Teng Rong patiently waited outside.

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After searching for the boy with the other demonic cultivators, he still couldn’t find the boy who killed the young disciple. He had reluctantly admitted that the boy had escaped his pursuit. 

Regarding the young man’s disappearance, Teng Rong speculated that the other party had a teleportation talisman, which allowed the other party to teleport and escape from his pursuit. But if the boy did have such a talisman, why didn’t he use it earlier when he wasn’t injured? He shook his head as he denied this guess.

He had another speculation that the other party had hit the jackpot and had entered some inheritance cave.



Teng Rong also tried to fall in the spot where the boy would land, but no matter how many times he tried, he only left traces of falling into the hills inch by inch, and they did not disappear. In the end, he had to give up on entering the inheritance cave and chose to wait for his prey to come out.

Sooner or later, the boy will eventually appear. 

As long as he can get the other’s head, avenge the young disciple and present it to the lord, he could get a wisp of the true demonic Qi. The true demonic Qi is essential to Teng Rong, as he had reached a bottleneck in his cultivation. He would give up some of the treasures he could find inside this realm to gamble on Lin Zhizhi coming out of the inheritance cave.


Teng Rong is a tenacious man.

He wasn’t born well and drank blood for nearly half a month, all in order to master the demonic vine. Not to mention how he persisted in waiting for Lin Zhizhi to show himself. Even though the others had given up on searching for the boy, he’s still patiently lingering.

The androgynous man stroked the vines around his body before closing his eyes and meditating in a cross-legged posture above the bushed.

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He meditated until he detected movements in the hills.

Teng Rong instantly opened his eyes and saw the handsome boy who had abruptly appeared at the spot where he fell earlier.

Compared to his pathetic look when he last saw him, he seemed much calmer this time. Although the robes worn on his body were still dirty, the young man’s back was straight, and his porcelain white skin shone with luster as he stood under the rays of sunshine with a noble bearing.


No wonder the demonic lord’s disciple wanted to make him his human furnace. 

But as a demonic cultivator, what Teng Rong hated the most were pretentious and upright people, who showed off their “upright” bearing with hypocrisy.

The demonic vines wrapped around his shoulders seemed to have the same thoughts as he did. Like a gigantic tentacle, they silently slithered around the young man’s escape path from every direction.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He has learned the Demonic phantom technique .When he uses this technique as he jumps down from the tree, a bystander would only see him as a dark shadow that had disappeared in a flash.

Utjcabwr jgf rlifca.

Ktfgfobgf, Kfcu Ebcu’r jqqgbjmt kjr jirb rlifca.

Helfa, vjcufgber, jcv vfjvis. 

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Aera ktfc tf tjv rafqqfv bc atf fvuf bo atf obgfra, tf ibbxfv abkjgvr atf sbecu wjc ktfc tf revvfcis rafqqfv bnfg j gbba. Kglqqlcu tlw vbkc, atf lwqjma bo tlr aglq wjvf j gbaafc ogela ojii bcab tlr tfjv, yewqlcu tlw bcab atf ktbif agff jr tf agfwyifv ogbw atf qjlc.

Teng Rong; “…”


What is this situation? In his whole 30 years of cultivating, he had never encountered such an accident where he would trip over as he was using the demonic phantom technique! And this rotten fruit didn’t fall before or after he passed by the tree and had to fall just right when he passed by! Damn it!

The young man was already looking in his way with vigilance. 

Teng Rong isn’t ready to confront the young man head-on. As a demonic cultivator, he has to have the moral standards of one. Fighting with some diabolical spells against a cultivator wielding a thunder attributed sword is something only a fool would do! Even if the said opponent was exhausted after being chased, nobody could guarantee whether they could come out victorious. He would rather retreat this time and look for another opportunity.

The demonic vines close to the young man had also wilted immediately, looking like ordinary weeds.

The black-haired young man left the area, and Teng Rong followed him all the way through.

The opportunity he was waiting for arrived when a group of demonic cultivators attacked the boy. 

The young man held his divine sword as thunder descended on the earth. The young man’s sword Qi was fierce. Although that group of demonic cultivators wasn’t strong, they were slaughtered by the young man as if he was casually chopping some melons and vegetables.

Teng Rong secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he didn’t join the fight when those demonic cultivators attacked. And besides being grateful for his decision, Teng Rong became even more greedy. After that fall, what chance will he get? If he succeeds, these spoils will be his!

When the young man and the demonic cultivator traveled into a certain valley, throughout the whole journey, Teng Rong was like a fly sticking to the boy as he hid behind a giant tree on the mountain and looked for opportunities.

Competition in the demonic path is extraordinarily fierce. Those who stood out from the crowd were individuals who had experienced hundreds of battles. The more Teng Rong watched the young man, the more frightened he became. This young man was obviously not adept at combat at first. But from the last few battles, he had become more skilled and had significantly improved. 

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With this kind of talent, and coupled with his decisiveness in killing, he had not let go of any demonic cultivators who begged him for mercy. This young man will surely make a name for himself in the righteous path in the future.

Well then… it would be more exciting for him when he could kill this boy.

When a demonic cultivator on the verge of his death pounced on the boy, making him turn his back around to face Teng Rong, he thought to himself; His opportunity has arrived.

Teng Rong raised his hand, the demonic vine wrapped around a rock fiercely attacked the young man. Together with the demonic cultivator, he charged at his opponent. 

The young man did not panic. He was still calm as an unruffled lake. The demonic vines flashed as the opponent sent out a palm strike, striking both the vines and the dying demonic cultivator down together.

However, the demonic vines stretched out and wrapped themselves around him.

Teng Rong jumped out from the valley as he took out his long spear. He aimed for the boy’s heart with great force as he locked the boy in place, unable to avoid it!


But as he took off, a small green came out. It wriggled its head and tail as it climbed the tree and bit Teng Rong’s ear fiercely before getting attacked by his demonic Qi, knocking itself into the grass.

Teng Rong dealt with the snake, but unfortunately, the venom had penetrated his earlobes. The poison made half of his body go numb, slowing him down in his ambush before eventually making him roll down the valley.


Why is he so unlucky today?!

Teng Rong was terrified, but before he could think of a solution, he had already rolled into the battlefield in a humiliating state. 

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Lin Zhizhi watched as the young man with an androgynous face appeared on top of the valley, rolled down from it with strange movements before finally stopping in front of him. He pressed the tip of his sword against the other party’s neck.

The venom from the green snake was the most poisonous when it first entered the body. Though after a while, Teng Rong regained his mobility along with the tip of a divine sword pressed onto his neck, making him regret his decision.

It only takes a flick of the young man’s hand for this divine sword to end his life. 

But Teng Rong is a person who could bend and stretch flexibly, doing anything he could do to survive. He hurriedly said to the other party, “Wait a minute! I came here to cooperate with you!”

Lin Zhizhi glanced at the vines that stopped moving, “Cooperate?”

“Look, I deliberately sent myself to your door and have entrusted my life to you. Doesn’t that spell out a problem?” Teng Rong blushed as he made an excuse for himself.

The black-haired young man coldly replied, “That alone told me enough about your problem, that is, your stupidity.” 

Lin Zhizhi didn’t have any plans on continuing this conversation. He brought the sword down to his opponent, ready to take the demonic cultivator’s life away.

Seeing how the other party had already made up his mind about killing him, Teng Rong’s Qi congested. He controlled his spiritual veins to self detonate. Even if he dies, he must drag the murdered into the abyss with him forever!

A demonic cultivator’s self-destructing methods have always been fierce. Lin Zhizhi was too close to him that he didn’t have time to retreat, catching him off guard with this act.

The light was so bright that Lin Zhizhi closed his eyes halfway through. He could only open his shield, and turn his back around as he resisted the impact of this self-detonating explosion. 

Suddenly, somebody embraced him from behind. They blocked the explosion behind him before gently asking beside his ear, “Are you alright

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