Lin Zhizhi wanted to take this chance to scold Su Yu, but he then thought for a bit. This gay friend of his had always been mature and stable. How could he do something as reckless as grabbing a talisman with his bare hands? It doesn’t fit his personality at all, now does it?

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Bearing this predetermined idea, Lin Zhizhi recalled the scene he saw just now. He noticed that Su Yu’s back seemed to look a little stiff. Thinking it over again, he determined that the cause of this accident was the other’s back injury that hadn’t fully healed yet. 

Now, this is embarrassing, especially since he harbored the idea of scolding the other party

inside his heart.



Now, the young master of the Lin family has a lot of clashing thoughts inside, causing turmoil inside his heart. He twitched the corners of his mouth as he placed a, “My friend had just saved me from a suicide bombing, and now he got injured again because of the injury caused by the explosion.” pot on his head.

Lin Zhizhi took out a medicinal pill in despair as he gently grasped Su Yu’s arm. He looked at the bleeding wound and wanted to heal it using the medicinal pill. 

But this time, Su Yu didn’t obey him as he willfully took his belt off. He tied a knot on his wound with one hand before saying to Lin Zhizhi, “You don’t have to worry about this. It’ll get better soon, so we better leave this place first.”


Lin Zhizhi, “…”

-Ah, these words sound very familiar. Didn’t Lin Zhizhi say this to Su Yu earlier? Now that the situation had turned, Su Yu deliberately said this to anger him!

After Su Yu finished speaking to him, he was about to leave this place with Lin Zhizhi when he got restrained by Lin Zhizhi’s hand. He looked at the black-haired boy, who had a cold expression plastered on his face a little strangely. He then saw the other party untie the knot he had randomly tied before securing his wound with some force, stopping the flowing blood before tying a dead knot on the injury.


The dead know got repeatedly tied into a twist.

Su Yu didn’t stop him. He tried raising his left hand but found that he couldn’t move it freely because of the tight pressure in his arm. He could only hold it in a weird posture and place it in front of his chest. The gay friend lightly coughed before innocently asking him, “Zhizhi, you tied it too tightly. How should I deal with an enemy with my hand-tied like this?”

“I just casually tied it. You can just tie it off if you want to.”

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“You’re the one who tied it up for me. So, naturally, I won’t take it off.” Su Yu said as he walked behind him. He thought for a moment before quickening his pace to walk with him side by side. He said in a pleasing voice that he had used thousands of times before, “Well then, it’s all up to Zhizi to protect me.” 

Su Yu’s words made Lin Zhizhi a little uncomfortable.

He was used to Su Yu playing the role of his guardian. But now, the positions of the two had been reversed.

When Su Yu caught up to him, Lin Zhizhi deliberately kept some distance between them before replying, “Depending on the situation, you won’t necessarily need my protection.”

His estrangement made Su Yu’s eyes dim. 

“Zhizhi has grown up.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Su Yu abruptly slowed his pace and stayed behind. He watched as the young man in front of him continued to march forward as he uttered these words with a sigh, but it got submerged by the sound of birds chirping around them inside the hidden realm.

Olc Itlhtl tjv jigfjvs ugbkc eq lc j cfk kbgiv atja tf tjv cb mbcagbi bnfg. Ktf sbecu wjc tjv ugbkc eq jcv cb ibcufg cffvfv tlw.

Llr defralbc kjr jmaejiis j aglmx. Po tf tjvc’a mbcofrrfv, Olc Itlhtl kbeiv tjnf qgbyjyis jcrkfgfv pbsoeiis, “Ktfc, ifjnf la ab wf!” yea cbk, atfgf’r bcis atlr jcrkfg atja’r cflatfg tjqqs cbg rjv. 

-Then, he’ll create a world where he needs to depend on him.

Su Yu gazed down at the spatial ring on his finger. The fine material on the ring reflected the rays of sunshine as it swayed with glossy colors.


The friend in front of him probably hasn’t noticed him lagging behind the other, or maybe he didn’t care, continuing to move forward on their own regardless. The young man’s back stood tall and straight. Looking from behind, he’s like a berg of ice that never melts, solitary and independent, no longer needing to rely on others.

The two of them continued to walk together, but they haven’t encountered a single powerful demonic cultivator on their journey thus far. 

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Su Yu caught up to him after being left behind for a sec. When he was back at his side, he lightly smiled as he moved at a gentle and moderate pace. An action that wouldn’t make people think much about it.

Like a real elder brother, he treated his second little brother with tolerance and moderation.

When night came, the two young cultivators found a temporary resting place under a gigantic towering tree. Lin Zhizhi found a few pieces of firewood and started a fire. After starting the fire, he took out two roasted chickens, some water, and a few eating utensils from his spatial ring, before handing some over to Su Yu.

Su Yu received them using his right hand as an image of Lin Zhizhi roasting a chicken in his sect appeared in his mind. He tightly held the roasted chicken as he jokingly asked, “Did Zhizhi fall in love with roasting chicken again?” 

The young man blushed as he vaguely said, “No… these were stuffed to me when I was about to leave. I took them anyway since I couldn’t refuse it.”

It is indeed the truth.

That time, when Feng Qin found out he was going to enter the secret realm and would be gone for a month, he cried and shouted that he would put a clone of himself as a tiny phoenix inside his spatial ring. After Lin Zhizhi rewarded him with a few knocks on his head, he finally settled down and offered him the next best thing. He roasted many chickens for his sweetheart, lest he starved in the secret realm and didn’t have any chickens to eat.

But frankly speaking, after eating the same thing for so long, even if the chicken was the most delicious in the world, he’s getting tired of eating it. And now, he was only holding onto the roasted chicken as he chewed on it in his mouth, feeling a bit too hard for him to swallow. 

Su Yu knew Lin Zhizhi much better than ordinary people did. Seeing Lin Zhizhi’s expression as he ate the chicken, he knew something was off. So, Su Yu understandingly wanted to share some of his food from his spatial ring. But because his left hand was still tightly bound, he had to hand over his roasted chicken to Lin Zhizhi first before taking out his own stash of dry food.

Lin Zhizhi also showed some consideration for his friend at this moment. Seeing Su Yu struggling with his movements, he suddenly realized that it would be hard for the other party to eat. So he washed a green leaf with water before tearing the roasted chicken into strips and placing them onto the leaf. It will make it easier for Su Yu to eat with one hand.

Su Yu felt his impetuous heart softening at Lin Zhizhi’s small gesture.

Although he didn’t want to eat the roasted chicken that was cooked by his supposed love rival [?], since Lin Zhizhi gave it to him, he still had to taste it- 

Just as Su Yu thought about this, Lin Zhizhi felt his Wenxian sword inside his spatial ring tremble and issued a warning sound. He immediately pulled Su Yu as he stood up. He placed their food away as he and he aimed his sword in front of them.

“Your spiritual senses are pretty powerful. Do you possess any secret treasure?” A powerful voice cut through the deathly silence. “Finding me is no easy feat, you know.”

In the woods directly in front of Lin Zhizhi, a man clad in black stood between the light emitted by the fire and the darkness cast by the wood’s shadows. His eyes were cold, and his exposed skin was covered in wrinkles, which didn’t match his figure. It’s as if he’s a young adult who had been drained of their life essence and abruptly aged.

Seeing how Lin Zhizhi remained silent, he continued on his own, “You’re not going to say it? Well then, I’ll have to ask your corpse later. Hopefully, you can keep your corpse whole.” 

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He then used his sharp eyes to glance at their fireplace where they placed their roasted chickens, “The world is indeed unfair. My dumbass junior brother was left to rot, yet here you are. Laughing and eating roasted chickens. Really cruel… So, I’ve decided to kill you in order to comfort my junior brother’s soul in heaven.”

“…” This uncle has watched too many dramas. He’s probably in the late stages of his eighth-grade syndrome, right?


Lin Zhizhi didn’t want to talk nonsense with him. When he was about to take the lead, Su Yu grabbed his hand as he whispered in his ears, “Let’s flee.”

Lin Zhizhi, “?” 

“He’s a sealer. You can’t defeat him.”

Sealers refer to cultivators whose abilities exceeded their current cultivation stage limit. Their abilities were sealed and integrated through a special method.

If the entrance to the Tianfu hidden realm is limited to the Qi refining stage, then only the Qi refining stage of cultivation would remain after a foundation building cultivator utilized this method to enter the hidden realm.

The scary thing about this kind of cultivator is that their spiritual senses are still at the foundation building stage and their precise control over their spiritual weapons is extremely fine. If he annoyed him, making the other unseal their cultivation in a rage. Then even if he got suppressed by the limits of the hidden realm, he would still be able to kill a few Qi refining cultivators before he got ejected. 

Foundation building and the Qi refining stage are not the same things.

But Lin Zhizhi didn’t notice Su Yu’s hidden trap. What Su Yu said to him earlier was, “You can’t defeat him.” and not, “We can’t defeat him.” So, even if things did go wrong in the future, he could still hold on to being the one who never lies to his friend.

The young master of the Lin family glanced at Su Yu’s left hand. His expression changed several times as he looked at Su Yu’s injury. When Su Yu spoke again, Lin Zhizhi made up his mind to run away with the other.

There was a tacit understanding between the two as they immediately bolted in different directions inside the forest. 

The demonic cultivator coldly snorted before following the first person who located him earlier.

In a blink of an eye, the demonic cultivator had caught up to Lin Zhizhi. he formed a claw using one hand before aiming it towards the back of the young man and launching his attack.

Lin Zhizhi heard the sound from behind and jumped on the tree to dodge, avoiding the attack from the person behind him.

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“Boom-” with a crack, the tree that got hit by the attack instantly collapsed with a loud noise. 

Lin Zhizhi’s speed wasn’t as fast as him. Seeing how the demonic cultivator had already caught up to him, Lin Zhizhi stopped running away and gritted his teeth as he fought back. The divine sword hung horizontally as the thunder around it gathered into a Thunderball and threw it towards his opponent.

His opponent was indeed a well-deserved sealed cultivator. The demonic cultivator is well above Lin Zhizhi in fighting experience, not to mention his meticulous control of spiritual power. Seeing the Thunder ball coming right at him, he nimbly dodged it and contorted his fingers into eagle claws.

He stomped his foot and took off, sneakily sending out a wisp of his demonic Qi into the soil. It dissolved into the ground as it swam toward the black-haired young man like an earthworm.

It was challenging to discern the demonic Qi using the naked eye in the dark night, and it also traveled very fastly. Just as it was about to touch Lin Zhizhi’s feet, it suddenly leaped out. The demonic Qi took advantage of the fierce collision between the demonic cultivator and Lin Zhizhi. Their sword and claws collided, providing the demonic Qi a chance to strike as the teenager’s sight was diverted by the fight. 

Lin Zhizhi only had time to dodge to the side subconsciously. The claw that should have hit him in the chest was met with his right shoulder instead, striking Lin Zhizhi and knocking him away.

The boy’s mouth tasted fishy as blood was oozing out of the corners of his mouth as he got firmly caught by a pair of hands.


Su Yu, who had come from behind, effortlessly embraced him into his arms. He had already untied the bandage on his left arm. Su Yu lovingly wiped the blood on the corner of Lin Zhizhi’s lips using his right hand before putting it in his mouth.

It was sweeter than anything in the world. 

“It’s alright.” He gently said, “It’s all my fault for being late.”

The sealed demonic cultivator didn’t pursue them. He stopped in the distance as he looked at the boy clad in white who had suddenly appeared before clapping his hands as he laughed, ” I didn’t expect you two to be a couple- what a pair of mandarin ducks, but don’t you worry, I’ll make sure to bury the both of you together.”

Su Yu covered Lin Zhizhi’s eyes using his right hand.

Lin Zhizhi wanted to struggle. Damn it! It’s really embarrassing to get embraced in a princess posture by this cut sleeve! But for some reason, Lin Zhizhi’s eyes suddenly dropped as he fell deeper into Su Yu’s arms. 

“You’ve hurt him.” Su Yu hugged Lin Zhizhi with one hand as he said this to the demonic cultivator.

He’s not smiling now, but his eyes were deathly cold.

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