Part Ten: The “Bromances” of Life (12)

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Xia Zhi wasn’t sure how he managed to crawl back into bed last night. His brain felt like a pot of paste and he had dizzily slept through it. With a blink of an eye—oh, it was morning.

He moved his aching body. His skin felt smooth and refreshed, lacking the sticky sensation he remembered. He blinked several times in confusion and realized he was looking at Ye Qia’s lower jaw.

This wasn’t normal.

A height difference between him and Ye Qia absolutely did not exist. He was “absolutely” at least 1.8m tall. Taking the above into consideration, there was only one reason for this view: he was in Ye Qia’s arms.

One of the tricks to sharing a bed was to never sleep entangled together, otherwise, you’d wake up aching all over. On winter nights, there might even be a blanket tug-of-war. It was fine between a man and a woman because of the disparity in body builds, but between two men, the struggle could be described as “bitter.”

If a couple’s sleeping positions happened to complement one another then it was practically a blessing bestowed by the heavens. Unfortunately, both Xia Zhi and Ye Qia had a spread-eagle sleeping posture that occupied the entire bed. As a result, they’d had their share of fights—honorable and dishonorable. When they first started living together, they expended a lot of effort resolving this problem. For example, they purchased a ginormous bed and tried their best not to sleep near each other. It wasn’t until two months later that they each found a suitable sleeping arrangement: with their backs to each other, each taking up half the bed.

At present, Xia Zhi was indeed curled in Ye Qia’s arms with one leg over Ye Qia’s waist. Ye Qia’s arm happened to be right under Xia Zhi’s neck while his other hand was on Xia Zhi’s back. The entire scene was quite adorable and cozy. Unfortunately, the bloodshed behind this picture was a tragedy. Xia Zhi was willing to bet that Ye Qia’s hand beneath his neck had lost all feeling.

However, there was a certain beauty to this positioning, an indescribable, unspeakable sense of intimacy. He was also certain that Ye Qia had helped him clean himself up last night. Xia Zhi was a man, but the feeling of being cared for by another was truly great!

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Xia Zhi was dazed for a moment before slowly, very slowly extricating himself from Ye Qia’s arms. In the next second, Xia Zhi felt Ye Qia’s arms withdraw, pulling him back into his embrace. He glanced up, greeted by Ye Qia who had just opened his eyes.

Ye Qia’s eyes were always slightly swollen early in the mornings, turning into monolids and making his eyes appear more slender. Looking up at him, he looked fiercer than usual. As Xia Zhi met with Ye Qia’s gaze, he unconsciously flinched before getting ahold of himself, flashing a smile as he said, “Morning.”

“Morning.” Ye Qia’s voice was slightly husky as he automatically leaned in to kiss him. Immediately, his eyebrows scrunched up.

Xia Zhi laughed awkwardly. “I didn’t brush last night. Too tired.”

Ye Qia rolled his eyes before pulling his arms away and turning over in bed to sit up. Xia Zhi took a closer look and noticed red marks covering the back of Ye Qia’s arms. All the blood came rushing to his face with the thought of how he’d been thoroughly fucked against the wall last night.

As if reading Xia Zhi’s mind, Ye Qia turned with a faint smile. “Hurry and get up, your mom is coming!”

Xia Zhi froze, finding some difficulty in bending his waist. The “plot line” earlier should’ve been a love-filled and affectionate morning where they lay in each other’s arms while saying sappy things and perhaps go for another round. Ye Qia did not follow this convention at all and it took only an instant for things to turn from an idol drama to a local drama1.

1Local dramas focus on family, relationships, or societal issues, and may be specific to local customs and dialects

“Uh…oh, I’m up.” Xia Zhi crawled up and looked at the bright sky outside the window. Thinking of his mother, he felt weak all over, wishing he could cover his head and go to sleep, not having to care about anything. He looked down in search of his slippers as he muttered, “Ye Qia, are you working today? My mom might want me to keep her company…oh!”

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A sudden weight appeared on the back of his neck. He bent forward in pain trying to hide but the hand on his chest pinned him firmly to the bed, making him unable to move. He could feel a hot breath on his nape, a burning stab of pain, and a warm tongue licking his skin, making his already erect pillar even more painful.

“When felines mate, they always bite the female’s neck.” Ye Qia’s husky voice appeared beside his ear. “That’s exactly what I did last night.”

Fuck, Ye Qia, are you looking to die!

Xia Zhi only had this one thought left in mind. Just as he was about to launch a wild counterattack, the hug behind him vanished. Ye Qia was at the bedside, looking calm as he said, “Hurry and wash up. Your mom’s going to come looking for you soon.”


Xia Zhi was extremely sullen. The pain of being unsatisfied was torture. He wore a long face all through breakfast as if the words “I’m upset” were written on his face. 

“Xiao Zhi, are you okay?” Mother Xia asked in concern, “Does your body feel unwell?”

Yeah, my lower half feels extremely unwell!!

Xia Zhi was quite tempted to shout this out, but he said mildly, “It’s not a big deal, just that it was too cramped sharing the bed with Ye Qia last night.”

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“That’s right, it’s quite inconvenient for two big men to squeeze into one bed.” Xia Zhi’s aunt winked as she said, “Sis, let’s go home sooner and not be too much of a bother to these young ones. Besides, look at how expensive things are here. The milk tea you bought yesterday was twice as expensive as back home!”

His aunt was indeed shrewd and calculating, and his mother’s thoughts were immediately diverted. Xia Zhi took the opportunity to throw an accusatory glare at Ye Qia but received no reaction whatsoever.

After breakfast, Xia Zhi’s aunt very considerately dragged his mother off to go shopping, leaving the young ones at home. Because of the sex scandal, Xia Zhi had been taking time off from work recently. His coworkers weren’t his mother, they definitely couldn’t be so easily fooled. In addition, a bunch of reporters had his whole place scoped out. There were a bunch of reporters watching the entrance of his company. The community of their rented apartment was gated and reporters could not enter, but once he left, he would be helpless. Wang Ke implied that he and Ye Qia ought to lay low and not go out anytime soon.

Seeing Ye Qia hanging around at home, Xia Zhi was about to say something to him when Xiao Gui popped out of nowhere, full of curiosity as she addressed Ye Qia, “Ye-ge.”


During last night’s welcome dinner, Xiao Gui was the liveliest one. Along with Xia Zhi’s aunt, the two of them worked together to completely divert Mother Xia’s attention. Ye Qia had nothing but praise for her and was friendly and pleasant as he spoke to her.

“How long have you and my brother been dating?”

Ye Qia glanced at Xia Zhi before responding, “Less than a year.”

“So short!” Xiao Gui cried dramatically, looking over at Xia Zhi. “Tell me how you guys met.”

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“After knowing each other for not even ten minutes at a party, your brother made a proposition.” Ye Qia said calmly, “I accepted.”

“No way, you guys!”

As he watched Xiao Gui and Ye Qia chattering away and joking together, Xia Zhi felt awkward, unable to find an opportunity to speak. This feeling of having to hold back was stifling. By the time he snapped out of it, the room had quieted down and he didn’t know where Ye Qia had gone. Xiao Gui appeared by his ear out of nowhere, whispering, “Ge.”


“You’d better keep a close eye on your boyfriend!”

Xia Zhi glared. “Who asked you!”

“I get the feeling he’s angry with you.” Xiao Gui smiled with her lips pressed together. “Didn’t you notice?”

Xia Zhi was a bit surprised: He really hadn’t noticed.

T/N: Aiming to get the last chapter of this part out within the next day or two!

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