Part Ten: The “Bromances” of Life (10)

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Xia Zhi’s impression of his aunt was that she was a strong and cheerful woman. Though her husband had passed early and she worked hard to single-handedly raise her daughter, her economic hardships didn’t seem to affect her disposition in the least. At any given time, her little house would always be clean and tidy, and occasionally there’d be a flower in the window, adding a touch of warmth.

Xia Zhi’s aunt had extended a lifeline to his mother during her most trying and painful moments, taking in Xia Zhi and his mother who had no source of income. Because of this, Xia Zhi’s younger cousin had raised a big fuss about it. With more individuals in the household and only so much money, there was naturally less to go around.

Xia Zhi certainly never forgot this kindness. Once he started working, his cousin’s university expenses, in addition to his mother’s living expenses, were all paid for by him. After so many years, they were practically a family.

When the train entered the station, Xia Zhi was still a bit nervous. When he finally spotted his aunt, he immediately relaxed. “Auntie!”

“Xiao Zhi!” His aunt was quite energetic. Though her hair was white at the temples and her wrinkles reached her cheeks, her smile was very kind. “Is your mother alright?”

“She’s fine, she’s at home.” At the mention of this, Xia Zhi could only smile wryly. “Why did she come so suddenly like this?”

“Isn’t it all because of the ruckus caused by that video?” His aunt sighed. “She didn’t do anything, did she?”



There was nothing Xia Zhi could say.

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His aunt sighed. “Does your boyfriend mind?”

Xia Zhi froze and stammered, “N-no, I mean I don’t have a boyfriend, I…”

“Stop hiding it!” A young girl appeared and scoffed, “My mom and I have known forever. When you lived at home, the magazines under your bed were full of hunks!”

Xia Zhi’s face grew red as he mustered a response with difficulty, “Xiao Gui, it’s been a while.”

“Cousin, long time no see!” Xiao Gui smirked as she hugged Xia Zhi, saying, “You’ve made it onto TV. You’re famous back home!”

Xia Zhi said helplessly, “I don’t want to be famous for this.”

“Enough, let’s head back first. Sis is all alone at home and won’t know how to deal with your boyfriend.”

Xia Zhi laughed awkwardly. “Actually…”


While Ye Qia was grooming himself in the bathroom, Magician wailed outside the door, “Are you done yet? Hurry up, let’s go defeat the evil mother-in-law!”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re just joining in the fun?” Ye Qia strolled out and said irritably, “I’m not going there to pick a fight, I’m going to prove to that woman that I’m not in a relationship with her son.”

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“Fine fine fine, so you’re basically going off to battle the evil mother-in-law.” Magician said excitedly, “When are we leaving?”

Ye Qia rolled his eyes. “I’m ready, let’s go.”

Ignoring Magician’s giddiness, Ye Qia sent Xia Zhi a message on the drive there.

[I’m making a trip back home right now.]

Xia Zhi didn’t reply until several minutes later: [Why are you coming back?]

[My wallet is at home. My IDs and everything are in there.]

[I’ll bring it out to you.]

Ye Qia creased his brows and sent a message: [When is your mom leaving?]

[I don’t know.]

[I don’t think she’ll be leaving any time soon.]

[Can’t you live elsewhere for a while?]

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Ye Qia stared at this message for a long time, then typed his reply one word at a time: [That’s my home.]

Xia Zhi replied very quickly: [Then what do you want me to do?]

Ye Qia couldn’t help but feel restless. He knew that encountering the problem in actuality would be a challenge, but he didn’t expect it to come so quickly. He calmed his mind and replied: [I’m coming back to help you explain. Just follow my lead.]

Xia Zhi was extremely worried because his mother had just issued a declaration of her intent to stay and no amount of persuading from his aunt could dissuade her. Xiao Gui watched intently from the side while Xia Zhi wondered if he should simply bite the bullet and come out to his mother, but his aunt rejected the idea after a brief exchange in the bathroom.

“Your mom hasn’t been in great health these past few years and she hasn’t been pressuring you to get married, has she? She understands deep down, she’s just unable to come to terms with it. Why don’t you give her an out? Don’t worry, she won’t be here for long.”

After discussing it, the bit of courage within Xia Zhi died off. Everyone was helpless. He didn’t think that once the dust had settled here, Ye Qia would suddenly say he was coming back. Feeling agitated, his violent temper began to rear its head once again.

[Whatever you want!]

After he sent it, his anger dissipated and he felt a twinge of guilt. His problems had caused Ye Qia to be unable to return home and Xia Zhi had even gotten angry. It was inexcusable.

[I’m sorry, I’m stressed out.] He sent another message: [Come over, I’ll wait for you.]

Ye Qia responded with only one word: [Okay.]

Xia Zhi now worried whether Ye Qia was angry. No amount of love could withstand the tempering of reality. Plenty of couples who were seemingly fine inevitably broke up for one reason or another. For heterosexual couples, this was a common and trivial issue; for gay couples, it was an impassable moat, and family was precisely one of those issues.

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Xia Zhi remained apprehensive up until the doorbell rang. He leaped up from the sofa and swiftly pulled open the door as his mother looked on in astonishment.

Ye Qia was standing outside the door and as soon as Xia Zhi met that pair of phoenix eyes, any remaining anger was extinguished, his expression softening. All the prior upset and gloom seemed to vanish, leaving behind a tenderness. Though it had only been a brief half-day, it felt as if they had been separated for an eternity. To admit this out loud would sound rather exaggerated but it was truly how he felt.

“Xiao Zhi, who is it?”

The sound of his mother’s voice snapped him back to reality. He turned, wearing a dumbfounded expression until a hand behind him touched his waist, calming him down. “Mom, it’s my friend.”

Ye Qia stepped in as if on cue. It had to be said that Ye Qia was a much better actor than Xia Zhi. Smiling, he said, “Auntie, I’m a friend of Xia Zhi’s.”

His mother’s face clearly tensed up. She had seen Ye Qia in the video. The news all reported that he was Bai Min’s boyfriend and that Xia Zhi was the mistress.

Xia Zhi was extremely nervous as well, afraid his mother would do something drastic. After being freed from the shadow of domestic violence, his mother became unable to handle any bit of provocation. Any little thing would have her spiraling out of control.

As if he had been prepared, Ye Qia suddenly stepped back before Xia Zhi’s mother could speak, revealing the person behind him. “Auntie, I came just to thank Xia Zhi for his help last time and to provide an explanation so as to avoid any misunderstandings.”

Xia Zhi was startled upon seeing Magician and immediately understood what Ye Qia had in mind. He should’ve been glad, but when he spotted Magician’s hand making its way onto Ye Qia’s rear, the rage at the pit of his stomach came roaring back in an instant. Just as he was about to put an end to it in a fit of fury, his hand was grasped by Ye Qia’s. He saw Ye Qia faintly shake his head as he promptly gave Magician a kick in the leg.

Due to the angle, Xia Zhi’s mother couldn’t see any of this, but Xia Zhi could, and his heart softened as he relaxed.

No matter the challenge, they would face it together.

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