36, Episode Five Being Pressured and Being Hit (4) (NSFW)

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“Ye Qia.”

“En?” Ye Qia’s breath swept past his ear, the tip of his tongue brushing over his sensitive neck under his earlobe, stimulating him until his whole body trembled.

“Fuck me to death.”


“Also, let’s sleep in the same blanket tonight?”

Xia Zhi heard a trace of a laugh within Ye Qia’s reply, “Alright.”

Ye Qia slowly pulled out, then thrusted back into Xia Zhi’s body with much force. This time, he did not hold back his strength.

Xia Zhi was hit so hard that his body moved forward, two hands grasping the edges of the bed tightly. Ye Qia’s force was powerful and also fast, however, each time seemingly brushing against his prostate fleetingly, making his thighs spasm and collapse, his contracting hole also followed suit and convulsed.

“Relax a bit, you’re clamping down on me too hard.”

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Xia Zhi moaned softly, and said casually, “Your root is so…… en…… toothpick, uh, aaaah…… en…… Still, still tight…… ah! aaaah!”

Ye Qia did not reply, but increased his strength. After thrusting in, he grinded against the most stimulated area, immediately causing Xia Zhi’s mouth to fall open, throwing his head back and groan loudly. His gasping moans corresponded with Ye Qia’s rhythm, sometimes high, sometimes low, breaths more of a graceful twisting of his soul. He has never let go of his body like this before, uniting with the other like this. Of course, there was also the reason that his exes were too unskillful.

He shut his eyes, the blue veins in his wrist was exposed, his whole body stretched taut, enjoying the pleasure that Ye Qia brought for him. Every wave, every instance of the intrusion following the act of going in and out became sweet, it was so comfortable that it made him leave his mouth open gasping broken breaths, yet he couldn’t hold himself back and started meeting his thrusts from the back, wanting that hot and pulsing meat rod to penetrate his body further.

Ye Qia did not say anything, holding his waist tightly with two hands, ramming into those round buns. The warm body that accommodated his dick so well made him even more excited, although he originally did not expect to do this.

To him, having sex is too ordinary, so normal to the point that it was just like eating rice, and there was no need to have sex like one must eat rice. He could have an erection with anyone, all he needed was the appropriate thoughts and stimulation. This made sex completely lose its mysterious colours, all that was left of it were the reddish bare of financial transactions.

That’s why, after obtaining enough property to settle down properly in life, he has never again sold out his body, and instead, buried this experience of bland colours forever in the deepest parts of him.

Xia Zhi did not give a damn about it, even if he knew, he also had no particular discomfort. Of course, it was partly because men don’t really have much concerns about sexual purity, and also partly because, possibly due to the fact that Xia Zhi’s experience was also nothing “colourful”. But, Ye Qia still preferred to think of this as a virtue, evolving with time. He realised that slowly, he began to not mind it so much anymore.

With someone to stand by him supporting him, who’d still be concerned about what other people would say? Each person should walk his own path, and it is impossible to please the requests of everybody.

Ye Qia gradually made his way out of the mud in his heart, that’s why, after countless numbers of failed sex, he was willing to use his entire body to give Xia Zhi a complete and beautiful night. He took out his already pushed to the limit member, looking at the silver liquid that followed his actions and flowed out, pulling thin and then breaking finely. He laid down following the seam of Xia Zhi’s butt, and he felt the cord in his mind finally break.

He flipped Xia Zhi over, smiling as he saw the expression of his family’s man gasping for breath, using two hands to pinch the curve of Xia Zhi’s knees and put the obstructing legs at each side of his body, he felt the other party tremble, then he kissed those bloody red rosy lips, said ambiguously, “I’ve gone a bit overboard.”

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“Haa…… wha-? Wha- did you say?”

Xia Zhi’s mind was dizzy, the suddenly disappearing pleasure made him a bit irritable, his painfully hard dick hitting against his abdomen, the muscles near the abdominal mermaid line (V-line) kept convulsing from time to time. 

“Relax, at most we will just take a leave tomorrow.”

“En…… Ah ah!”

Xia Zhi felt the pleasurable source had once again returned, so he spread his legs, letting that scalding hot meat stick pierce through him, ramming straight into him, bringing about a violent pleasure, sending him to the highest peak.

When he was just on the verge of spilling, Ye Qia had instead withdrew. With his eyes shut he said irritably, “What are you doing?”

“Just tolerate it for a bit.”

Xia Zhi impatiently raised his head slightly, seeing Ye Qia take the subtle arc of a dildo from the bed side cabinet, the top of the bulge was covered with patterns of protruding veins, the white metal that was emitting a faint and soft glow, suddenly he ate a bite of something, crawled over to the space between his legs, engulfing that part of him and sucking deeply—he felt that this mouth had also sucked out his soul!

He was not sure what Ye Qia ate, it was both cold and prickly, it also was soft and similar to a tentacle kind of thing.

“Fuck—You, you are cheating!”

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He moaned, and fell back on the bed, feeling that there was a cold thing squeezing into his hole, pushing in slowly and resolutely, grinding against every inch of his intestinal wall. He was able to feel very clearly the protruding ribs of the bulge, all the way until that thing pressed onto his prostate, and started to slowly rotate at a torturous pace.

Ye Qia’s oral cavity was extremely amazing, he would drag his tongue on the coronal vein near the tip of the mushroom headed peak incessantly while sucking, making Xia Zhi convulse crazily as if he were possessed, accompanied with the slow thrusts of the dildo, making it even more torturous. Ye Qia is a Master, every single time he was almost on the edge of releasing, he would stop, wait for him to calm down from his high and then continue.

After three-four times in this manner, Xia Zhi’s uncontrollable tears were flowing nonstop. He turned his head, rubbing his face randomly on the blanket. He couldn’t take it anymore and yelled, “Fuck you, let me release!”

Ye Qia grinned, and removed the dildo, his own dick pressing against Xia Zhi’s hole, he would only slip the head in from time to time, and did not enter too deeply. One hand taking care of his dick, entangling his lips and tongue with him, kissing him until all sorts of squeaky sounds came out.

After their lips and tongues separated, Xia Zhi shut his eyes tight, squeezing his tears, roughly gasping he rumbled out, “Bitter and sweet.”

“Is it salty?”


“That means that your heaty prostate has recovered, also meaning that the soft candy I had has melted.”


Xia Zhi’s soft muddle headed brain wanted to refute slowly, but was broken apart by the action of Ye Qia jabbing into his body. He pulled out a moan from his hoarse throat, shaking his head, curled his toes, slightly lifted up his waist, contracting his back hole.

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“It’s hot.”

Ye Qia’s voice was choppy, coming with gasps, “Do you like it?”

“It’s better than the cold one.”

“Then that’s fine.”

Ye Qia sat on his knees, pulling Xia Zhi upwards, just in case his family’s man falls off the bed. The place where both of them conjoined was surrounded by mucus, sopping wet, making sloppy sounds according to their movements. There were no foamy whites of the lubricant and no intense smell of man-made fragrance, just the strong smell of musk and sweat mixing together with each other, stimulating the sexual passion of “beastmen”.

Xia Zhi felt a weight on his body, Ye Qia’s voice rang from the tip of his nose, “Together?”

“To-, together.”

Xia Zhi flung open his eyes, and saw that Ye Qia’s face was full of sweat, and stuck out the tip of his tongue, Ye Qia bowed his head and kissed him with a tacit understanding. Suddenly, Ye Qia stilled his movements, buried his face in his neck and let out a low groan. He had just wanted to smile and mock him with the words “premature ejaculation”, when his dick was pinched, and his mind immediately went blank, shooting his load uncontrollably.

The intense pleasure continued for another ten or so seconds, there were fireworks in his eyes, and his body melted.

The perfect sex!

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