It’s different from what’s usually written in novels, where the protagonist would enter the secret realm and fall into places with their left hand picking beautiful exotic flowers and precious spiritual fruits with their right. Compared to those protagonists, Lin Zhizhi’s luck is nowhere as good as theirs. He was, unfortunately, teleported into the lair of a monster.

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Above the massive tree in the sky, A black-haired boy suddenly fell and landed into a monster’s nest, built with broken wood and small stones. In front of the boy, is the monster who owned this nest. It was eating tender leaves when it was stunned at his sudden appearance. 

It’s obvious that this monster has undergone a long-term adaptation and mutation inside the hidden realm. It looks similar to the orangutan outside of the realm with some differences. Such as their bigger head with their chin raised forward. The monster opened its mouth and let out a roar with its saliva spraying out from its mouth, the reason why Lin Zhizhi knew that last point is simply because when the monster overcame its shock at his sudden appearance, it aimed its head at him as it roared, ” Aoooo-”

The forest shook as it roared. A blue ray flashed in Lin Zhizhi’s hand as he brandished his sword against his opponent, planning to kill it before it attacked him first.



Just as he was about to charge at it, A voice he didn’t expect to hear rang inside his ears. “Stop the sword!”

The immortal sword ceased in its momentum and stood still for a while. Meanwhile, the monster has finished its roar as it punches Lin Zhizhi with great strength. The wind fluttered at where the young man had just stood before. Lin Zhizhi’s body is agile, and the system evoked a spiritual breeze, helping Lin Zhizhi grab onto a branch to dodge the attack. Lin Zhizhi asked the system, “Didn’t you run out of energy and fall asleep?” 

The system choked as he retorted, ” I got woken up in shock from my illness, and you better listen to me and don’t hurt that monster!”


“Is this monster an old friend of yours?”

“…You better pay attention to your words, young man. Would you like an immortal like fate? To control this realm and make everything here work out for you?”

This time, the system has woken up for no apparent reason. This remark also reminded Lin Zhizhi of a fortune teller in the secular world.


” I knew I made the right decision to follow you! Now, not only can I easily gain the favorability of humans. But I could also gain non-humans’ favorability!” The system said joyfully.

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Lin Zhizhi said with a pale face, ” You can’t possibly mean…”

He looked at the monster behind him. The young master of the Lin family would rather die than gain its favorability.


” Where has your mind wandered off to?” If the system had an arm, it would surely knock his dumb host’s head. “It’s not that beast, it’s this hidden realm. Since the division of the immortal realm, this world has gradually nurtured hazy realm spirits. This realm spirit’s power hasn’t been defined yet, unlike the mortal realm where you have no chances off. If you push the favorability of this hidden realm to the extreme, not only will the lost energy be regained, you will also gain many great benefits. 

Lin Zhizhi was a bit confused, he asked. “What’s the use of goodwill in this hidden realm? And how would I know how much its favorability is anyways?”

” The favorability of this secret realm is expressed to you as luck. The higher your luck is, the better its favorability to you. If three thousand lucks are added into your body, then inside of this hidden realm, no one can hurt you. There would also be gifts like falling off a cliff that would lead you to a rare spiritual flame or eating a thousand-year-old spiritual peach that would bring you many benefits. I woke up from my deep sleep because of this hidden realm’s spiritual energy, and as for the favorability of this hidden realm… you could try to look around.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After the system finished explaining, Lin Zhizhi looked around again. The flowers, trees, and rivers he saw around him were marked with bright numbers, ” Alright, The favorability point is 2. Its attitude to you is disregard.”

Ktf ojnbgjylilas bo rqlgla gfjiwr mbeivc’a yf mbwqjgfv ab j qfgrbc’r ojnbgjylilas. Olc Itlhtl vlrilxfv qfbqif’r ubbvklii abkjgvr tlw yfmjerf atfs kfgf erejiis pera yilcvfv ys tlr ibbxr. Cr obg atf tlvvfc gfjiw’r ojnbgjylilas… 

Snfgs meialnjabg kbeiv tjnf remt vgfjwr lcrlvf atfw, bxjs? Kb yfmbwf j qgbajubclra lc j wbgaji’r ajif, fcpbslcu wjcs xlcvr bo jvnfcaegfr ktlif yfmbwlcu j agef lwwbgaji jr atfs pbegcfsfv jgbecv.

Lin Zhizhi thought of this and then asked the system, ” Well then, how do I gain the hidden realm’s favorability?”

“First, you’ll have to let go of that monster behind you. You see, every creature born inside of this hidden realm could be considered as a child of this realm. If you kill it, its favorability towards you could drop.” Said the system as it explained to Lin Zhizhi why it stopped him earlier.

When Lin Zhizhi heard its words, he retracted his sword back. Instead of continuing to fight, Lin Zhizhi turned around and fled. 

It isn’t wise to compare the speeds of monsters to a similar animal in the human realm. Take this monster as an example, LinZhizhi’s cultivation is at the last stage of the Qi refining period, and yet the monster chasing him nearly caught up to him. It was swinging on the vines of the trees in the forest as it gave chase to Lin Zhizhi. Lin Zhizhi jumped as he commanded the air to distance him and the monster behind. The monster roared angrily as Lin Zhizhi escaped the forest, unwillingly to let go of him.

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Lin Zhizhi got on his knees as he panted.


After he let go of that bald-headed monster, The favorability of the plants around him increased a little.

The system said to him in a small voice, “Actually, I don’t really know how to brush its favorability. You try not to do anything that would destroy the realm, if you have nothing to do, you could also plant some flowers and save a few monsters.” 

Lin Zhizhi, “…”

Other cultivators are frantically searching for treasures inside the hidden realm, rushing to fight to their death for an elixir. Yet here he was, protecting the environment inside the dimension, taking care of the monsters, being a loving and caring cultivator.

Soon the system went into another deep sleep, leaving the boy to his own devices. The black-haired boy thought about where to start brushing this dimension’s favorability. He first woke his mind up from daydreaming about maxing out the realm’s favorability, and after he gathered himself, he decided to look around for opportunities. Saving a few monsters would be good enough, and even if he wasn’t able to save them, he doesn’t need to force it.

The young man summoned the wind and rode on it with his feet, commanding the wind to take him forward. 

The spiritual energy inside the Floating sky realm is astonishing, at the very least, it is twice as much as the outside world. Lin Zhizhi absorbed the energy around him as he flew around. As a matter of fact, he has absorbed more spiritual energy than spending them to fly. The amount of Qi he has inside didn’t decrease at all.

If one cultivates here all year round. With one day being equal to three days’ worth of cultivation, no matter how outstanding the cultivators in the mortal realm are, they couldn’t be compared to those who cultivate with such high degrees of spiritual energy concentration.

Shortly after, under a misty valley in the hidden floating sky realm.

Two disciples of the Luo immortal sect discovered a phantom butterfly flower that grows together inside the crevice of this misty valley. 

The guardian of this flower is a cyan-colored poisonous snake that has undergone refinement from its cultivation. Its long slender body is wrapped into a ball, trying to scare these two disciples away.

Among these two disciples is an ordinary-looking male disciple. He took out his sledgehammer as his companion, a female disciple of the same sect held a roll of a magic scroll in her hand. Both of them cooperated to take down the poisonous snake, eventually, they succeeded in defeating the snake and approached the flower.

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They were about to take a jade box and pick up the flower when somebody ambushed them with a burst of dark energy hitting their backs. The male disciple quickly reacted and pulled his companion into his arms.

He turned around and shouted in anger, ” Who’s there?!” 

In response, a crowd of Yinquan sect disciples showed themselves. They all had dark expressions as they threatened the two Luo sect disciples.

“We got here first!” Shouted the female disciple, her chest heaved up and down in anger.

” Yes, but if you hadn’t led the way, we wouldn’t have known that there was such a treasure in this place, we will have to thank this beautiful sister for guiding us.” Said a male disciple from the Yinquan sect with a smile.

“Aren’t you afraid that we’ll tell our elders once we get out of this realm?” It is obvious that this male disciple didn’t have much experience dealing with people like them. 

The Yinquan disciples sneered as he responded, ” Well then, we might as well kill you and your companion. This way, we won’t have to deal with any future troubles with you two. It’ll also benefit my sect a little.” The other party bluntly said. The female disciple trembled slightly as she heard his words. Realizing that he wasn’t bluffing, she looked at her companion and said to the Yinquan disciple, ” We’ll give you this flower. In return, you’ll let us go.”

The female disciple was in despair as she said that. By chance, she saw a person wearing their Luo sect disciple uniform flying in the sky not too far away from them. She took her chances and shouted, “I don’t know who this fellow disciple is, but you and I came from the same sect. Please help us!”


The person stopped. He looked from where he was standing before heading in their direction. He soon arrived right in front of them, facing off against the five disciples from the Yinquan sect.

The young man stood tall, his back straight. He possesses a refined bearing and a pair of delicate eyebrows, now furrowed together, forming a cold look on his face. When he understood the situation his fellow sect disciples were in, he coldly said, ” Yinquan sect dares to act arrogantly? daring to bully my fellow disciple of the Luo Immortal Sect?” 

His voice was as cold as ice as he said that. Intimidating, but very pleasant to hear.

The leading male disciple squinted his eyes for a moment, observing the young man in front of him.

The young man who had suddenly appeared in front of him possesses a higher aura than him. With the assistance of the two other disciples, even if they had an advantage in numbers, there would still be heavy casualties even if they came out on top. For a mere phantom butterfly flower, it isn’t worth the risk.

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“Let’s go.” This man is decisive. After weighing out the pros and cons, he turned around and left without hesitation. 

After seeing the crowd of Yinquan sect disciples off, these two Luo sect disciples gathered their bearings and walked to the person who had saved them. They gratefully said to him, ” Thank you very much for your help. I don’t know the name of this fellow disciple…”

The young man briefly introduced himself, “Lin Zhizhi.”

The female disciple was very happy after she was rescued from the disaster earlier. She said to her companion as she giggled, ” Lin-er Thanks brother Lin.”

The male disciple beside her hesitated for a moment. He then pointed at the phantom butterfly flower inside the valley and said to Lin Zhizhi, ” As our token of gratitude, we will give this flower to brother Lin. If it weren’t for your help, my sister and I would have met our ends in the hands of those people.” 

Lin Zhizhi shook his head as he refused, ” There’s no need.”

This young master of the Lin family was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. The phantom butterfly flower holds little value to him. It is better to be a friendly person instead.

The male disciple tried offering it several more times. Seeing his firm attitude, the male disciple decided to relent and plucked the flower himself.

After Lin Zhizhi forced the Yinquan sect disciples away, he turned his eyes and looked at the green snake weakly struggling at the edge of the valley. The female disciple watched as he walked towards the snake. He took out a wound medicine, feeding the snake a little piece of it. She walked over and smiled, “Brother Lin has such a compassionate heart” 

‘Not only does he look very handsome, but he also possesses such a kind heart. He would be such a great husband!’

Lin Zhizhi glanced at her. Slightly confused at what she was blushing about, he lowered his hand and picked up the cyan snake. He placed it back in the valley where it belonged.

The poisonous snake had already healed a little. At first, it brandished its fangs as it attempted to bite the young man. After a few failed attempts, it gave up and twisted its body towards the valley. It slowly crawled back to the depths of the valley.

The male disciple came to Lin Zhizhi’s side. He placed the jade box in his arms as he made an invitation to Lin Zhizhi, ” I believe we haven’t introduced ourselves. My name is Xie Lue, and this is my sister, Xie Lang. I don’t know where brother Lin would want to go next, but would you like to group up?” 


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