Xie Lu’s invitation to Lin Zhizhi was sincere.

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After the incident earlier, he realized that he and his sister weren’t safe inside this hidden realm. Although they’re both elite disciples of the sect, with how inexperienced he is in dealing with evil-intentioned people, there’s no guarantee they could leave this realm alive. Earlier, he had accidentally reminded the enemy to kill them in order to silence them. If Lin Zhizhi didn’t happen to be passing by, only the immortals above knew what their ending would be. 

Lin Zhizhi pondered for a moment before deciding to reject the other party’s invitation, ” No, I’m used to being alone.”

Most people who form groups together inside the secret realm do this because of their lack of strength. Those who are truly capable wouldn’t usually join a group. There are many reasons why they don’t do so, such as the trouble of distributing their gains. Where there are people, there would always be arguments, not to mention the uneven distribution of the profits they gained together.



“What a pity,” Xie Lu said as he touched his nose. Ignoring his sister’s gradually dimming eyes after hearing Lin Zhizhi’s answer, He solemnly clasped his fist and said to Lin Zhizhi.” Well then, I guess this is where we part. until we meet again, brother Lin.”

Lin Zhizhi casually nodded. He parted with the Xie siblings and began to explore the hidden realm by himself. Maybe it’s because he had terrible luck, but he hadn’t encountered precious treasure of any kind. He did nothing of significance as he explored the hidden realm. Occasionally he would scoop water from the river stream and pour it onto the flowers and plants to water them. On Lin Zhizhi’s third day inside the hidden realm, he found a HouTou wine brewed by a monkey demon on a mountain full of monkeys. This wine is difficult to find in the outside world. If you knew an elder cultivator who is fond of drinking, they would probably spend a large fortune to get their hands on this wine. 

The monkeys are not only very fierce, but they are also intelligent. Using the strategy of leading the tiger away from its den, Lin Zhizhi spent a lot of time trying to lure the monkeys away, before getting inside their lair from the opposite direction, and taking their wine away.


The wisdom of our ancestors is infinite.

Lin Zhizhi placed his newly acquired spiritual wine inside his spatial ring. He then looked at the monkey demon who was lying on the ground.

Before leaving, The black-haired young man got temporarily promoted to an ambassador of wildlife protection. He kindly moved those monkey demons to a relatively more comfortable area where they continued to sleep before leaving.


A few more days passed as Lin Zhizhi explored the hidden realm. Today, just as Lin Zhizhi was about to go to the depths of the swamp. A look of astonishment flashed across his face as he turned his head towards the sky.

There, a golden beam of light flew into the sky. It was accompanied by a loud sound, catching everybody’s attention in the hidden realm.

Usually, this situation would only occur when a new treasure was born.


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The piercing sound nearly shook the hidden realm. All the disciples inside the dimension ceased their activities and rushed towards it. Lin Zhizhi was no different. He returned the Wenxian sword that he used earlier and hurried in the direction of the beam. 

When Lin Zhizhi arrived at the scene, dozens of people were already there. All of them were from the four major sects. The young master of the Lin family was a tad nervous for a while, but fortunately, it seemed like Su Yu hasn’t arrived yet.

This place is quite similar to a square. Going up the white jade stairs, one could see the former magnificent palace had long turned into ruins. Only the upper eaves of this place could vaguely reveal the former resplendence of this immortal palace. On both sides of the ruins stood two stone pillars engraved with a dragon and a phoenix, each holding a thick chain that suspended a large furnace high above the ground.

The golden beam of light Lin Zhizhi saw earlier must have been emitted by this furnace.It is very spectacular. 

A disciple carefully observed the pill furnace for a long time. Staring at the patterns engraved on the pill furnace, he speculated as he said his thoughts in a deep voice. “A demon refining furnace?”

Lin Zhizhi had read records about the demon refining furnace in the ancient books of the Lin mansion. These methods came from those ancient cultivators that lived a long time ago. They pulled out the souls of demonic beasts from their bodies. Then they placed them alive inside the demon refining furnace to burn. After adding many kinds of elixirs in the middle of the cauldron, they refined it using special techniques, annihilating the soul of the demonic beast and turning it into a spiritual pill.

According to legend, if one consumed a pill that was refined using the soul of a great demon. They could achieve many benefits, significantly raising their cultivation level.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Thinking of the numerous benefits of this demonic beast pill, everyone present in the scene was excited. 

C qgevfca rmtbijg ilxf-meialnjabg rtjgfv tlr atbeutar, “atlr lr bvv. Ktf rfclbg ygbatfgr jcv rlrafgr ktb mjwf ab atf gfjiw ijra sfjg tjnf cfnfg wfcalbcfv atlr vfwbc gfolclcu oegcjmf. Po atfgf lr lcvffv j vfwbclm qlii lcrlvf atlr gfjiw, kbeivc’a la jigfjvs ufa ajxfc jkjs ys atf qfbqif ktb mjwf tfgf yfobgf er? Yg firf? Qbeiv atfs ifjnf atlr obg er ab vlrmbnfg? P atlcx atlr lr j agjq.”

Some people scoffed at his thoughts, “Well, it is also possible that it has only appeared today?”


The others stood by and watched. More and more disciples came to the scene. They stood guard against one another and balanced each other out. Hence, falling into a deadlock for a while.

“Brother Lin!” A refreshing youth’s voice moved towards him. Xie Lue smiled at Lin Zhizhi, showing his neat rows of pearly white teeth at him. He ran in Lin Zhizhi’s direction and said joyfully, “I didn’t expect you to be here too.” 

“I saw the ray of light and came here to check it out.” Lin Zhizhi said to him. beam

Xie Ling closely followed behind her brother. Showing only half of her face, she greeted Lin Zhizhi with the typical bashfulness of a young girl, “We meet again, brother Lin.”

In response, Lin Zhizhi nodded to her lukewarmly.

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Xie Ling gave no mind to his indifference. She even slightly thought it was more suitable for his aloof appearance, thinking that it would be weird if he acted as enthusiastic as herself. 

After giving him her greetings, Xue Ling calmed down. She would only peek at the young man occasionally. Xie Lu was more carefree than her. He looked at the demon refining furnace that hung in the air and asked Lin Zhizhi curiously, ” Brother Lin, what do you think about this furnace?”

“It is hard to say.” Lin Zhizhi replied to him.

The appearance of this furnace is unreasonable. With how conspicuous this place is, if there were indeed a demonic beast pill, it wouldn’t be left alone for them to find it today.

At that moment, there was a sudden commotion in front of them. A disciple of the Haoran sect couldn’t hold his excitement back. He took a step forward, floated into the air as he sent out a tentative sword Qi towards the furnace. 

Just as he was about to resort to more powerful attacks, the furnace suddenly shook. The golden light illuminating it disappeared. It then weakly fell to the ground, looking like a dead furnace. If they hadn’t seen its former appearance before, most of them would have thought that it had always been like this.

A frown appeared on the face of the Haoran sect disciple. He approached the demon refining furnace and attempted to pry open the lid. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t even open up a slight gap on it. It is as if an invisible force has locked it in place.

More people approached the furnace. Each tried to obtain the pill inside, but there was barely any movement on the lid. Some people attempted to take away the pill furnace altogether. They took out their weapon and brought it down the chain, trying to cut it off the pill furnace. They cut down for a while, but not a single scratch appeared on the chain.

Everlasting immortal chains


This word appeared in Lin Zhizhi’s mind. Legend has it that this chain will forever bind anything into place. It is also said to be a form of punishment in the immortal realm. Let alone these Qi refining stage disciples. Even their sect elders are useless when they encounter this chain.

Time passed. Nearly everyone present at the scene has gone up and attempted to acquire the pill inside the furnace. Even the Xie brother and sister went up to try, but Lin Zhizhi hasn’t moved yet.

“Master, I smell the scent of a demonic beast…” The Wenxuan spoke directly into Lin Zhizhi’s mind. Ever since it was refined with lightning, the sword spirit can now communicate with Lin Zhizhi inside his mind. Which is many times more convenient for him, “It’s inside the furnace master. There’s a soul inside.”

Lin Zhizhi’s expression didn’t falter as he replied to the sword.” A soul?” 

“Yes, it is very weak.” The sword answered him, “Weak, but it is still alive.”

The black-haired boy’s eyes looked towards the demon refining furnace. As if he could see through the cauldron and the ashes inside of it.


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A proud and tenacious demonic beast’s soul lies within the furnace.

It burned inside the furnace for a long time. After the fall of the Floating Sky realm, The demon refining furnace lost its energy. But the soul did not lose its mind and tenaciously refused to turn into a pill. 

Lin Zhizhi raised the corners of his mouth. He admired the demon spirit within the furnace inside his heart as he asked his sword, “Could you communicate with it?”

Even if the demon refining furnace has lost its spiritual power, It is still the nemesis of this demon spirit. If this spirit had managed to preserve its sanity even after spending a long time inside the furnace, it would eventually disappear due to its diminishing vitality. Lin Zhizhi doesn’t mind lending a helping hand.

The sword spirit slumped. It angrily said, ” I am also a spirit. It is possible for me to communicate with it. But I don’t want to! I don’t want to compete with it for my master’s favor! I knew I shouldn’t have told the master about it…”

Lin Zhizhi chose to ignore a few of the sword spirit’s words and said to him, ” Ask him if he wants to come with me.” 

“don’t wanna. QnQ,” Said the sword spirit as he shook his head.

“Are you being disobedient?” Lin Zhizhi’s tone was threatening him.

In the beginning, he was troubled with his sword spirit that liked to entertain itself. But after he got along with it for a while, he finally discovered its weakness. If you’re going to be tough on him, make sure to coax him afterward.

The sword spirit kept refusing for a while before finally, under the caring and pleading gaze of the master, He reluctantly agreed to communicate with the demon spirit. He passed Lin Zhizhi’s words to the demonic spirit inside the furnace. 

Inside the ancient demon refining furnace, under the pile of ashes. An incomparably weak demon spirit heard a voice for the first time in forever, it said. “My master told me to ask you this, would you like to join him?”

The demon spirit wasn’t very old, but his aptitude was outstanding. He got captured when he was still a young adult, and his temper was very arrogant. He heard the words of the sword spirit. Although his consciousness was fading away, he answered the sword spirit with an iron will. He gave a firm refusal through his gritted teeth, “Get out!”

The sword spirit angrily conveyed his words to Lin Zhizhi, “master, he told you to get out of here. Let’s go out and ignore him!”

Lin Zhizhi,”…” 

He wanted to save this spirit, but it turns out that he was considered as annoying by this reckless demon spirit. How vexing.

The young master of the Lin family, who is equally as proud as him, is not afraid of trouble. He pondered for a moment and decided to give the demon spirit another chance. ” you pass on my word to this spirit…”

This time, a different voice sounded in the demon spirit’s ear. It was a voice as cold as ice, but it is also beautiful and pleasant at the same time,” Do you want to live?”

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The spirit that was running out of vitality felt that this voice sounded much more gentle than the previous one. Like a gentle stream of water has been poured down onto the ashes inside this pot. With all of his strength, he turned his body around, sat up, and looked toward the sky. He responded, “I do…” 

If it didn’t want to, it wouldn’t have endured the daily pain of being burned alive inside this furnace.

” Then you will have to cooperate with me,” said the voice.


The spirit should have refused him. But for some reason, he chose to agree.

Maybe it’s because he wanted to get out of here. Maybe, it’s because he’s starting to lose his consciousness. Or maybe it’s because he was bewitched by this person’s gentle voice. 

The spirit didn’t understand what was going on outside. He only knew that the lid on top of his head was slightly opened. Daylight peered into the furnace as he floated into somebody’s spatial ring.

I’ll see you soon.

Although the demon refining furnace would naturally restrain demonic beast spirits, it is merely an average immortal furnace without its master’s supply of aura. The previous disciple who had attempted to open it was only at the ninth level of the Qi refining stage. Naturally, he wasn’t able to damage the furnace, much less open it.

After hearing the demonic beast spirit’s answer, Lin Zhizhi jumped from his spot and drew his sword. Lightning shrouded the Wenxuan sword as Lin Zhizhi slashed it onto the furnace. The thunder of the Heavenly tribulation’s qi is of similar origins to that of an immortal. Under the intense pressure of this thunder, the lid of this demon refining furnace finally yielded, opening a slight gap where the demon beast’s spirit flew out. 

After Lin Zhizhi quietly received the demon spirit and placed it away, he placed down the demon refining furnace, which now has a slit opened on its lid. Lin Zhizhi fell back to the ground, staggering a few steps into the process while he heavily coughed. He looked like he got injured by the backlash caused by forcibly opening the furnace.

In the eyes of these bystanders, This black-haired young boy was merely one step away from successfully obtaining the pill inside the furnace. Unfortunately, he returned empty-handed.

Lin Zhizhi covered his mouth. He coughed a few times and waved to Xie ling, who was approaching him with a worried look on her face. “I’m okay. It’s just a pity that I nearly obtained the pill inside…”

The young girl said with a distressed look plastered on her face.” Are you okay? Don’t worry about the pill. Maybe there isn’t anything worthwhile inside of it…” 

Lin Zhizhi nodded at her. He then said to Xie Lu, who was also looking at him with concern. “I’ll take a step back from here.”

He coughed a few times as he said that, which made Xie Lu more concerned for him. He couldn’t help but ask Lin Zhizhi, “Are you sure you’re okay, brother? I could help-”

“There’s no need.” Lin Zhizhi shook his head as he refused Xie Lu. He then turned around and left the square.

Except for Xie Lu and a few other disciples, everyone else turned their attention back to the demon refining furnace. Meanwhile, some shady disciples stealthily followed Lin Zhizhi behind as he made his way out. 

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