37, Episode Five Being Pressured and Being Hit (5)

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Xia Zhi laid there like a corpse for quite a few minutes before his strength gradually returned, blinking his eyes as he lay on the bed without moving. In the quiet room, he heard the sound of soft breathing coming from his side, turned his head over, and saw the Ye Qia with his eyes shut and not making even the slightest movement. He used the tip of his foot and poked Ye Qia lightly, he said in a small voice, “Go bathe.”

“You go ba, I’m too lazy to move already, too tired.” Ye Qia’s voice was a little husky, “There’s also still some melted soft candy stuck on your butt.”


Xia Zhi made a movement with his nose, smelling a strange scent; musk blended with a strange sweetness and also quite a bit of sweaty smell. He thought of the taste that he had tasted just now, and he immediately scrunched up his face in disgust. After lying down for a few minutes, he couldn’t endure it anymore, with a flip of his body he crawled up and rushed straight to the bathroom. Only after a thorough scrub did he walk out satisfiedly, glancing at the Ye Qia who was still lying stiffly on the bed, sleeping well with his eyes shut as if the smell was very fragrant.

He went over and patted Ye Qia’s abdominal muscles, touching a few times, having touched his fill, he said, “Get up la.”


“Hurry up.” Xia Zhi said in a mad manner, pulling on the edge of the bed sheets, “I want to change the sheets.”

“You really are so vigourous, I’m old already.” Ye Qia mumbled, he lazily turned over, “Don’t disturb me.”

Xia Zhi has never seen any of Ye Qia’s documents before.

Alright, he’d admit that he wanted to figure out just how much did Ye Qia earn through his salary slips or his tax bills, but no matter how or what, he only knew that Ye Qia was plus-minus thirty or so, had adopted parents, had a scar on his heel, there was a small mole on the inner side of his left thigh, he just wasn’t clear about his exact age—aren’t gays all like this?

“How big are you actually!?”


Xia Zhi was shocked, “Damn, you’re older than me by four years!? I really couldn’t tell!”

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“Because you look old.”


He spat out a breath, made up his mind to test out the results of his exercise training in this period, and bent down in a horse stance, letting his breath sink into his dantian[1], exerted power through both his arms, and carried Ye Qia up steadily! He proudly spun around in a circle, then disposed of the person within his embrace onto the carpet in the bedroom. Looking at Ye Qia rolling a few times on the floor stiffly, he humphed as he bent his waist, starting to gather the messy bed sheets and blankets.

It was just eight thirty, the timing of a wonderful night was not over…… But in actual fact, it was over.

After he changed new bed sheets, threw the dirty ones into the washing machine and returned, he noticed that Ye Qia had already climbed into the bed, snoring shallowly as he rolled up in the blankets.

Xia Zhi rushed over and clawed at Ye Qia a few times, after flinging up the blankets he yelled, “Can’t you express some tact towards the number zero for a bit?”

Ye Qia asked perfunctorily, “Did it feel good just now?”

He was immediately refreshed, raised his arm and shouted, “Thoroughly amazing.”

“En, then you have already experienced my tactfulness.”

Xia Zhi blanked for a while before reacting, sighing, he joined hands and laid down. After thinking for a while, he then felt that something was not right, he rolled once and stuck himself closely onto Ye Qia’s back, at the same time admiring his back muscles—oh, he really loves Ye Qia’s muscles to the death—he said in a small voice, “You said that you would sleep with me.”

Ye Qia silently pulled the blanket open.

He quickly squirmed into the soft blanket, sticking to the warm back. A while later, after the body he stuck to relaxed, he stretched out an arm and wrapped it around Ye Qia’s waist—at the same time conveniently touching those abdominal muscles again in passing—let out the sound of a sigh, sinking into dreamland.

Xia Zhi’s mood during the second day was extremely great, even the balding director had asked him if there were any good news. He smiled but did not reply, his heart bubbling with happiness.

They had finally slept with each other, en, under a clearly sober state, with no interference, did it until the end, and both parties did indeed feel good!

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We really are a match made in heaven!

Excusing himself from a sly and fierce tiger bald man, he excitedly dug out his phone, opened the most recent short message. The sender was Taotie, “Have you prepared well already? When are you going to meet with White?”

Xia Zhi stood at the corridor, at was as if a basin of cold water was poured on his head, devoid of emotion.

Damn, I forgot about this archaic matter already!

Therefore, after getting off from work, Ye Qia saw an overcast face on his cohabitation partner, and he found it a bit strange, asking, “Is your body not comfortable?”

“No.” Xia Zhi sighed, “Are we going to a bar tonight?”

Ye Qia raised an eyebrow, “Why are you so proactive today?”

Xia Zhi took out the text message and showed it, Ye Qia was silent for a few seconds, then said, “Change clothes ba, we’ll eat our dinner outside also.”

He nodded his head, after walking a few steps away, he turned his body around again, kissed Ye Qia like a flash of lightning, saying, “Yesterday night felt so amazing, thank you.”

Ye Qia was dazed, smiling, saying, “I also felt great.”

Xia Zhi felt a little embarrassed, shrunk into the room with a drop of his head. He came out after changing his clothes, then he noticed that Ye Qia was dressed extremely sharply with a bow tie as if for a dinner feast tonight. He was dazed, asking, “Where are we going tonight?”

“A restaurant.”

One hour later, Xia Zhi stood outside the entrance, seeing a building that one couldn’t see the top of even after stretching out his neck straight, asking, “We’re going to this place?”

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He had been to this revolving restaurant on the top floor before; he came to block a debtor. Like a thief dodging and avoiding the strict security, because the elevator had service personnel, without the guidance of a “private waiter” there was absolutely no way of getting a ride, so he had no choice but to climb up close to thirty floors on foot, in the end reaching and entering the restaurant like a man on the brink of death.

“This place has left me a shadow.”

“Is that so? What kind of shadow?”

“In the heart.”

“No matter, after rubbing it would be fine already.”

“What kind of rubbing?”

“The card that I swiped for tonight’s appointment is your card.”


Xia Zhi temperament was aggressive as he entered, with a wooden face, everyone that he saw was not pleasing to his eye, especially when the “private waiter” actually turned out to be a pretty lady, he felt even more unhappy. It was apparent that Ye Qia had been to this place quite frequently, talking to the waiter as if it were a walk in a park, refined and courteous as they went to their seats; this behaviour was completely unable to be mentioned in the same day as his normally lazy attitude.

“Who’s the target?”

“No rush, eat first.”

Xia Zhi felt that it was a bit strange, but still honest to heartedly started ordering dishes. Ye Qia had agreed to pay for their dinner, it would be a waste if he didn’t eat. While waiting for the dishes to be processed, Ye Qia pointed in a direction and asked, “How about that man?”

Once Xia Zhi turned his head, the person that came into his view was a foreign young man eating by himself, tall and strong, looking twenty years old left and right, grown but extremely rugged, the hair on the back of his hand was much longer compared to the hair of many men.

“……. Are you sure about selecting this one?” Xia Zhi said while lacking in some self-confidence, “There’s also no guarantee that he’s gay also.”

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“He is one, for sure.”


“Gay-dar[2] .”

“You are letting me bet on your eyesight, are you not?”

“Your meaning is that you’ve already prepared to fight?”

Xia Zhi was choked until he couldn’t utter a word. Sucking in a deep breath, he stood up and walked over to the young man. Ye Qia looked on from afar; after a few minutes, when he saw Xia Zhi take up the glass on the table and pour it in the direction of the young man, he couldn’t help but cover his face.

Sighing, he stood up, preparing to go clean up the mess. After he walked to the front, he just so happened to hear the young man say, “You seem to be very interesting, where are we going in a little while?”

Ye Qia was distracted, then he saw Xia Zhi really smugly pointing a vertical finger at him in the dark, and he couldn’t hold back a smile.

It’s fine, everything was ready, it’s time to blow the easterly wind[3] .

[1] dantian: located just above the navel, the core where spiritual energy is stored in cultivation novels

[2] gay-dar: lol, radar and gay, gaydar ahahhahaha

[3] blow the easterly wind: bring about destruction if i’m not wrong

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