Night fell. The dark blue sky was inlaid with shining stars, like an infinite net, covering the entire sky.

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Among the houses built for Luo immortal sword sect outer disciples to live in, one of the rooms had lit up with a candle inside, emitting a warm light that glowed through the window.



The light emitted by the candle flames distinctively extinguishes his fair profile, making his stunning face look warm and affectionate.

This boy is Lin Zhizhi. 

Although he could freely live in Xuan Hua’s cave, Lin Zhizhi chose to live in the outer disciples living quarters for convenience. Lin Zhizhi prefers to meditate at night, compared to the rowdiness of the day, meditating at the quiet night is much easier for him.


With his heavenly spiritual root, Lin Zhizhi had a massive advantage in absorbing spiritual Qi. His speed is three times faster than that of a person possessing a single spiritual root. Now, his cultivation base is at the twelfth stage of the Qi refining stage. He could enter the foundation building stage with just one step left. Soon, the spiritual Qi inside of him will fill up. Once that happens, he has to cycle it around his body for thirty-six weeks to stabilize the Qi inside him, reaching the pinnacle of the twelve stages of Qi refining.

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked, making a “dong dong dong” noise.

Puzzled, Lin Zhizhi opened his eyes, got off the bed, and opened the door. Standing in front of him was a young man, his demeanor was as warm as jade. seeing that he answered the door, he shook the jug in his hands towards Lin Zhizhi and said to him, “I came to find you for a drink.”


“…How do you know that I’m here?”

Lin Zhizhi had just rejected Su Yu’s confession this afternoon. Seeing how the other party looked like he hadn’t just got turned down by him, he thought to himself if he had already let go?

Su Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled, ” You’re the prominent Lin Zhizhi. In this sect, who doesn’t know about you?”


Lin Zhizhi retorted, his tone slightly interrogative, “I don’t live here all the time.” 

Su Yu didn’t follow suit. Seeing that Lin Zhizhi didn’t have the intention of letting him inside, he took the initiative to speak frankly. “I’ve thought about this afternoon.”

Lin Zhizhi: “?”

“Although it may have affected me emotionally, I’ll try to let it go, “Su Yu frankly said to him.

Su Yu’s straightforwardness surprised Lin Zhizhi. From this afternoon until now, it had only been three hours since the rejection. And yet, Su Yu could accept it so well. 

Lin Zhizhi didn’t doubt his words. It is because Su Yu has never lied to him. Between the two of them in the past, Su Yu would at most keep his mouth shut. He would try to distract Lin Zhizhi with something else, but he never lied to him.

It would be great if the favorability system was here. Su Yu is behaving so normally, and Lin Zhizhi is not good at judging people’s favorability towards him. At that time, when he let Su Yu inside, he couldn’t help but think that if the system was still here, he would know what was going on in Su Yu’s heart, and help him to deal with it.

After coming in, Su Yu was not polite. He sat on the bed and patted a side of the bed beside him. He said to Lin Zhizhi, “Come on, drink together! We haven’t drunk together for a long time.”

With such a Su Yu, Lin Zhizhi couldn’t help but believe his “letting go of his past affections.” For the sake of their friendship which is both like brother and a friend, Lin Zhizhi did not refuse this time. He directly sat over, and took the jug from Su Yu’s hand, “It seems that it has been more than a year…” 

Lin Zhizhi wasn’t sure.

Su Yu picked up another jug ​​of wine and shook it gently. He looked at the liquid flowing inside the jug and replied, “Yeah.”


It has been a whole year, two months and three days.

Lin Zhizhi isn’t good at drinking. So he only took a sip of his wine. 

Su Yu looked at him and reminded him, “Drink slowly, don’t get drunk.”

“My alcohol intake isn’t that bad.”

Su Yu’s reminder reminded him of the past. His friends had always liked to play tricks on him. With the heart of an old father, the resistance to Su Yu’s previous confession wasn’t so strong all of a sudden.

“I remember that in the past. you often said that you wanted to roam the mortal realm and drink flower wine, so you were often taught by your father.” Su Yu’s voice was low and gentle, his eyes distant as he reminisced about their younger days. 

“…That’s all in the past.”

Remembering these embarrassing memories, Lin Zhizhi replied with a dark face.

“Yeah, it’s all over now.” Su Yu didn’t know what to think. His eyes were a little dazed. Soon, he recovered and said to Lin Zhizhi, “How’s your life in the sect?”

Lin Zhizhi took the jug to his mouth and took another sip. understating the recent encounter he had, he said. “It’s Okay, I-” 

“Is that so? Or maybe you don’t have anything you want to share with me…” Su Yu lowered his tone, his eyes changed, settling on a gloomy and dark color. “But I have a lot to say. I want to talk to you.”

Lin Zhizhi promptly raised his vigilance against him, “…go ahead.”

Su Yu gave him a deep look. He poured the wine into his mouth and drank it, “What I want to tell you. I’ve already said it this afternoon.”

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He mentioned the matter this afternoon. Lin Zhizhi’s fingers unobtrusively squeezed into the jug, “Didn’t you say-” 

“I said I would try to put it down, but it will take some time. “Su Yu interrupted him.

He has indeed tried to give it up. But no matter what method he used or how hard he tried, it didn’t work.

He couldn’t place anyone above him.

The Young Master of the Lin family is an inexperienced young man who is not very good at dealing with emotional matters. He took another sip of wine when he suddenly felt that the world around him was spinning and shook his head. He didn’t expect that he would be drunk with only a few sips. He frowned and asked, “What kind of wine is this?” 

Su Yu gently replied, “The drunken fairy wine.”

“I haven’t heard of it…”


“I know.” Su Yu said.

Su Yu seemed to say something, but Lin Zhizhi couldn’t remember. The alcohol in the pot of wine was far more than anything he had ever drunk. After just one, two, three, maybe four, approximately four sips, he fell drunkenly on the edge of the bed. 

The young man’s cheeks were flushed, his black eyes were covered with a hazy mist, like a pool of autumn water. Maybe it’s because he felt hot and drowsy, he ripped his collar off with his hand, scratching a red mark on his neck.

“You’re too careless.” Su Yu looked at him and chuckled. He gently grabbed his friend’s restless hands, pressing them on the side of the bed, and gently touched the others hand with his own. He turned his head as he took hold of Lin Zhizhi’s head and kissed him on the lips. “Look, I used the drunken fairy wine to deceive you, and now look at you. Getting drunk so easily, what if there were bad guys around? ”

How could he be at ease?

He absolutely can not stand anyone who successfully took his place beside this person, taking care of this person and accompanying him day and night. 

And just like this, Lin Zhizhi fell under his body. Allowing him to do whatever he wants to him.

It took him ten years to weed out every threat around this person. From the first time he discovered that his feelings towards Lin Zhizhi were different from that of an ordinary friend, Su Yu’s feelings got much deeper than that of the pure like that Lin Zhizhi thought.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ve Te teuufv atf ybs ys atf kjlra. Llr fsfr cb ibcufg oliifv klat ojirf afcvfgcfrr. Pcrafjv, la lr oeii bo yegclcu qjrrlbc jcv vfrlgf ab wbcbqbis atlr wjc.

Lbk yfaafg lr la ab ilf lc tlr jgwr cbk atjc gfpfma tlw? 

Pa kbeiv yf yfaafg lo tf mbeiv yf jcuglfg. Pa vbfrc’a wjaafg lo Olc Itlhtl lr vlrjqqblcafv lc tlw jcv jmar ilxf j rqblifv mtliv atgbklcu j ajcagew jgbecv. Pa vbfrc’a wjaafg jr ibcu jr tf mjc ralii yf jgbecv tlw.

But he did not have the power to monopolize the person in his arms yet. He still needs to get stronger.

Strong enough to subvert the ways of the heavens.

Su Yu leaned down. He placed his lips and tongue on the collarbone that had been tempting him and sucked out a red mark. 

Although his desires are strong. He is not the kind of villain who takes advantage of others. What he wants is to capture Lin Zhizhi’s heart a step at a time when the other is sober, not having a passionate one-night stand while the other is unconscious.

He just wanted to see more of this man before he left.

At the break of dawn, Su Yu placed the person in his arms back on the bed, opened the door, and walked out. Today is the day the Elders of Tianyin return, and Su Yu will also be leaving with him.

When we meet again, it will be another story. 

When Lin Zhizhi woke up, it was already the third watch in the sun. The weather didn’t look good, with dark clouds raging in the sky, signifying that rain might come down later.


The boy covered his eyes with his hands on the bed. He groaned and regained his consciousness.

Lin Zhizhi struggled to prop up his body with his hands. He sat up, leaned his body against the wall before tidying the scattered black hair behind him. Last night’s fractured memories were gradually forming back together. Thinking of Su Yu’s last sentence of, “I know”, Lin Zhizhi slapped the edge of the bed in a fit of anger. “Damn it! I got tricked!” 

Fortunately, nothing happened to me…

Thinking of the “Positive, and as warm as the sun” image of a friend Su Yu has in his mind, Lin Zhizhi’s face turned green. Su Yu had no conscience!

Depressed, he pressed his temples with his fingers, suppressing the tingling pain in his head caused by the hangover.


A clap of thunder sounded in the sky.

Lin Zhizhis mood was quite irritable now. He laid back on his bed again. Soon, he thought of the thunderstorm refining method that his Master had taught him before. Lest he missed the chance to put it to practice, he hurriedly lifted the quilt, took the umbrella from the corner of the room, and went out of the house.

It was obviously daytime, but the dark cloud made the sky as dark as evening. It seemed that there was going to be a thunderstorm later on.

By the time Lin Zhizhi arrived at Xuan Hua’s cave, the rain had already poured down. It was hard to stay dry even when he used an umbrella to get here. 

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Xuan Hua looked at his little wet apprentice and flicked his fingers. Lin Zhizhi felt his whole body warm up, and his clothes were now mostly dry.


Another loud thunderclap descended, sounding as though it exploded in his ears.

Xuan Hua stared thoughtfully at the dark blue thunder light outside the window for a moment. He then turned his head and looked at Lin Zhizhi with complicated eyes. 

It made Lin Zhizhi somewhat bewildered, “Master…?”

Xuan Hua retracted his gaze and turned his head out of the window again. When Lin Zhizhi was about to ask again, he threw out a sentence, “Don’t interact with Su Yu in the future.”

His tone was colder than usual. It was also mixed with subtle anger.

An emotion that even he himself hadn’t noticed. 

Lin Zhizhi: “!!!”

Master! How did you know about that?! Do you know that Su Yu once had a crush on him? Lin Zhizhi suddenly felt ashamed that his friend’s puppy love was known to his parents.


Xuan Hua is not a nosy person. On the contrary, he is much more cold-hearted than anybody else. Someone had once asked him to save his dying wife and children right in front of him, but he wasn’t moved one bit. Lin Zhizhi was warned like this simply because he was his only disciple.

His only disciple was confessed to, making Xuanhua feel irritated. 

His only disciple not only got drunk but his tofu was also eaten! making Xuan Hua feel angry.

If Su Yu hadn’t made any further moves, Xuan Hua wasn’t sure if he would raise his sword and kill him on the spot, but why?

Why does he think that all those who are close to his little apprentice had a conspiracy in mind?

Lord DaoZun fell into deep thought about himself. He only came back to his senses after his little apprentices repeated calling of “Master”. Avoiding the question of, “How did you know Su Yu?”, Xuan Hua waved his long sleeves and asked, “Do you still remember the refining method?”


Although he was dissatisfied with his Master changing the topic, Lin Zhizhi nodded. He took out the Wenxian sword that he had been thinking about when facing the wall from his spatial ring. 

The lightning on the sword seemed susceptible to the thunder and lightning from outside. The dark blue electric arched and flickered about, the sword spirit opened its mouth and begged him, “Master, I… I want to absorb it.”

Xuan Hua opened the barrier and took Lin Zhizhi under his protection, leading his little apprentice out of the cave. Lord DaoZun closed his eyes, took two steps into the air, and walked towards the depths of the thunder and lightning, carrying his little disciple with him.

The higher they went, the ampler the thunder and lightning came to be. The raindrops seemed to splash onto Lin Zhizhi’s cheeks a few times.

Xuan Hua’s expression did not change, but a voice sounded in Lin Zhizhi’s head. “Are you afraid?” 

Lin Zhizhi shook his head, instead, he curiously asked, “If I got struck by this thunder, will I be considered to survive the heavenly tribulation?”

Xuanhua: “…”

He didn’t know if it would count, but if this spicy little chicken disciple of his with his Qi refining cultivation level got struck by this lightning. Then he would be considered fortunate if he left behind his burnt crispy corpse.

Lord DaoZun took his little apprentice to a spot where the thunder and lightning were most concentrated and signaled Lin Zhizhi to take out the Wenxian Sword, “I will help you attract the thunder. Remember to follow the method after the lightning enters your body.” 

Lin Zhizhi quickly reviewed the method in his mind. He nodded solemnly.

Xuan Hua seemed to think of something. He hesitantly said, “when the thunder enters your body, it may cause some discomfort.”


“If one is afraid of the pain and stops midway, then what’s the point of cultivating?” Lin Zhizhi didn’t seem to mind.

Xuan Hua glanced at Lin Zhizhi with a hint of appreciation. He then stretched out his hand. His robe fluttered around as he grabbed the lightning and thunder from the sky! 

The thunder struggled in his hands. it roared with its mouth open as if it came to life, but got suppressed by Xuanhua with a single move. He trimmed down a few layers of its power before introducing it into Lin Zhizhi’s body.

Master said that he would feel some pain. And it is naturally, very painful

The pain was intense. Lin Zhizhi nearly fainted due to the sudden wave of pain. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain. Even though his body was quivering slightly, he did not back down.

The arc of blue electricity passed through his body before getting injected into the Wenxian Sword. The sword spirit flashed through his body, greedily absorbing the thunder. 

Lin Zhizhi guided the lightning into the Wenxian Sword according to the method. In the seemingly endless pain, he sensed a subtle connection established between him and the sword.

It is now even tighter than the previous blood refining technique.

When the sword spirit completely absorbed the lightning, the pain on Lin Zhizhi’s body also eased. He sighed in relief, but before he could let go of the Wenxian Sword, a sudden burst of thunder exploded inside his body.

This power of lightning is not as ferocious as it was before. It is similar to the spirit of lightning that he had refined, forming a small vortex inside his dantian. At the same time, the spiritual Qi around Lin Zhizhi surged, rushing inside of him. At that moment, he had just entered the thirteenth stage of the Qi refining period! 

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The next step is to build his foundation.

After entering the thirteenth stage of the Qi refining period, Lin Zhizhi sat down to adjust his breath.

With a flick of his finger, Xuanhua threw a pill into the hands of his little apprentice, “Eat it.”

The pill is round, with a faint green light illuminating its body. Full of rippling spiritual energy. The Yunling Pill is a spiritual pill. No matter how violent the spiritual energy is in the body, once a cultivator consumes a Yunling pill, it can effectively calm down their raging spiritual energy inside them. Consuming a Yunling Pill after a breakthrough could stabilize one’s foundation and purify the spiritual energy inside the body, but most cultivators rarely do this. Most of them remained in an unstable state when their spiritual energy went out of control, that is because of the rarity of the Yunling pill.

Not only are the materials required for the pills rare, but also the skill required to refine this pill is that of an alchemy master. Even those great masters wouldn’t waste a Yunling pill to give their disciples.

Xuan Hua is rich and self-willed. He has been alone for many years now. One could only imagine how many precious things he has on him. 

After Lin Zhizhi took the pill, he felt a surge of spiritual Qi pouring inside his body like a clear spring. The originally rampaging spiritual energy inside his body now instantly condensed a lot. Because he absorbed those thunder and lightning, the spiritual energy inside of him couldn’t be compared to those spiritual energy gained through regular methods. Even if it was compared to a hardworking cultivator’s Qi, his Qi would be much more profound.

Seeing his young apprentice closing his eyes and stabilizing his spiritual energy, Lord DaoZun suddenly remembered the words of the True Monarch Luoyun, who often came to his palace uninvited, “Do you do the same with your apprentice? That is not possible. What if one day your apprentice got abducted by someone else? I wonder which apprentice in this world would not choose a handsome and gentle master like me over a cold-hearted master like you?”


Back then, Xuan Hua stayed silent. He simply lifted his finger and shot out a blast of his sword intent, causing the other person to flee from his palace. When he remembered Lin Zhizhi meditating yesterday then getting disturbed by his friend, having a fun time drinking together, before eventually getting him drunk and having his tofu eaten by his so-called friend. Only he knew how much willpower it took to resist coming there and stopping him in the act.

Xuan Hua reflected on whether he was too cold as Luo Yun said, causing his little apprentice to be distant with him. After reflecting, Xuanhua approached Lin Zhizhi. In an attempt to close the relationship between them as master and disciple. He patted the other’s soft head, “You did great.” 

Lin Zhizhi raised his fluffy head and calmly accepted his master’s praise.”Thank you for the praise”

Xuan Hua pulled his hand back. The tenderness in his eyes vanished, returning to his former cold personality. With his temper, it wasn’t easy to do such a thing. If he wanted to act like Luoyun, even if the sky collapsed and the world got thrown into chaos, he wouldn’t be able to do it. He stood to the side, waiting for his disciple to finish stabilizing his spiritual energy.

Outside of the protection array propped up by Xuan Hua, the rain had poured out, accompanied by thunder. The world outside is filled with the blaring sounds of the storm. It sounded as if a ferocious beast got released by its cage, stirring up stormy waves wherever it went.

Xuan Hua personally shielded Lin Zhizhi, giving the other a sense of security. Accompanied by the arrival of the Taoist Ziyi. He was afraid that the gate realm would fall, those demonic cultivators reappearing again, and the descending from the heavens in person, with no one being able to defeat him. Remembering his cultivation realm that is currently in the thirteenth stage of Qi refining made him want to blush furiously.

The former Young Master of the Lin family was proud of his aptitude, thinking that he had far surpassed people beyond his age who had been cultivating far longer than he did. He always looked down at his peers. But after worshiping Xuan Hua as his Master, Lin Zhizhi finally understood that there is still heaven beyond the sky. That there would always be someone out there who’s better than him. Sure he remained prideful, but he had learned to work hard and cultivate diligently.

He opened the side of his eyes slightly and took a peek at Xuan Hua. Looking at his Master’s handsome profile, a desire to get stronger aroused inside his heart. If one day he could be just like his Master, having the power to demolish the world with one swing of his sword, how wonderful would that be? 

Xuan Hua noticed his disciples peeking. He turned his head to face him and asked,” Is there something wrong?”

The Young Master of the Lin family stood up and shook his head.

Xuan Hua turned around. He took Lin Zhizhi away from where they were back to the sect. At the entrance of Xuan Hua’s cave, he said to Lin Zhizhi, “ in a month, the Tianfu secret realm will open. The four major sects will send their elite disciples to the realm. since you are my disciple, you will be joining them.”


“The former back garden of the immortal domain has now been broken. Now, only disciples below the foundation building stage can go inside.” Xuan Hua briefly explained to him. In the end, he added another sentence.” prepare well. If you have any questions, you can directly come to me.”

“This disciple understands.” 

Lin Zhizhi nodded in understanding.

After returning to his room in the outer sect area of the Luo Immortal Sword sect, the Young Master of the Lin family, who has just broken through the thirteenth stage of the Qi refining period, couldn’t wait to take out his Wenxian sword. He planned to practice the lightning control technique and guide the thunder around it to attack an enemy.


The sword spirit had just finished absorbing the thunder and lightning from earlier. It felt very comfortable. As a sword spirit that had been locked inside a cave all year round, it doesn’t shy away from him. It bluntly said, “I feel very comfortable!”

Lin Zhizhi asked, ” What did you say?” 

The sword spirit’s gray-white aura grew larger and larger. ” I’m really happy that I finally left Wanjian Cave! I also feel satisfied after consuming those lightning and thunder earlier! And it’s more comfortable to be held in Master’s hand-”

” Don’t say it”

Lin Zhizhi thought that if the time came for him to use this sword against an enemy. Would it shout,” I’m so happy!” As he cuts his enemy down like a piece of cloth…

Such a powerful mental attack! It will lose both him and his Master’s face ah! 

“Why can’t I say that I’m happy?” the sword spirit asked suspiciously.

Lin Zhizhi froze, ” You can, but it depends on the situation. You could tell me in private, but make sure not to say it in public. It wouldn’t have a good influence…”

The sword spirit was as curious as a baby, it said.” Is it bad to express one’s happiness and comfort? You humans are really strange…”

The rest of the human population: Don’t give us this pot! 

Lin Zhizhi choked when he heard the sword spirit’s words. With the authority of a master, he threatens, ” Are you talking back to me?”

If you’re not obedient, I will lock you up in a small dark room! We haven’t settled our previous account yet!

The sword spirit flattered him, ” I’ll be obedient! I’ll be obedient! I won’t say anything, and I won’t talk to anyone else! Talking to the Master is enough for me!”

In the beginning, Lin Zhizhi was satisfied, thinking that the sword spirit was dumb enough and is very childish. During his one-month-long preparation period for the secret realm, the sword spirit kept on chattering in his ear. “Master, I’m really happy now, just letting you know my mood.” 

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“Master, the outside world is really boring. the Sword cave is much more exciting!”

“Master, Why won’t you speak to me?”


Damned mental retard. 

Lin Zhizhi silently put the sword back into the spatial ring, stopping its constant noisy harassment.

A month passed by. During this time, he did many things nonstop to prevent getting harassed by Feng Qin and the chattering Jian Ling. In a blink of an eye, the day of the opening of the secret realm arrived.


The sect’s newest generation of elite disciples rode in twos and threes on the cranes provided by the sect elders and flew to Red Maple Valley, where the secret realm is.

The Tianfu realm had always been monopolized by the four major sects and is opened once a year. 

As the former back garden of the immortal realm, the Tianfu secret realm is full of spiritual energy. All kinds of strange flowers and spiritual fruits that could no longer be found in the mortal realm could be found inside this secret realm. Once, a disciple found a spiritual herb that is desperately needed by an elder, he offered it to the elder and was accepted as a close disciple by that elder. The chance is not small, but since the spiritual energy is abundant, naturally there would also be many strange monsters and ferocious beasts. The number of disciples that die each year couldn’t be underestimated.

Despite this, many disciples are willing to visit it each year.

This time, the elder leading them is He Wei from the previous apprenticeship meeting. Maybe because of his admiration for strength, he diligently cultivates, and he also likes to run sect affairs outside of the sect. The young man who lost to him, and the man who defeated the young man didn’t bother him. Letting him come out more diligently.

Lin Zhizhi is naturally among the disciples of the Luo sect. These disciples are either an elder’s disciple or new elite disciples who came together. 

They’re all familiar with one another and begin to discuss the hidden realm at the back of the crane.

Only Lin Zhizhi and another disciple clad in black clothing remained silent, each minding their own business with their eyes closed in meditation.

Lin Zhizhi’s appearance was very handsome. He stood against the wind on the back of the crane, with his black hair fluttering in the wind, looking like an immortal descending to the mortal world. A few disciples wanted to approach him, but due to Lin Zhizhi’s cold face, they couldn’t muster up the courage to do so.

These disciples weren’t the only ones who remembered him, He Wei did as well. 

One of the two disciples who possessed a heavenly spiritual root in the conference. And the most important thing is that he is his idol’s disciples ah! To be accepted as his idol’s disciple, this kid is lucky!

Along the way, He Wei kept staring at Lin Zhizhi with a gaze carrying resentment mixed with envy.

Looking at the black-haired teenager, he then touched his face…

He Wei sighed, thinking that if he were a few years younger, Dao Zun would probably not look down on him. 

In the square in the center of the Red Maple Valley, cultivators from the four major sects have come one after another. After the disciples of the Luo sect arrived, the crane let out a cry and flew back to Jianzhong on its own.

An old cultivator from the Tianyin sect with kind eyes wearing a messy Taoist robe nodded kindly to elder He Wei. Seeing that the disciples of the four major sects were all present, he said in a loud voice, ” Since everyone has arrived, I won’t say much. Entering the hidden floating sky realm, one must remember its rule. Your time here is limited to one month. After a month, you must crush the talisman to teleport back here. If you exceed the time limit, the hidden realm will close, and you will not be able to teleport until the realm opens again. The items brought out by each person must be handed over to your respective sect elders so that they can estimate the value of the item. You can either submit them, give them to the sect, or keep them to yourself. You can rest assured as the sect will not rob you of your things.” 

Elder He Wei replied vigorously, “Hey, believe it or not. You should bring back your items. Our Luo immortal sword sect does not lack this bit of treasure! “” This year’s first place is the Tianyin sect! do you still have the ability to boast?” an Elder of the Yinquan sect retorted. “It is different this time. The disciples we brought here today have something special about them.” He Wei rubbed his finger meaningfully and said, “Why don’t we make a bet? I’ll give you my true crane feather if you win, but if I win, then I’ll have your Thousand-year-old topaz.”

The Elder was a little surprised. He Wei has coveted his thousand-year-old topaz for a long time but has not been able to get his wish. It wasn’t unusual for him to bet this time, but what is odd is that He Wei is willing to gamble with his True Crane Feather! This feather is regarded as a treasure by He Wei. They only lose their true feathers once in a hundred years. He Wei is not very old, he probably only has one or two on hand. He would not bring it out usually, but now he is willing to take it out as a bet in the secret realm. It seems that He Wei is very optimistic about this year’s disciples. 

The elder of the Yinquan sect asked tentatively, “Did the direct disciples of that old monster come?” He Wei smiled and shook his head, “If I told you, you wouldn’t want to bet.” What he trusted was not Lin Zhizhi, but Xuanhua Dao Zun’s vision. His requirements are very high, if he could choose Lin Zhizhi as his disciple, it would not be a bad thing. Moreover, even if Lin Zhizhi is stupid, as a loyal fan of Xuan Hua, He Wei believes that DaoZun will train him well!

The Elder of the Yinquan sect hesitated. He was really envious of him, but seeing He Wei so determined, he felt that it might be a trap, but as far as he knew, the disciples of the Luo Immortal sword sect’s newest generation of disciples were not talented enough to overwhelm the other three. In the end, he gritted his teeth and said, “Fine! I accept.”

Their resources are at risk. If he succeeds, he could increase the power of his Wuyan fan!

He Wei smiled. After accepting the bet, he looked at the disciples of his sect behind him and encouraged them, “Everyone put forth their best efforts! After you come out, if you can get first place, I will reward you using my own resources!”

The Luo Immortal Sword sect disciples vigorously said in unison, “Yes!”

The Elder of the Yinquan sect snorted coldly, “Disciples of Yinquan sect! This time we must win first place. For those who did well, will be granted access to enter The Huang Quan spring!” 

The Yinquan sect disciples looked excited when they heard that.

Yinquan sect mostly practiced the ghost path, which is much crueler than the other three sects. To achieve the qualifications to enter the Huangquan spring, many of these disciples had cultivated murderous intentions but quickly suppressed them so that their thoughts wouldn’t be known to the other three sects.

Lin Zhizhi looked at these disciples with a cold expression, but inside he was pretending to be a good friend with the Tianyin faction on the other side of the square.

When we meet in a secret realm, he must make the other pay for getting him drunk! 

The Elder in the center of the square explained many things before finally ending his long speech. He said. “Now that every disciple is holding on to the talisman, we will open the entrance to the secret realm. I hope every one of you will return with great rewards!”

The Elders from every four major sects flew forward. Four rays of light shot out from the jade talisman they held in their hands. It merged into a dazzling light in the center of the square. This bright light became bigger until it finally formed a small portal hovering in the air.

At the same time, the disciples holding the Boundary Breaking Talisman flickered and disappeared from the spot.

When Lin Zhizhi opened his eyes, he had already entered the hidden realm. The first thing that caught his eye was not the beautiful scenery, not the spiritual fruit, but- 

Damn! Who could tell him what in the world is this bald-headed, copper-eyed ball creature in front of him?!

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