Lin Zhizhi was familiar with this voice.

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In the past ten years, Lin Zhizhi had been accompanied by this voice as it went from its former childishness to its current maturity. 

After the aftermath of the explosion behind him passed, Lin Zhizhi, who should’ve gotten bombed up into a bloody pulp, wasn’t even slightly hurt. The young man protecting him groaned before losing his strength, about to collapse onto the person below him. He raised his right arm before turning himself to face the other side.

Lin Zhizhi rushed over and looked at the young man, and as he expected, it was Su Yu.



Su Yu’s long hair was messy, and his lips were also pale. It is clear that he had suffered a critical injury from the explosion. The wound made him look like a fragile literary scholar, but Lin Zhizhi knew that this person wielded the sword, and he was also more powerful than himself.

The young man was lying to the side. His injured back made direct contact with the ground under him, it should’ve felt very painful, but he looked at Lin Zhizhi as if he didn’t feel the pain. a slight smile found its way to the young man’s mouth as he said to Lin Zhizhi, relief evident in his voice, “It’s good to see you’re fine.” 

Lin Zhizhi had mixed emotions about this.


He had an idea of madly beating Su Yu once they met in the secret realm and forcing the other party to explain his actions the night they drank together. But with the current situation…

“Why are you here?” The young master of the Lin family finally moved his lips. He bent down before putting his hands on his friend’s shoulders and lifting him up. He asked while observing the wound on the young man’s back.

His hair hung low and entangled with Su Yu’s hair, regardless of each other.


Su Yu’s hazy eyes gradually showed an indescribable emotion in them. He allowed the other party to check his back as he explained, “I got separated from my fellow disciples and came here to check out the situation when I heard the fuss you made as I passed by. I didn’t expect that I’d be meeting you here.”

Lin Zhizhi pulled the other’s hair as he observed the terrifying injury on his friend’s back with a frown.

Having withstood the self-detonating explosion of a demonic cultivator utilizing some secret technique at such a close distance, it was already fortunate for Su Yu to survive with only his entire back covered in blood.


Even though he was seriously injured, Su Yu looked as if he was just fine. Seeing how Lin Zhizhi carried a terrible expression on his face, he comforted him, “I’ll be fine once I treat this injury.” 

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“Why did you protect me-”

Lin Zhizhi was dumbfounded as he was in the middle of words.

“I was reluctant to see you hurt.” Since he had already confessed before, Su Yu didn’t need to hide his true thoughts, directly expressing them to Lin Zhizhi.

Some of Lin Zhizhi’s expressions turned grave as he said, “Didn’t you say you’ll give them up?” 

“It’s still in process.”

Lin Zhizhi, a man as straight as a rod, didn’t speak anymore. He placed one pill on Su Yu’s palm before nodding his chin, “Eat it.”

Lin Zhizhi was sure that this cut-sleeved friend of his would swallow the pill without asking anything about it. He gazed back at the other’s injury and gently tore off the torn clothes stuck to his wound. The clothes clung to the other’s wound. After tearing them off, he crushed a medicinal pill using his spiritual power before saying to the other party, “It’ll hurt a little. Bear with it for a while.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Su Yu glanced back at Lin Zhizhi. His light brown eyes carried a teasing gaze as he said, “I will be very joyful once I am able to say this to you.” 


Tbe kfgf lclaljiis ws ufcaif, mbcrlvfgjaf, jcv gfiljyif oglfcv! Qtb’r atlr qfgrbc atja’r ralii oilgalcu klat tlw cbk? Lf jyrbieafis vbfrc’a tjnf jcs lvfj ja jii!


Olc Itlhtl tjgrtis rijqqfv atf wfvlmlcf bcab Ve Te’r lcpegs klat j vjgx ibbx bc tlr ojmf. Lf atbeuta tf kbeiv tfjg tlr oglfcv’r qjlcoei rmgfjw. Dea lcrafjv bo ibrlcu tlr afwqfg, Ve Te ibbxfv mjiw jr ereji.

Only his pair of pale lips revealed that he wasn’t as calm as he appeared to be. 

The young master of the Lin family admires only a very few people. Except for those influential
figures who had made a name for themselves, there is only Su Yu, who is of a similar age as he is. influential

Su Yu is more mature than him, more steady, and more tolerant than he is. When he was still running off in the world every day, Su Yu had tried to take over his family’s affairs. Lin Zhizhi doesn’t usually talk about it, but Lin Zhizhi is already sure about it inside his heart. And at this time, seeing Su Yu’s current appearance and remembering that he got such a fatal injury because of him, Lin Zhizhi unconsciously relaxed his hand and began to apply the medicine onto the other’s back as gently as possible.

Su Yu turned his face and looked at Lin Zhizhi.

Lin Zhizhi’s eyes were deep. His pupils’ color was the purest of black. 

Maybe Lin Zhizhi doesn’t know this about himself, but he would look at people with a slight indifference in his gaze. The young master of the Lin family is very proud. No matter how politely he treated others, very few people were able to enter his heart. It took Su Yu more than ten years to achieve a place inside his heart as a brother, but he didn’t want to stop there.

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He couldn’t go any further to become the other’s soulmate.

Whenever he encountered this kind of gaze. Su Yu desired to conquer the other, and integrate himself into the other’s world.

And now, when Lin Zhizhi was applying the medicine for him. He looked very focused on dipping his fingers onto the pill powders before applying them to the terrible-looking wound on his back, little by little. 

He was looking at him.

Those beautiful black eyes were focused only on him.

This is what Su Yu had always dreamed about.

When he first obtained the favorability system, Lin Zhizhi found out that Su Yu’s attitude toward him was “Thinking about the day.” which is also because of this. Su Yu had been harboring this thought for a while. If Lin Zhizhi would look at him on their bed, those lovely pure black eyes locked onto him, begging him intently as he teared his eyes up. 

Every night, he would fall asleep with this fantasy inside his mind. He indulged himself in it, unable to extricate himself of this wild fantasy.

Su Yu, who had a bitter heart, yet didn’t say anything about it, T-T.

Su Yu aside, Lin Zhizhi has been applying the medicine to his wound for him.

The medicine given to him by the ancient immortal’s remnant soul was very helpful. 

After wiping it on, he saw how Su Yu’s initially fatal and terrifying wound had already healed. In the end, all that’s left were only scars from injuries that were deep enough to show the bones inside them, and even these injuries got healed, leaving some scars that weren’t too deep.

Lin Zhizhi looked at the results with satisfaction before turning his head. He faced Su Yu and asked him, “How do you feel?”


Su Yu immediately suppressed the burning desire in his eyes as he put on his gentle facade once again, “I feel much better now, thank you, Zhizhi.”

Lin Zhizhi stood up and clapped his hand, “It’s natural for me to do this since you’ve saved me, and I should thank you for that too. By the way, did you have any spare clothes?” 

“My only uniform had been torn into pieces and got thrown away.” Su Yu is practically naked right now. His beautiful abdominal muscles and mermaid lines were exposed for the whole world to see.

Su Yu decisively overlooked the spare clothes lying inside his spatial ring as he shook his head at Lin Zhizhi.

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The generous young master of the Lin family took out his Luo Immortal sect uniform from his spatial ring before throwing it on his gay friend’s head. “Wear this.”

Su Yu silently rubbed the shirt with his fingers, and the tip of his nose smelled a lingering scent on the clothes. It was the smell of his dearest friend. His heart jumped upon realization before he got up and wore the uniform. 

Su Yu is also a natural-born model. Compared to the black and white color scheme of the Tianyin sect uniform, the all-white Luo Immortal sect uniform brought out more of Su Yu’s gentle and refined temperament. Wearing this uniform, his beauty still had a completely different feeling from Lin Zhizhi’s.

Lin Zhizhi noticed how although Su Yu acted like he was fine, he still slightly frowned when he moved his shoulders. He noticed this but chose to remain silent about this discovery.

“What’s Zhizhi’s plan after this?” Su Yu asked as he walked to his side.

Lin Zhizhi thought before replying, “There’s currently a problem in the secret realm, and the demonic cultivators are running around rampantly. I think we should tell this to the elders later after the one-month deadline.” 

Su Yu pondered before saying, “Well, I’ll do as you say. Now, where will we be going?”

“…You’re coming with me?”

“Yes, what if you encounter what had just happened again?” Su Yu said it like it was a matter of fact.

“That was an accident. I’ll be more careful next time.” Grumbled Lin Zhizhi. 

“We’re in dangerous times now, so you’ll have to be extra careful.” Su Yu tidied his long hair again. He was now dressed elegantly and returned to the older brother who Lin Zhizhi relied upon.

Lin Zhizhi pondered for a moment before finally accepting the proposal of this friend of his to form a team. In any case, inside the secret realm, any grievances could be placed aside for the time being, as surviving is the most important thing right now.

He was about to leave the place with Su Yu when the other party abruptly grabbed his shoulders before asking with concern, “What’s wrong with your shoulders?”

Lin Zhizhi saw that he was referring to the mark left by getting penetrated by the demonic vine on his left shoulder. After the demonic vine perished, the black mist surrounding his wound also disappeared. Since the injury wasn’t fatal, he didn’t do anything to thoroughly heal this wound. As for the medicinal pills and elixirs, he decided to use them as little as possible. He didn’t know how many battles he had to go through before the one-month deadline. It was better to save them up in case of emergencies. 

“Who harmed you?” When Su Yu asked this question, his voice became much lower than usual. A cold look flashed in his eyes, freezing into an icy gaze.

“They’re already dead…” The black-haired boy brushed Su Yu’s hand away as he disapprovingly said, “There’s no need to make a fuss out of it. It’s only a minor injury.”


Su Yu had once wished to habitually spoil this boy, making it so that he would get used to his care and is unable to be separated from him. It would also be best if Lin Zhizhi became pampered and willful, unable to stand the ups and downs of the outside world, dwelling under his wings forever.

But, Lin Zhizhi had already become what he is now. 

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Su Yu’s fingers tightened for a second before relaxing as he controlled his expression. When he raised his head again, he was back to his usual gentleness as he said to his friend, “I’ll help you apply some medicine to the wound.”

The young master of the lin family became slightly impatient as he said, “I already said that I don’t need it. It’ll get better soon. Now, let’s get out of here first.”

This place is too conspicuous, and Teng Rong’s explosion just now was quite powerful that as long as someone was near the area, they could see the explosion and come here to check it out.

Su Yu wanted to say something, but Lin Zhizhi had already said it. There were many demonic cultivators in the dimension, and many of them followed Teng Rong’s example to watch Lin Zhizhi’s defeat from a distance. When they heard the explosion, they had rushed from their spot to Lin Zhizhi’s location. 

“Wait here.”

Said his childhood gay friend as he stopped smiling. His whole aura had changed. It’s as if his entire person is an embodiment of an unsheathed sword. He stretched his hand out as he swept away a few opponents before continuing to attack them.

His fighting method is different from Lin Zhizhi’s method, which had a bigger opening and attack range.

Su Yu is more able to predict the direction of the demonic cultivator’s attack and dodge it incomprehensibly before attacking his opponent with a deadly blow. 

One of the demonic cultivators didn’t immediately die as he covered his wound and threw a knife and a talisman toward Su Yu with his dying breath.

Su Yu didn’t know if it was intentional, but a faint smile found its way to his face as he grabbed the knife using his left hand. He seemed to want to show off his skills by catching the talisman using nothing but his bare hands.

The talisman had some spirituality and easily dodged Su Yu’s hand before stabbing itself onto his left arm. His predictions were accurate as he could’ve directly grabbed it. But just as he was about to grab it, he abruptly moved. The talisman pierced into his left arm, bringing out a patch of red blood at that exact moment. It was about to continue its attack when Su Yu had aimed his hand and slammed it into the earth with ease. He turned his head around as he covered his left arm before collapsing onto Lin Zhizhi’s side.

Lin Zhizhi was also eager to fight, but seeing how the few demonic cultivators that came this time were only some puny shrimps, he decided not to disturb Su Yu. He held his chin as he watched Su Yu wave his arm around [?] with a gloomy look plastered on his face. He was a little curious when he saw the other’s fighting method. Could this be the Tianyin sect’s exclusive cultivation method? As soon as this thought appeared, he suddenly saw Su Yu getting pierced by a small talisman! He looked at Su Yu, who was currently beside him with widened eyes as he asked, “What’s the matter with you?” 

Su Yu’s white clothes got stained with his blood, yet his appearance remained as dazzling as always. If somebody didn’t know the situation, they would probably think he got honorably injured after fighting with someone like the Venerable Demon himself. Su Yu weakly answered him, “I wanted the talisman…”

Oh dear God, he got injured because he fucking wanted the goddamned talisman! Su Yu, are you mentally retarded?!

Lin Zhizhi ; Su Yu are you mentally retarded?!

me translating this chapter ; He’s only a mental retard when he’s with you  

I hope you enjoy this chapter! and do let me know if there’s any mistakes 

Also, I’m sorry to inform that I won’t be able to submit new chapters as frequently as I have in the last two weeks [but I will continue to translate!] because of some family matters, I’ll start updating more once things get better, so please bear with me until then.

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