Part Eleven: Inner Circle (6)

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Xia Zhi automatically asked, “What happened?”

“Uh…” Jia Jia appeared hesitant, his gaze swinging between Ye Qia and Xia Zhi. Clamming up, he said, “Actually, it isn’t that big of a deal.”

Xia Zhi grew more curious upon hearing this. Turning, he saw Ye Qia putting on his shoe and hurried over to support him. “Are you going to be okay?”

“I’m fine.” Ye Qia’s brow furrowed as soon as his foot made contact with the ground yet his expression smoothed over in a matter of seconds. With a stoic look, he said to Jia Jia, “Take me there.”

Ye Qia’s S aura was presently on full display, giving him the appearance of a gang leader who had just been released from prison.

Xia Zhi was captivated, imagining himself having a moment like this someday. At the same time, he wondered if it was too M of him to think that this was great. When they followed Jia Jia to the scene, Xia Zhi was certain—he was still far removed from being an M.

There was already a crowd of people surrounding the scene. Sheng Le and Ai Zhemei were both there. Ye Qia’s arrival was as if a king had graced everyone with his presence as the crowd consciously parted to make way. Within the circle, Ai Zhemei was performing CPR on a naked man. Beside her stood another quaking man.

“What are you all doing here?” Ye Qia’s deep voice struck into the hearts and minds of everyone like a whip. Several people unwittingly lowered their heads, evading his gaze. “If you have no business here, then leave. Give the man space.”

The crowd dispersed. Ai Zhemei placed two fists on the “patient’s” chest. After a few compressions, the naked man was conscious after a violent coughing fit. The man who had been shaking this entire time also began to sob, plopping on the ground as his exhausted legs gave out.

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At this point, Ye Qia finally asked, “What happened?”

“They went overboard.” The disdain in Sheng Le’s look was unmistakable. “Electro play. They took it too far and his heart suddenly stopped.”

Ye Qia’s gaze fell on the crying man on the ground. “Newcomer?”

“Mhm.” Ai Zhemei had also stood up with a face full of sweat, looking slightly weary. She kicked the man on the ground who had curled up into a fetal position. “This guy’s a newcomer too. Dumb S and dumb M. Just like that, these two caught each other’s eye and found a room to play in. They didn’t even sterilize the equipment.”

Every S in the room revealed a look of disgust. Ye Qia’s gaze grew unkinder as he stared at the man who had cried until he was red in the face, asking, “Who’s your protector?”

As if clutching onto his last hope, the man reported a name. Sheng Le made a call and a while later, a bald, fat, and middle-aged man hurried over, gasping as he said, “Sorry, so sorry! Mr. Ye, this is my new friend, he has no understanding…”

“My tea party does not permit the playing of ‘games.’ You should know this, right?” Ye Qia turned to the large uncle and said calmly, “I don’t think you’re suited to be at my tea party.”

The large uncle looked wronged, “I didn’t do anything!”

“Aren’t you his protector?”

“Yes, but I didn’t do this!”

Ye Qia sighed and asked, “Do you know what a protector1 is?”

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1BDSMwiki: A protector is a person who escorts and/or watches over a Charge to ensure that the other is safe

“Isn’t it just someone who introduces a newbie into the circle?”

A silence fell over the scene. Then, Ye Qia’s tone grew frosty. “Please leave immediately.”

“What?” The large uncle was shocked. “What do you mean?”

“Leave immediately or I’m calling security.”

“Fuck, what bullshit are you peddling?” The large uncle turned, his expression shifting as he cursed, “I spent money to come here! 50,000 entrance fee! I should just leave because you want me to?!”

Two tall and strong security guards arrived. As they nabbed the large and endlessly cursing uncle and hauled him out the door, Xia Zhi finally understood why Ye Qia had stressed the need to hire security. Xia Zhi initially thought it wasn’t worth the money, but now it was rather practical. Only, he suddenly realized a problem. “There’s an entrance fee to attend? 50,000 for a ticket?”

“Yes.” Ai Zhemei said quizzically, “We’re not a group of fellow enthusiasts. Why look for us if you don’t have a bit of financial resources?”

Xia Zhi glanced at the man on the ground who was quivering like a fish. “Then you should choose the people.”

“Realistically, this is my promotional event.” Ai Zhemei appeared somewhat helpless. “I don’t have a reputation yet, so I have to employ this sort of selection strategy. First, filter out those without financial means, then filter out newcomers at the scene who don’t abide by the rules. Teacher doesn’t hold tea parties at all, and even if he did, money wouldn’t be enough to get you in.”

Xia Zhi looked at Ai Zhemei’s look of yearning and couldn’t help but feel some confusion. When everyone had dispersed, he furtively leaned in towards Ai Zhemei, asking, “Do you particularly revere Ye Qia?”

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Ai Zhemei didn’t even need to think before answering, “Yes.”

“Then why do you still need to seduce…uh, attract me?”

“Because you’re Teacher’s boyfriend!” Ai Zhemei’s eyes sparkled. “I want to experience Teacher’s everything!”


When Xia Zhi met with Ye Qia again, his expression was rather bad, looking unhappy as if he was owed 5 million.

Ye Qia inspected him for a moment, then asked, “Who upset you?”

“I think I’m too unattractive.” Xia Zhi said in annoyance, “Last time it was White, this time it’s Ai Zhemei. Their interest in me is superficial, their real objective is you!”

Ye Qia didn’t think this could be a reason. He asked with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, “You’re upset because of this?”

“Am I not allowed to be?”

“You are.” Ye Qia drawled, placating him, “But think about it, the target they can’t obtain belongs to you.”

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Xia Zhi stared at Ye Qia for a while and his expression slowly softened. He raised his chin and puckered up. Ye Qia intuitively leaned in, giving him a sweet kiss, and though there was the slight bitterness of dissatisfaction, it was what Xia Zhi needed.

The tea party reaped huge success. Ai Zhemei left Xia Zhi with an “open invitation to a spring night2” and even sent him a nude photo on his phone. He hadn’t even had a chance to look before Ye Qia deleted it. He grieved over it for a long time while demanding the rent for the tea party.

2Night of bliss

Ye Qia paid it, then took it back in the name of “salary seizure,” which even included the 50,000 rent he originally could have kept. Just as he was lamenting it, Gourmand sent him a link in addition to a text message: Must watch!

Xia Zhi opened the link skeptically and discovered it was a video clip. He could see it was the tea party at the villa judging by the background. In the frame, he was supporting Ye Qia as he walked. He watched for a long time and saw nothing of note. In the midst of his confusion, he happened to glance at the title: High Mountain Flower Picked, “King Ye’s” Daisy Lost?

Xia Zhi spat out his coffee and watched the video clip several times. He really could catch a bit of that “day after” flavor, and although he knew it was actually just Ye Qia’s foot hurting, it didn’t stop him from feeling secretly happy.

It wasn’t because of the “chrysanthemum picking” business—he had no interest in being a top. It was because of Ye Qia’s identity: The thing that no one can have is mine! What a great feeling!

In the evening, Xia Zhi presented the video to Ye Qia as if offering a treasure. After Ye Qia finished watching, Xia Zhi asked, “Want to do it?”

Ye Qia very slowly broke into a smile and suddenly asked, “Tonight?”

Xia Zhi couldn’t quite process it but he agreed in one breath. Who wouldn’t eat candy when offered?

“Then let’s try something a bit more exciting,” Ye Qia said meaningfully.

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