Part Eleven: Inner Circle (4)

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Xia Zhi stared blankly for a moment before reacting. Just as if he had discovered America, he said excitedly, “You’re admitting it?”

“What am I admitting?” In a flash, Ye Qia’s face was back to normal. He said coolly, “You’re fine now? If you’re fine then let’s go back. Don’t you find it embarrassing for such a big man like you to be scared into such a state?”

“How am I embarrassing?!” Xia Zhi was immediately sidetracked. “It’s obviously your fault!”

Although they had a luxurious bedroom to stay in that evening, Xia Zhi wasn’t the least bit happy. He felt swindled and his dearest Ye Qia didn’t trust him at all.

“What exactly do you want?” Ye Qia asked in exasperation. “Fine, I admit I’m worried you’ll be stolen by another person. Does that make you happier?”

“No!” Xia Zhi made an effort to appear more solemn. “I’m saying…mm, could you…ah, trust…ah mm! Me…ah ah, more…mm!”

After his warbling, Xia Zhi arched and released into Ye Qia’s mouth. He gasped for breath for a while and felt something warm and wet on his abdomen. Looking up, he saw Ye Qia’s tongue slowly licking across his abdomen, from the tip of his member to his navel, mingling with his cum, leaving a long glistening strip on his skin.

He moaned and held Ye Qia’s head, pulling him upward and kissing him hotly with tongue to the bitter taste of cum. Their tongues twisted together like two mating snakes, ceaselessly intertwined.

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“Is this an apology?” Xia Zhi asked, panting when it was all over.

“If you say it is, then it is.” Ye Qia sounded unexpectedly gentle.

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes. “You and your student really are two of a kind.”

Ye Qia froze imperceptibly, then said nonchalantly, “Is that so? Zhemei said the same thing?”

Xia Zhi, with his sex-adled brain, promptly explained all that had happened. By the time he turned around, Ye Qia was already starting another round of “offensive.” He subconsciously clamped Ye Qia’s waist, moaning as he continued his intermittent explanation. He only had a chance to say a few sentences before the matter was tossed to the moon and he could only enjoy the intense pleasure brought on by the object stirring inside of him.

Ye Qia’s endurance and skill was unmatched and Xia Zhi was fucked until he came again. Afterwards, he was weak all over and at the mercy of Ye Qia. Fortunately, Ye Qia quickly finished. When it was over, he had no strength left to bathe and climbed straight into bed, bundling himself in the blanket that cost over 10,000 and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Xia Zhi was woken up by the need to pee. He got up hazily and felt his way to the bathroom in a daze, relying on his memory. He managed to stumble his way there and right when he opened the door, he felt his body go cold. Under the light of the moon was a round head at the window.


Early the next morning, Sheng Le began chortling at the sight of Xia Zhi, up until Xia Zhi’s face turned red as he gripped his cutlery like he was about to murder someone.

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“Your cries in bed last night were truly something! I heard it from several rooms away!” Sheng Le appeared delighted by Xia Zhi’s misery. “Teacher’s abilities are as good as ever. Was it particularly amazing?”

“Where’s Jia Jia?” Ye Qia appeared in time to save the day. “Did you do something to him last night?”

“Hey, it’s a BDSM paradise. How could I possibly not do anything here?” Sheng Le stated matter-of-factly. “The soundproofing in this house isn’t much to speak of. Did you two hear?”

“No.” Xia Zhi noticed the hickies on Sheng Le’s neck and asked out of concern for his friend, “You didn’t beat Jia Jia to death did you?”

“Do you think I’m some perverted murderer? If I’m a perverted murderer, then my boyfriend’s a perverted god!” Sheng Le said irately, “You should say I loved on him until he couldn’t get out of bed!”

A shiver ran through Xia Zhi’s body and his expression changed. Just as he was about to reply, Ye Qia gave him a tug. “Don’t worry, Sheng Le is well aware.” Then he turned and said to Sheng Le, “Don’t go overboard.”

How could these words reassure Xia Zhi? He said angrily, “What if he’s not aware?”

“He used to be a dom and he lived.” Ye Qia shrugged. “That indicates he has awareness.”

Startled, Xia Zhi asked, “And those without awareness?”

“Those without awareness have all been beaten to death,” Sheng Le answered. “Did you think it was so easy to muddle along in this profession? Fine, last night I only spanked his butt. Jia Jia’s butt is bruised. I’m having him rest in bed today and not move around outside. Satisfied?”

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Xia Zhi shut up without another word. When Ai Zhemei showed up, he wanted even more to find a hole to burrow into. As it happened, Ye Qia decided to open another can of worms. “What were you doing at the window of my room last night?”

“I was exercising.” Ai Zhemei smiled. “I accidentally passed through.”

Isn’t this excuse way too dumb? Xia Zhi couldn’t help but think.

Ye Qia replied with a mild ‘oh’ and said, “Don’t come by next time. Xia Zhi is terrified of ghosts.”

All the blood rushed to Xia Zhi’s head in an instant. He really wanted to shout, “I’m not scared, how am I scared,” but seeing Sheng Le’s red face from holding in his mirth, he decided to stay silent.

The tea party was to begin at 3pm. People started arriving in succession at 10am. After having greeted Sheng Le, Xia Zhi vanished into the villa without a trace.

As Xia Zhi passed a room, he heard what was clearly a moan and immediately felt a bit like he couldn’t stand it. Lately, Ye Qia tended to have a sexual appetite. Of course it was very welcomed by Xia Zhi, but Ye Qia followed a principle of “if you do something, do it well.” Every single time Xia Zhi was fucked, it felt so pleasurable he could die.

Certainly it was very good, but wasn’t there still “death” after the “pleasure?” When he came, he had the urge to cry out “I’m gonna die,” and though he would never admit it afterwards, deep down he understood this very clearly.

“Why is the soundproofing here so awful?” He complained to Ye Qia as soon as he entered the small dressing room adjacent to the hall. “I could hear people having sex.”

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Ye Qia, in the middle of changing, said, “There is no soundproofing here. It seems awful to you because the soundproofing in our home is too good.”

“It’s so extravagantly decorated here, so why cheap out on this?”

“In a place like this, who cares?” Ye Qia said as he turned, fixing his collar. “There are people up and down, and left and right in the city where we live. We’re deep in the mountains and forests now, there’s no one around at all. Those who enter the villa would have no objections.”

Xia Zhi considered this and found it reasonable, but he still had some confusion. “Didn’t you say having sex was prohibited at the tea party?”

“I was talking about public sex.” Ye Qia emphasized. “I can’t do anything about it if it’s in private. In any case, I gave prior notice that there would be surveillance. If they’re willing to leave me with blackmail material, that’s their business.”

Xia Zhi gave a start, “There’s surveillance?”

“Don’t worry, our recording is sure to be deleted already.” Ye Qia tossed an article of clothing over and said, “Yours.”

Xia Zhi shook it out for a look. “Evening wear? Why are you giving it to me?”

“Because you’re going to dance with me.”

Xia Zhi blinked and squeezed out a single syllable. “Huh?”

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