Part Twelve: Brothers (End)

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Xia Zhi really didn’t know how to deal with Magician anymore. Naturally, he wished and thought it would be best for Ye Qia to immediately sever ties with Magician, but Ye Qia also made it clear “that would be impossible” as they were in the same industry and were good friends. The friendship between them had already lasted for many years.

“In addition, he has leverage on me.” Ye Qia sighed and said, “Of course, I have leverage on him as well, but I still don’t want to provoke him. If you provoke him, he isn’t the type to quietly commit suicide like Queen. He’ll tie you to the car and crash you into the ocean with him.”

Xia Zhi asked curiously, “What kind of leverage?”

“Financially related stuff.” Ye Qia shrugged. “It’s better if you don’t know.”

“Then what now?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Ye Qia thought for a moment and said, “Magician knows how things stand, as long as you don’t provoke him.”

Xia Zhi was still on edge. Who knew that a few days later, things would turn out the way Ye Qia said they would. Magician called to say “I’ve found my true love” and even specifically asked after Xia Zhi’s speed in bed. After hearing this, Xia Zhi was partly disdainful and partly glad. When Ye Qia returned in the evening, Xia Zhi hurriedly told Ye Qia about it.

“Just like I said.” Ye said smilingly, “No need for worry.”

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Xia Zhi said with some skepticism, “Did he really find love? How could it be that fast? Or is he faking it?”

“You don’t need to concern yourself with it.” Ye Qia dropped into thought for a moment and said, “Perhaps we’ll soon be able to meet his other half.”

Ye Qia’s assessment of Magician was very accurate. A few days later, they received Magician’s invitation to present his true love. Xia Zhi went off with great interest and when he met the person in the flesh, he was startled—Magician’s true love was a woman. After being with Ye Qia for so long, he practically forgot that this was the societal norm. Thinking back carefully, Ye Qia did say that Magician was bisexual.

Magician was the same as usual without the slightest change in behavior. His girlfriend was actually a beauty with an enviable figure and sweet smile, and a spotlight seemed to shine on her when she moved, attracting countless gazes as soon as she walked into the restaurant. Even Magician was reduced to being her foil, particularly when it came to that pair of huge breasts—it had a lethality of 1000% for men who were not gay.

“Magician likes this type?” Xia Zhi leaned into Ye Qia’s ear and quietly asked, “Typically men who like other men don’t like big-chested women, right?”

Ye Qia said coolly, “Which law dictates that?”

“Uh, it’s what people say.”

“You think too much.” Ye Qia nodded at Gourmand and Wang Ke as he said, “Magician has always liked big-chested women.”

Xia Zhi studied for a moment and still couldn’t help but look away. Although he wasn’t completely gay, he still had trouble accepting breasts this large.

“You don’t think they’re fake, do you?”

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Just as he asked this, Magician pushed himself back from the table and stood up. He tidied his collar and said courteously, “First off, I need to emphasize one thing: my girlfriend’s breasts aren’t fake.”

The woman seemed very satisfied, smiling as she said, “How could fake ones be worthy of Dr. Jian! Hello everyone, I’m a nurse at Jian-dage’s hospital. Are you all Xiao He’s friends?”

Xiao He? What kind of disgusting nickname is that?!

When Xia Zhi finally recovered from his shock and was about to speak, Magician had already stolen the conversation. “These two are my friends.” He then turned and pointed at Xia Zhi, “These two are a gay couple. Have you been watching TV recently? About the man Bai Min was pursuing and the third party?”

“Oh, I remember!” The woman’s eyes widened as she covered her mouth and said in shock, “It’s you, are you Director Bai’s lover? The other man?”

Xia Zhi’s expression was contorted. He glanced at Ye Qia only to find that the man was calm as could be, as if he hadn’t heard these words at all. Xia Zhi could no longer keep his cool and had to retort, “Didn’t you also propose to Bai Man?”

“That plan was thought up by Xiao Mei.” Magician said cheerfully to his girlfriend, “So clever.”

“Of course,” Xiao Mei laughed. “Xiao He was so distressed at the time, saying his friend was being pursued, so I came up with a plan for him. I didn’t think he’d really do it. Had I known it was Bai Min, I wouldn’t have been so bold!”

“In any case, I can count it as practice.” Magician revealed a rare look of affection. “I didn’t make any mistakes when I proposed to you, did I?”

“Oh, you’re the worst!”

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Xia Zhi said in astonishment, “You guys are…married?”

“Nooo!” Xiao Mei shyly showed the ring on her ring finger. “Just engaged.”

Everyone rose to give their congratulations and the private room tinkled with the sound of a woman’s laughter. Xia Zhi was stunned but joined everyone in congratulations, acting like he knew nothing else. Luckily Magician didn’t do anything more besides make fun of Xia Zhi once or twice. Ye Qia, who was at the root of all this, breezed through the entire ordeal, making Xia Zhi grit his teeth in resentment.

When he finally made it through the gathering, Xia Zhi let out a huge sigh of relief. The group of people walked out. As they waited for the car, the three doms were gathered and chatting together, leaving the three “other halves” standing on the side somewhat awkwardly.

Wang Ke was alright with his serious face looking down at his phone. As for the large-chested one, Xia Zhi didn’t know whether to look or not, or where to direct his gaze.

“Xiao He often mentions you.” It was Xiao Mei who broke the silence first. “He thinks very highly of you!”

“Really?” Xia Zhi laughed. “He’s definitely got nothing good to say, right?”

“Oh, no.” Xiao Mei said smartly, “He says you’re a reliable person.”

“Reliable? How did he reach that conclusion?”

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“I don’t know either.” Xiao Mei tilted her head. “He says you’re the type he’d entrust with his most precious thing.”

Xia Zhi was stunned, an unnamed feeling surging from within, melancholy yet relief. He looked at the trio who were chatting and bantering, inexplicably thinking back to the first time he met Ye Qia’s friends in the dim corridor of an empty hospital where Gourmand, Queen, and Magician were waiting for him. Now, Queen had passed and Magician had also found his true love—nevermind whether it was real or not—he and Ye Qia had mutually confessed, too, establishing a stable household.

Everyone had moved on; things had changed.

“Let’s go.”

Ye Qia’s voice interrupted Xia Zhi’s little trip down memory lane. He looked at the other four people leaving in pairs towards their cars. Unable to let go of the misgivings in his heart, he specifically pulled Magician to the side and asked quietly, “Does this mean you acknowledge me now?”

Magician smiled lightly. “Acknowledge what?”

“You said I’m the type of person you’d entrust your most precious thing to.”


“Does this mean you acknowledge Ye Qia and I?”

Magician looked at Xia Zhi for a moment and broke into a grin. “You think too much, Ye Qia and I are just good brothers.”

He whistled and turned nonchalantly, trotting up to Xiao Mei.

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