Part Thirteen: Let the Pros Handle It (2)

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Magician laughed until he couldn’t breathe, saying in between laughs, “Should I find someone to screw with him?”

Ye Qia glanced at Magician and said, “I’m afraid you’ll go overboard, plus I promised I wouldn’t mess around.”

Magician said coolly, “That’s why you have to be certain when it comes to looking for a partner.”

Ye Qia said in annoyance, “You’re certain?”

“Of course.”

“Then what’s going on with your eye?”

Magician touched his swollen eye for a moment and said, “This is evidence of love.”

Gourmand was now intrigued as well. “What happened to your eye? That person of yours isn’t part of the circle, are they?”


“Then what happened?”

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Magician didn’t say any more, staring at his two good friends for a few minutes. Finally, unable to withstand the silence, he said, “It was just that I went home a bit late and she got angry. As you both know, I’m a predisposed S, and at the time when I was angry, I wanted to strike her. Then…”

“Wait, you laid hands on a circle outsider?” Ye Qia frowned. “That’s not good.”

“I may not be a full-time dom, but don’t question my professional integrity, alright?” Magician glared. “I know better than that, I went for her ass!”

There was another silence after he said this. Ye Qia waited, then asked, “And then?”

“Well, I suppose I didn’t look into her carefully enough. Because of her large chest, she was often harassed in the past, so she took up taekwondo and even became a third degree black belt.”

Ye Qia and Gourmand were both brought up with a sense of propriety and had stoic personalities. Their distorted expressions meant they valued their friendships more than Magician did. At the very least, they didn’t howl with laughter at this very moment.

“If you want to laugh, then laugh!” Magician said irately, “At least I’m not as hypocritical as you two.”

Ye Qia’s lips quivered like a massager and he strove to squeeze out a response, “Xia Zhi will definitely be very happy to hear this piece of news.”


“He’ll be very happy to see the abuser being abused.” Ye Qia pointed bluntly at Magician. “Especially when it’s a trash talker like you.”

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Magician curled his lips and said, “At least when I bring my person out, she dazzles like the sun.”

Gourmand, having finally recovered his expression, suddenly asked, “You’re really going to get married?”

Magician’s smile remained on his face as he glanced imperceptibly at Ye Qia.

Ye Qia had noticed it, neither dodging nor saying anything, only smiling faintly.

After being friends for so long, they all understood the meaning of this smile. Magician no longer hesitated and said, “Of course, we’ve already made wedding plans. I proposed, so naturally I have to take responsibility. Besides, I think we’re very compatible. She’s a beauty and I’m a handsome fellow. She’s a nurse and I’m an anesthesiologist…”

“She’s a third degree black belt and you’re a wimpy S,” Ye Qia added and raised his teacup, giving it a wave and said sincerely, “Congratulations.”

Magician raised his cup as well and replied earnestly, “Thank you.”

The two cups clinked softly in the air with a crisp sound as if something had shattered into pieces. Soon it was quiet again.

Ye Qia drained his cup with one sip, then stood and said, “Alright, I’m going back now.”

Magician smiled. “Oh, going back to fuck your little lover?”

“Yeah.” Ye Qia sighed. “I think the best way of dealing with him is to fuck him to tears. Once his mind is empty, he won’t be able to overthink anymore.”

When Ye Qia returned home, he continued to hold this idea and resolve in mind, and as he walked through the door, he was especially cautious, fearing another sudden attack. He opened the door as quietly as possible. The light in the living room was on but the room was deserted. He carefully stepped in, guarding his head against the sudden appearance of a mop or fist or the like. Strangely enough, nothing happened even as he closed the door.

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Did he go out?

“Xia Zhi,” he called out. In the large living room, his voice gave off a faint echo. “Are you here?”

“I’m in the office.”

A faint voice came from the partially opened door. Ye Qia carefully entered the study and discovered Xia Zhi sitting in front of the computer as usual. Seeing his entrance, Xia Zhi greeted him, “You’re home?”

“Mhm.” Ye Qia observed for a few minutes and discovering no “ominous signs,” he slowly relaxed. “What are you doing?”

“Browsing the internet.” Xia Zhi said without even turning to look. “Are you eating at home tonight?”

“I am.” Ye Qia bent down and suddenly caught Xia Zhi by the neck in a hold, his tone switching to a malicious one. “But first I’ll eat you!”

Xia Zhi’s reflex was extremely swift, with an elbow to Ye Qia’s face. Then he stood up and punched Ye Qia squarely in the chest with an added kick to his thigh. After this series of moves, even Ye Qia, with his physique, ended up with his butt on the floor in a blank daze.

The room was silent for a moment. Xia Zhi withdrew his stance and asked, confused, “Why aren’t you continuing?”

Ye Qia was a bit stunned, asking, “Continue with…what?”

“Weren’t you going to rape me?”

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Ye Qia was really about to go insane. His eyes were wide open and it wasn’t a long time after until he squeezed out a response, “So is this you resisting rape?”

“Yeah!” Xia Zhi exclaimed as if it were normal. “Even if we’re just roleplaying, we need to play for real! Oh, your nose is bleeding, are you okay?”

Ye Qia clutched his nose and walked off expressionlessly into the bathroom. After stopping the nosebleed, he looked in the mirror at his bruised face and decided he would have a proper go at “playing” with Xia Zhi.

The next day, Xia Zhi was “ambushed” after he woke up. They wrestled all the way to the bed and Xia Zhi pulled out the pepper spray he had hid beneath his pillow, spraying Ye Qia in the face, which caused his eyes to swell like walnuts.

Four days later, Xia Zhi was “ambushed” in the evening after he had gotten off work. Since the time he had fought with a debtor at the amusement park, his bag was switched out by Ye Qia for one with steel corners. Swinging it around, he could kill someone without spilling a drop of blood. Xia Zhi was about to swing his bag when he saw the masked man in black revealing a tube of lube with a drawing of a cat on it. He immediately understood and swiftly pulled out a taser from his pocket. One zap knocked Ye Qia over.

On the weekend, Xia Zhi woke up from a nap to discover his hands were tied to the headboard of the bed. Ye Qia was sitting on him, having already stripped, “risen to the occasion,” and “primed to go.” Xia Zhi used his newly learned move, gripping Ye Qia’s head between his legs until Ye Qia was on the verge of blacking out.

It was another lovely Sunday. At Gourmand’s home, Gourmand and Magician stared speechlessly in shock at Ye Qia’s face, covered in injuries.

“So, what do you intend to do?” Gourmand asked delicately, because the air pressure surrounding Ye Qia was so low he was about to go berserk.

“I’m going to properly play with him,” Ye Qia gritted his teeth. “He wants to play. So let’s play.”

After a long hesitation from Magician, he gently patted Ye Qia’s shoulder. “Don’t end up killing someone.”

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