Part Eleven: Inner Circle (5)

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Xia Zhi had dressed up as a waiter to infiltrate a fancy restaurant before. He had dressed up as a ticket attendant to get into a high-end theater. He had even dressed up as a beggar in order to keep an eye on a debtor. It could be said he had donned the disguise of most professions, whether normal or abnormal. All sorts of bizarre occurrences had emerged one after another, but Xia Zhi was already used to it all, yet never had he danced before, not even with a woman, much less a man.

Xia Zhi froze for a moment after hearing this request, and after making sure he hadn’t misheard, he said, “What dance?”

“The one I performed with Zhemei yesterday.”

“Huh?” Xia Zhi looked quite confused. “Aren’t you dancing with her?”

“I’ve had a change of plans,” Ye Qia said coolly. “She does need to be introduced, but this tea party is under my name. I’m the leading individual, I think it’s best to let everyone know who you are.”

“Even though I’m a circle outsider?”

“If I don’t mention it and you don’t mention it, who’s going to know?” Ye Qia shrugged. “Introducing you to everyone would also allay any doubts in that regard. Don’t forget, you were an assistant at Gourmand’s slave ceremony. Many of Wang Ke’s acquaintances recognize you. The more you prove you’re part of the circle, the better.”

Xia Zhi shuddered, thinking of the gossip and rumors he typically heard. He reluctantly nodded. “Fine.” After nodding, he thought for a moment before revealing a strange smile. “Actually, you just want to prove our relationship to everyone right? Are you scared I’ll get snatched away? Hehehe, you’re feeling a sense of crisis!”

Ye Qia serenely looked at Xia Zhi for a minute. “If you want, you can spend a night with Ai Zhemei. I won’t object.”

Xia Zhi asked skeptically, “Really?”

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“Of course.” Ye Qia smiled faintly. “She has the particular ability to make men die from excessive ejaculation. I’ve seen it before. Would you like to try?”


Xia Zhi obediently put on the tux. He wasn’t a stranger to tuxedos but this was his first time wearing an expensive one. He rubbed the fabric with a disdainful expression, “This expensive piece of clothing isn’t anything special. It feels about the same as a rented one.”

“Because it is rented.”

Xia Zhi was instantly glum. “You couldn’t get me an expensive one?”

“The expensive ones are all custom tailored.” Ye Qia fixed the hem of Xia Zhi’s jacket, tugging it downward and feeling his way to Xia Zhi’s butt. “Your butt is too big. It doesn’t fit.”

Xia Zhi grew even unhappier. “You couldn’t just say my butt is perky? My figure is more…wait, why would you have a rented tux on hand? Did you already have this planned? You definitely thought this out in advance.”

Ye Qia rolled his eyes and smacked Xia Zhi hard on the rear. “The dressing room always has cheap rental tuxedos. Just a bit of spotlight and now suddenly you’re the star? Don’t be silly.”

Xia Zhi silently lowered his head, once more recognizing who wore the pants in the relationship. He followed Ye Qia to stand at the entrance of the dressing room. From the small door, he could see the lights and hear the sounds of faint conversation. Xia Zhi, who had no particular feelings about all this, suddenly grew nervous as he waited and waited. His hands and legs trembled and he looked panicked.

Ye Qia held a hand to his back. “Have you ever danced before?”


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“Not even once?”

“Not even once!”

“Not even at a social ball?”

“I’d have to rent a tux and spend money, why would I go?”

“Not even when looking for a debtor?”

“I’d only need to dress up as a waiter for that!”

Ye Qia was quiet for a second. He leaned over and gave Xia Zhi a deep French kiss, kissing him dizzy before letting go. He said softly, “Follow my lead.”

Perhaps it was the way Ye Qia said it so affectionately that his deep, magnetic voice looped on repeat in Xia Zhi’s head. By the time Xia Zhi came to his senses, there was only darkness. Ye Qia had already pulled him forward and they were standing beneath the bright spotlight.

Ye Qia held out an arm with the other arm holding him by the waist. Xia Zhi’s other hand rested on Ye Qia’s shoulder. He followed Ye Qia, stepping in reverse to the music, then forward. He was desperately trying to recall all the dance scenes he had seen before. One moment it was the characters in a movie, then it was Ye Qia and Ai Zhemei’s moves from last night. Thinking of that backward dip, he felt himself stepping on something.

He looked down—it was Ye Qia’s foot.

He quickly retracted his foot before being pulled a step forward by Ye Qia. His other foot stepped squarely on something—Ye Qia’s other foot.

One foot.

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The other foot.

One foot.

The other foot.

This repeated perhaps another 40 or 50 times and by the time the music ended, Ye Qia’s shoes had gone from new and shiny to dusty and covered in footprints.

Xia Zhi’s face was thoroughly red. In a quiet voice, he asked apprehensively, “Do your feet not hurt?”

Ye Qia did not respond, answering only with a glare. He turned as if nothing had happened and dragged Xia Zhi to face the surrounding people. “My boyfriend, Xia Zhi, and I would like to thank you all for your attendance.”

Applause rang out and the lights came on. Ye Qia lugged Xia Zhi along in a flawless exit. As soon as they entered the dressing room, he “fell apart.”

Xia Zhi watched as Ye Qia hobbled forward, holding onto the wall. He felt so embarrassed he nearly bled out of all the orifices of his head. He didn’t dare to recall the scene from just now. It was as if something was compelling his foot to step on Ye Qia’s foot in such a perfect coincidence that every time he stepped on him, it seemed intentional.

“Are you okay?”

Ye Qia turned his head, looking fierce as he gritted out, “What do you think?”

“Is it really that bad?”

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“How about we switch?” Ye Qia said in annoyance, “A 100 plus catty man like you, stepping on me 40, 50 times in the same spot—you tell me if that would hurt. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know either!” Xia Zhi said, aggrieved. “I’m not doing it on purpose! Really!”

Ye Qia took a few deep breaths. He had managed to maneuver himself into a chair. Taking off his shoe, he discovered a bruised patch on the top of his foot and two cracked toenails that had turned black.


Fuck, just looking at it feels painful! Xia Zhi secretly lamented as he leaned in for a look. Currying favor, he offered, “I’ll rub it for you?”

“Do you want me to die?” Ye Qia said angrily, nudging him away with his heel. “Go bring me some ice.”

“Okay!” Xia Zhi stood up getting ready to run, then stopped. “Where’s the ice?”


“Okay!” He took a few steps and stopped again, turning and asking cautiously, “Where’s the kitchen?”

Ye Qia said nothing and only stared at Xia Zhi coldly. Xia Zhi shivered and ran out in an instant. The villa was now very lively. Guests congregated in scattered groups and there weren’t really any obvious signs of SM, all seemingly normal. When he passed the garden, he spotted Ai Zhemei conversing with two or three men. Although she was a woman, she appeared even more powerful in the presence of men.

Perhaps this was simply the disposition of an S, Xia Zhi sighed. He looked for the kitchen frantically, grabbed the ice, and returned to hold it for Ye Qia. He sucked up to Ye Qia for a long time, smiling until his face went rigid. Just as he finally managed to slightly improve Ye Qia’s mood and was about to go enjoy himself, Jia Jia rushed in, crying in a panic, “Ye-ge, there’s a problem, hurry and go see!”

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