

“What? I don’t get you,” he smiled mischievously. “If you’re playing the part of a wife, I’m playing the part of a husband. It’s expected for a husband to escort his wife out safely, too. I’m sincerely playing the role of a good husband.”

He knew women, but not so much Ailea. She lived a different life lacking the warmth and love of a lover. If that was the case, he would play that role of a lover for her and give her a once in a lifetime experience.

Ailea blinked. “…Alright. If that’s what you want.”

Was she dreaming? She must be. Sooner or later, when he grows tired of her and finds his true love, will she have to wake up from this dream? The answer was yes. She’ll have to, but for now she was content. At least she’ll be able to send a letter to her family that she will marry soon.

Though if ever she fell in love with him… the wound in her heart would be too painful to bear. She shouldn’t expect too much. This was more than enough.

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