Part Ten: The “Bromances” of Life (11)

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Ye Qia explained everything to Mother Xia in the time it took to reach the sofa. According to him, he and Magician were a same sex couple. Because Xia Zhi happened to have a cheap place, he came to live with Xia Zhi because he was broke. Because he and Xia Zhi would come and go at the same time, Bai Min who was in pursuit of Ye Qia, misunderstood, and pursued him to their home. Bai Min had even deliberately attracted countless reporters, wanting to pressure Ye Qia with public opinion in order to obtain his goal. This news was seen by the righteous Xia Zhi, who rushed home to rescue Ye Qia from the dire straits he was in, which was how the video came about.

And that was the story.

After hearing this, Xia Zhi wore an expression of “who would ever believe such a third-rate plot of an idol drama.” Elbowed by Ye Qia in the ribs, he grunted and said animatedly “Mom, that’s what exactly happened!”

Mother Xia already looked completely at ease, although there was still a hint of guardedness and aversion in the way she regarded Ye Qia. “So the newspapers are all nonsense?”

“How can you believe that sort of gossip?” Ye Qia remarked confidently. “I’m the one who got Xia Zhi involved. I’m truly sorry.”

“That’s right, auntie.” Magician seized the opportunity to draw near, hanging off of Ye Qia’s shoulder, faking intimacy as he said, “Xiao Ye and I have a very good relationship. How can you trust someone in the entertainment business such as Bai Min!”

Magician’s action immediately infuriated Xia Zhi. He glared at Magician, nearly throwing himself onto him and striking.

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“I heard from Xia Zhi you were coming, so I came just to explain.” Ye Qia suddenly clapped a hand on Xia Zhi’s shoulder, shaking off Magician’s hand while he was at it. “He’s been misunderstood by many people. I had wanted to apologize sooner. Auntie, since you’re here, why don’t I treat you all to a welcome dinner. It’ll be my way of making amends.”

“Alright.” Mother Xia sighed. Her eyes were full of weariness though they had brightened. “I can’t rest assured, my son is out on his own. As a mother, I can’t help but worry a bit.”

“Indeed,” Ye Qia said with a chuckle, and everyone in the room broke into smiles, the atmosphere of the room lightening up considerably.

Xia Zhi knew Ye Qia was giving him a reminder. He was fuming but he swallowed his anger hard. When his mother went to change, his aunt quickly leaned over, asking in a hushed voice, “Is he your boyfriend?”

Xia Zhi was startled. “Huh?”

Ye Qia was quick to react, coming over to extend an hand. “Hi auntie, I’m Xia Zhi’s boyfriend, Ye Qia.”

“Hello, hello.” Xia Zhi’s aunt smiled, lowering her voice like a thief and shook Ye Qia’s hand. “I’m Xiao Zhi’s aunt. Xiao Zhi’s mother is more sensitive, don’t mind her.”

“Naturally. Our elders have always given more thought to things.” Ye Qia had his voice lowered as well. “It’s normal for auntie to be worried. As the younger generation, we ought to be more considerate.”

Xia Zhi’s aunt chatted delightedly with Ye Qia while Xia Zhi was left on the side to receive Xiao Gui’s scrutiny. When Xia Zhi’s mother came out, everyone immediately resumed their places as if nothing had happened.

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The dinner was enjoyed by all. The only unhappy one was Xia Zhi because Magician was eating Ye Qia’s tofu the entire time, holding his hand and touching his leg, even finding an excuse to kiss Ye Qia. If Xia Zhi hadn’t known that Ye Qia was acting, that look of deep love would’ve had him believing he’d been cheated on again.

As for how he knew it was acting, it was because at one point he could no longer stand it and was about to smash a plate of sweet and sour ribs onto Magician’s head when suddenly something appeared between his legs. He reflexively clamped them together and felt the thing there was a leg. He looked at the expressionless Ye Qia in confusion. Pretending to search for something that dropped, Xia Zhi lowered his head for a look and froze.

The situation was this: Ye Qia had one leg between Xia Zhi’s legs with his other leg firmly crushing Magician’s foot. Magician’s free foot was awkwardly hooked over, rubbing against the leg Ye Qia was using to trample on Magician’s foot. After sitting up straight, Xia Zhi saw Ye Qia and Magician chatting and joking as if Xia Zhi had hallucinated everything under the table.


Xia Zhi was exhausted by the end of dinner. When they arrived back home, his aunt, Xiao Gui, and his mother split up into the study and the guest room. He was finally met with something good: openly sharing a bed with Ye Qia. He had even thought up an explanation, but his aunt didn’t bother asking, and his mother seemed completely unaware there was a problem—or perhaps she was aware and was feigning ignorance. And thus he strode into the bedroom and saw his beloved Ye Qia sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I’m exhausted.” Xia Zhi plopped on the bed in the shape of the character 大, not wanting to ever move again. “I need to hurry up and persuade my mom to leave. Do you have any good ideas?”

Ye Qia didn’t respond, wordlessly locking the bedroom door and slowly walking over to the bed. He pressed down on Xia Zhi’s body, whispering into his ear, “Tired?”


“Don’t wanna move?”

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“Then I’ll be helping myself.”


Just as Xia Zhi closed his eyes drowsily, he was suddenly pulled up by force and pushed up against the wall. Before he could react, he felt cold air on his legs. His pants had been swiftly peeled off and a searing hot body pressed up behind him.

“Ye Qia?” He struggled in alarm for a moment and said in a hushed voice, “My mom is next door!”

Ye Qia nipped his ear as he said, “It’s fine. The apartment is soundproof.”

“It feels weird.” Xia Zhi wriggled his butt and an immediate slap came down on it. “Fuck, be gentler!”

“No.” Ye Qia’s voice carried a hint of anger. “I endured an entire day of Magician’s harassment. You had better behave.”

“Fuck, that has shit to do with me—mm!”

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Not even knowing when it happened, Xia Zhi hadn’t finished speaking yet when Ye Qia entered. He could feel the throbbing presence as well as the cold lube. As Ye Qia thrusted, the sticky sound of wetness made Xia Zhi’s heart race.

Eyes closed halfway, he wiggled his butt, asking, “When did you make these preparations?”

“While you were rambling on just now.” Ye Qia’s thrusts were extremely slow, firmly yet gently opening up his tight passage. “Shut your mouth up there and open up the mouth down here.”

The taste of forceful intrusion was extremely subtle. The faint feeling of humiliation added to Xia Zhi’s excitement. Xia Zhi took a deep breath and said with imperceptible softness, “Who the hell cares about you—oh!”

Ye Qia muffled Xia Zhi’s mouth with his fingers, not just for show, but exerting actual strength. Xia Zhi struggled for a while, unable to shake him off, which added to the intensity of the arousal between his legs. Ye Qia pounded him unceasingly into the wall, making a thumping sound. On one hand, Xia Zhi was afraid of his mother hearing; on the other, it was extremely thrilling.

In the end, he came frighteningly fast. Because he was short of breath, a burst of white light flooded his vision, tears falling unwittingly from his eyes. His legs went weak and he nearly collapsed to the ground. Ye Qia gripped him firmly by the waist, making a sprint for the finish line before holding back his gasps and releasing into Xia Zhi.

Without a condom, this was wholly the intimate feeling of flesh on flesh.

Xia Zhi panted with his eyes closed, forehead against the wall, slouched on the ground. His butt was raised by Ye Qia and he could feel the liquid seeping out of his hole, as well as the scattered kisses dropped on his spine.

There was only one thought left in his mind. Fuck, that was incredible!

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