Part Thirteen: Let the Pros Handle It (1)

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CW: This arc involves discussions about and attempts at roleplaying rape. To skip the topic altogether, jump to chapter 113 (not available yet).

After resolving the matter with Magician, there was a period of time in which Xia Zhi remained in low spirits, often idling on the balcony holding a cup of coffee and various meat snacks in melancholy, looking wistful as he munched non-stop.

Ye Qia observed all this but did not intervene. It wasn’t anything alarming, so he was going to just let Xia Zhi be. He didn’t think the situation would persist for half a month and get even worse. Finally, when it got to be too much, Ye Qia decided he would properly ask about it and have a heart-to-heart or something like that.

“Do you feel you’ve wronged Magician?”


“Having pity for his feelings?”

“Not that either.”

“Then what’s the reason?”

Xia Zhi sighed lightly. “Don’t you think a feeling like this is beautiful? A love that can never be obtained, the love of your life or whatever. I even ended up with the love of Magician’s life. When I think of Magician sobbing ‘my darling’s gone’ I just feel strangely good.”


Ye Qia felt he could not let things go on like this. Lately, Xia Zhi had also been putting on weight rapidly. The weight he worked hard to shed had come back and was now increasing.

He said, “We haven’t done it in a long time, have we?”

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Using sex to bait Xia Zhi was foolproof. If there ever came a day when Xia Zhi wasn’t interested in “sleeping with Ye Qia” then the world would just about be in ruin. Sure enough, Xia Zhi livened up in an instant and said, “You’re free?”

Ye Qia had been very busy recently and Xia Zhi wouldn’t see him for entire days. Ye Qia even went on several long business trips to cooler temperature cities for “one-on-one” guidance. Although it was a treat to enjoy the local delicacies Ye Qia brought back from various places, Xia Zhi’s patience was gradually wearing thin. Every time Ye Qia walked through the door, his eyes would sparkle.

“Let’s try something special this time.”

Xia Zhi’s smile froze and he said warily, “What do you want to try now?”

“This time I’ll tell you everything that will happen,” Ye Qia quickly explained. “Zero surprises, guaranteed.”

Hearing this, Xia Zhi relaxed. “Alright, what are we doing?”

“Rape play.”

Xia Zhi immediately revealed a knowing expression. “Oh, like the thing you and Jia Jia did.”

Ye Qia gave a dry chuckle. “I promise it’ll be better than back then.”

Xia Zhi had roleplayed this with exes before, but it was still the same old story: none of them had a physique as good as Ye Qia’s. There was an ex-boyfriend who was only 168cm tall and insisted on roleplaying. During the kidnapping part, he had pulled hard on Xia Zhi several times without success and even ended up being “raped” by Xia Zhi’s chrysanthemum instead.

“Well alright, this weekend?”

“I won’t tell you the exact time. What’s the point if I tell you in advance?”

Startled, Xia Zhi asked hesitantly, “Then how will I know it’s you?”

Ye Qia stared at Xia Zhi for a moment. “Do you really think someone would just happen to rape you in that time period?”

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“You never know!” Xia Zhi emphasized, “What if? Besides, do you think I’m not attractive?”

Ye Qia rolled his eyes and gave it some thought, then pulled out a tube of lube from his pocket, pointing at the brand. “This is the brand of lube I use.”

“…You still need lube during a rape?”

“Maybe you want it to hurt, but I don’t!”

“Fine.” Xia Zhi was silent for a second, then asked, “But what if the real rapist also uses the same lube?”

Ye Qia wordlessly took out a marker and drew a cat in the blank space of the tube: pointy ears, four white paws, chubby.

“Does this work?”

At this, Xia Zhi nodded. A few seconds later, “Why is there lube and a marker in your pocket?”

“Because I’m a dom with a sense of professionalism.”

“There’s no logical link between the two things, is there? Anyway, what’s the marker used for?”

“It’s used to mark a slave’s body, to prevent missing the target for hitting or branding. It can also be used in humiliation play1.”

1Humiliation play can involve drawing or writing degrading things on the person’s body

“What’s branding?

“Human branding2.”

2Burning the skin’s surface to make a mark. In BDSM, this mark can be either temporary or permanent

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“Shit, that’s a thing?”

This time Ye Qia didn’t immediately reply and gave Xia Zhi a long look. He held up a finger and said, “You get one last question. Keep asking and sex will be canceled.”

Xia Zhi shut his mouth tightly, looking in serious contemplation for some time, then asked, “Why did you draw a cat and not a dog? Are you dissatisfied with Michelle in some way?”



Ye Qia felt drained after this exchange with Xia Zhi, more tired than he would’ve been had he taken three simultaneous night shifts. What surprised him was what Xia Zhi did next.

“When you do it, you have to dress more rugged, like one of those really crude and useless, but super buff looking men, the kind that look like they do bricklaying at a construction site!”

Ye Qia, who was eating, vigorously chewed his pork and said indistinctly with his mouth full, “I won’t shower for three days.”

“Why aren’t you going to shower for three days?” Xia Zhi pressed, “I told you to be a bit more rugged, I didn’t say to not shower!”


Three days after this conversation, Xia Zhi really did drag Ye Qia to bathe together, being extremely handsy through the entire process. When they finally finished, Xia Zhi said looking pleased, “Okay okay, why don’t you hurry and get ready?”

Baffled, Ye Qia asked, “Get ready for what?”

“The rape play!”

“Who said I was going to do it today?”

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“You said you’d do it after not showering for three days. I’ve been keeping track, today is the third day you haven’t showered!” Xia Zhi was triumphant. “What do you think, I’m really observant these days, aren’t I?”

“I’m truly thrilled that you care so much about the frequency of my showers.”

“Don’t mention it!” Xia Zhi laughed heartily. “We’re lovers, after all!”


Very soon, Ye Qia packed up and went off on a “business trip.” Four days passed before he returned. As he dragged his tired feet home, he opened the door and felt something leap out in front of him. Then, there was pain on his forehead and Xia Zhi’s shout, “I won’t let you have your way!”

Ye Qia was knocked to the ground by the giant luggage and sudden ambush. Dumbstruck for a long moment, he looked at Xia Zhi who was wearing three layers of clothing on a hot day and asked in astonishment, “What are you doing?”

“Weren’t you going to rape me?”


“I won’t let you have your way!” Xia Zhi bellowed again. If there hadn’t been excitement and a smile on his face, just hearing him would’ve been convincing enough.


Ye Qia went to shower in silence with a bruise on his forehead, then left under Xia Zhi’s expectant, glittering gaze. When he went to Gourmand’s house and retold the events, Magician smacked the table and howled with laughter. “Hahaha, this clown’s a perfect match for you!”

Gourmand gave Magician a look, then turned and said to Ye Qia, “You ought to just do it and get it over with sooner.”

Ye Qia pointed at his bruised forehead and said angrily, “I’d be letting him off too easily if I simply just got it over with.”

Xia Zhi:

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