Part Eleven: Inner Circle (7)

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With Ye Qia’s remark, Xia Zhi was unsurprisingly aroused. The frequency they made love was steady and the sex was quite good. Their compatibility had also risen lately. What would follow was apathy and tedium. This was a deal breaker for gay couples. No matter how sweet ordinary life was, there still needed to be novelty—the same held true for straight couples.

After eating an early dinner, washing the dishes, and cleaning up, Xia Zhi bolted into the bathroom like a baboon presenting its red bottom in courtship. He hummed a little tune as he showered, then came out with a towel tied around his waist.

Ye Qia was already tacitly waiting for him in the bedroom, wearing only a shirt with the top button undone and jeans. It had to be said that he certainly knew how to leverage his advantages. The shirt was very ordinary and could be seen anywhere, but on him, it captivated one’s attention. His solid chest was faintly visible at the neckline and snug jeans clung to his pair of long, straight legs, accentuating the prominent bulge of his crotch and allowing one’s imagination to run rampant.

At some point, Ye Qia had pulled up a chair beside the bed. Xia Zhi gave it a careful inspection. It was a very typical rocking chair, its surface the exquisite luster of real wood, possessing a flavor of warmth from over the years. Plus there weren’t any odd signs of SM or strange things about it.

After scrutinizing it for a full minute, he carefully sat down and waited for a few seconds. When nothing weird happened, he slowly relaxed. With some excitement, he asked, “What is this?”

“A rocking chair.” Ye Qia lowered himself, grinning as he said, “How does it feel?”

Xia Zhi gave it a rock and said curiously, “Quite fun, I feel like an old lady.”

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“Yes, I borrowed this from a granny that I know.”

“Why do you need to use a rocking chair?”

“To prevent you from standing of course.”

When he said this, Xia Zhi felt something cold touch his wrists. Ye Qia had deftly pressed both of Xia Zhi’s hands against the back of the chair. Xia Zhi raised his head to look and unexpectedly, there was a pair of handcuffs on his wrists. He struggled for a bit which only rocked the chair violently. The swaying made him want to vomit.

Ye Qia stood in front of him unhurriedly rolling his sleeves up to his elbows, the motion indescribably seductive. Xia Zhi watched, feeling weak and short of breath as his blood rushed “south.” He didn’t know why but Ye Qia was particularly oppressive today. Just his gaze alone made Xia Zhi tremble all over and feel dizzy.

Without any remarks or discussion, Ye Qia slowly paced before him. The way he looked over at Xia Zhi was devoid of desire, rather it was like he was eyeing a scrap of meat. This gaze made Xia Zhi’s hair stand on its end and the violence cells all over his body began to flare up. He gritted his teeth and said, “Let me go!”

Ye Qia smiled faintly. “No.”

As he spoke, he pulled the towel from Xia Zhi’s body. Xia Zhi shuddered and unconsciously shrank into the chair.

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“Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.” Ye Qia laughed and said gently, “Prop your legs up on the armrests.”

Alarm bells went off in Xia Zhi’s head and he revealed a bit of hesitation.

“You still don’t trust me?” Ye Qia squatted down and stroked Xia Zhi’s bare thigh as he said lightly, “Relax, I won’t actually SM you. It’s just some fun.”

Xia Zhi gradually relaxed. Under Ye Qia’s repeated assurances, he hesitantly rested his legs on the armrests of the chair, exposing the private area between his two legs. Although they had already done it many times before, an inexplicable sense of shame was presently spreading through his body, along with a trace of fear and a rush of arousal.

Ye Qia squatted between his legs and began licking his nipple, using an occasional light nip of his teeth as if sampling a delicacy. His tongue brought on a sensation like an electric shock. Then, Xia Zhi really was shocked on the leg!

“Ow!” Xia Zhi flailed like a live fish, exclaiming, “It’s electric! It’s electric!”

“Correct.” Ye Qia innocently showed his hand, revealing a strange device in his palm that looked like a battery and some wires. “It is electric.”

Xia Zhi stared at the object and an ominous premonition gripped his heart. “What is this?”

“An electro device.” Ye Qia fiddled with the small object and said lightly, “It shocks people.”

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Xia Zhi’s mouth dropped open for a long while. Stunned, he said, “You mean, this is an electric torture device?”

“A very small one.” Ye Qia traced a finger on Xia Zhi’s chest as he said smilingly, “Only 5 volts.”

“But it’s an electric torture device!” Xia Zhi finally snapped out of it, flying into a rage. “You want to shock me—mm!”

Ye Qia kissed him. The kiss was frenzied and full of possessiveness. With his legs parted, Xia Zhi was pressed against the reclining rocking chair. His tongue was sucked and his body tilted at an angle. A sense of crisis, oppression, humiliation, grievance, and the periodic tingling across his skin came together, blending into a strange aphrodisiac. When the kiss ended, he was completely hard.

Ye Qia casually played with his erect member, brushing the end of the head with his fingertips, causing the muscles of his thighs to quiver nonstop and his butt to squirm from enduring it.

“What…What are you going to…mm ah…don’t, don’t shock me!”

Xia Zhi didn’t realize how weak the words coming out of his mouth sounded. His beseeching tone was of no use, but rather it made Ye Qia laugh. “I said we were going to do something exciting tonight.”

“Not…mm…this kind of…ah!”

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Ye Qia suddenly pressed the electro device to Xia Zhi’s member. The delicate, sensitive skin as well as the electric current made his hips jerk, wanting to hide yet also as if leaning into it. His breathing was urgent and his heart pounded, his mind an entire mess, thinking of this and that. When a familiar voice fluttered beside his ear, he was suddenly alert.

“What are you going to do?” Watching Ye Qia wrap a damp cloth around his member, Xia Zhi nervously tensed up and struggled violently. “Don’t you mess around!”

“I won’t.” Ye Qia leaned over, kissing Xia Zhi lightly on the lips, from his forehead down to his chin. Those phoenix eyes glistened with deep emotion. “I love you.”

When Xia Zhi was lost in Ye Qia’s eyes, there was suddenly a prickle and tingling on his member. He immediately jolted, shouting loudly, but was pulled back by his wrists that were bound to the chair. His body began to convulse and a hot stream surged from between his thighs. Very quickly, his balls swelled and all of his semen shot into Ye Qia’s palm. Afterwards, he had no energy, paralyzed on the rocking chair like mud.

Ye Qia was still, waiting for Xia Zhi’s orgasm to pass. When all had settled, he gave Xia Zhi a onceover, confirming he was only exhausted before relaxing. Ye Qia released him from the handcuffs and asked, “Are you alright?”

When only one of Xia Zhi’s hands were freed, Xia Zhi’s fist came flying over.

Ye Qia was somewhat prepared, dodging his head to the side. Just as he was about to tease him, he heard a tearful cry. “I’m not your slave!”

He looked, stunned to discover that Xia Zhi’s eyes had reddened.

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