Chapter 40

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“Who’s Wukong?” Asked the little monkey after he somersaulted in the air. 


He was born in the Tianfu secret realm, so naturally, he had never heard of those novels. 




“A character from a novel. He’s a divine monkey. You reminded me of him when I saw you in this form.” Lin Zhizhi explained briefly.


The little monkey rolled his eyes at him and didn’t bother to ask more. He shook his legs as he said with a grin, “Say, should I just kill you now and leave? You humans don’t even have anything good for me anyway. A thousand ghost banner? Tsk, I could easily make that too.” He flew a little closer to the boy, wanting to watch the boy cower from his threat and pray he wouldn’t go through with it. 



Lin Zhizhi stretched out his palm towards him, and the demonic beast spirit stepped on it unconsciously. 



“You wouldn’t do that.” He heard the boy say. 


The demon spirit became enraged. “Are you looking down on me? You’re still in the Qi refining stage, while my current cultivation has recovered to the foundation building stage. It’s easy for me to kill you.” 



As if to prove his statement, Lin Zhizhi watched as the little monkey pointed his fingers to the three red mush on the ground. 


Lin Zhizhi didn’t answer him. Instead, he took the spatial ring from the little monkey who had grabbed them after he killed the three men. He broke through the restriction spell cast by the other party using his divine senses and rummaged inside the ring. In the end, he found what he was looking for in the middle-aged man’s ring. It was a record about the body tempering pool. He didn’t know where it was recorded, but it was torn down by these demonic cultivators, who came to Linye city after tearing the place apart. 


The body tempering pool was called the ‘Bone cleansing pool’, which was owned by a Buddhist sect a thousand years ago. Those Buddhist cultivators’ cultivation base grew slowly, but their body overpowered their cultivation, and they were the only decent sect that could rival those demonic cultivators in terms of physical strength. During a certain disaster, the Buddhist sect moved together. This pool of water’s spirit eyes was linked to the region. They couldn’t move it away, so they had to cover it up somehow and turn it into a pool of ordinary water. 


The reason why Lin Yecheng was able to discover this pool of water was also because the formation was in a state of semi-failure with time, and some spiritual water flowed out.


If you want to completely destroy the formation, you’ll have to find a treasure that could destroy the eye of the formation. By tapping the destroyed formation eye at a specific point, you could directly discover the spiritual eye of the formation. 



All these things were what the caring middle-aged man had prepared for Lin Zhizhi. His eyes were hidden in the mountains and forest, and he’s also a wood attribute. So filial. 


Lin Zhizhi placed the ring in his arms and walked straight to a bush. There, Qi Ting was lying here with his eyes closed. He didn’t seem to have any injuries, but he was probably hurt by the ghost’s attack. This guy could be considered to be lucky. With most of his protective spiritual tools on his body, it seems he was barely hurt in this incident. When the spirits were in action, he was protected by his spiritual tool. When the demon spirit ate all the ghosts, he was probably thrown off by the impact, which also made him unconscious. 


The young master of the Lin family gave a “tsk” And lifted Qi Ting up, and threw his senior beside the bone washing pool.


He followed the veins of the formation. He closed his eyes and sensed the wooden aura encased in the entire mountain. The juncture of the valleys on both sides was where the underground wood aura was the most intense. 


The black-haired boy buried the fire-type spirit stone there and separated a ray of his spiritual senses to draw out its power. Immediately, the fire aura stirred up in the air. Following its master’s wishes, it went straight to the ground and burned the formation that had withered with the passage of time. 

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 In an instant, the formation lost its effectiveness, and the spring’s eyes were exposed to the young man’s field of vision.


At the same time the green liquid appeared, the spiritual energy from the pavement swept Lin Zhizhi. He stretched out his hand to stop the flowing green liquid, and suddenly felt the burning sensation of his palm.


The fluid looks fresh, but it contains the essence of the earthen fire, which is the key to the bone cleansing pool. The water inside the pool is actually a necessary dilution in case the disciples couldn’t handle it. 


If you wash your bones with this liquid alone, it’ll burn your body. Ordinary mortals couldn’t bear it, moreover, the pure earthen fire spiritual water is only enough for one or two people to use. If it’s converted into a pool of water, it could be used for more than ten elite disciples. 


The young master of the Lin family has always faced difficulties.



He could close the gap of getting the perfect foundation by using this bone cleansing pond. 


Therefore, Lin Zhizhi resolutely took off his clothes, revealing his spotless body. The red mark left by Xuanhua last time has completely faded, no longer lingering among the young man’s pale skin, 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


 Fcobgaecjafis, la kjr rbbc mbnfgfv ys j ijsfg bo ugffc ildelv.


Olc Itlhtl rwfjgfv atf ildelv jii bnfg tlr ybvs. Lf fcvegfv atf lcmgfjrlcuis qjlcoei abgwfca jr tf rja lc j mgbrr-ifuufv qbrlalbc jcv kjlafv obg atf foofma ab qjrr. 


Ktf ilaaif wbcxfs pewqfv eq jcv vbkc jr tf jqqgbjmtfv atf ybs. Lf kgjqqfv tlwrfio jgbecv atf ybs’r tjlg rb atja tf kbeivc’a abemt atf ugffc ildelv. Eluta cbk, tf mbwqifafis obguba jybea tlr atgfja ab xlii tlw. Lf ilfv bc tlr tfjv jr tf rjlv, “P atlcx sbe ibbx yfaafg klatbea mibatfr, ilxf wf. P’nf cfnfg kbgc mibatfr yfobgf, atfs’gf rb mewyfgrbwf.” 




Lin Zhizhi was enduring the bone cleansing pool’s painful purification process, but the demonic beast spirit kept on whispering in his ears and distracted him. He could pretend he didn’t hear the other at first, but then the spirit whispered louder as he said, “Why don’t you try tanning your skin? It would’ve made you look more masculine.” 


He didn’t have the strength to lift the demonic beast spirit and throw it away, so he replied, “Haven’t you already regained your strength? Why aren’t you leaving?”


The little monkey lightly grabbed a leaf fluttering in the air, he glided it to the ground as he asked, “Are you still hoping for me to kill you and leave?” 


The demonic beast spirit also didn’t know why, he just knew that he didn’t want to leave. 



He was threatening the other just now, but he didn’t really want to leave when he suddenly had the urge to hear this person asking him to stay.


Perhaps the moment the demon refining furnace opened, the voice that appeared to rescue him had treated him so gently. Making him find a long-lost sense of security from the other. 


Just as Lin Zhizhi was convinced that such a proud and tenacious existence as the demonic beast spirit wouldn’t kill him, the spirit also refused to admit to that fact and shouted, “Humans are all the same.” When in fact, he also knew deep in his heart that this person wouldn’t betray him either. 


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From being rescued by him in the secret realm to watching over as he built his foundation, he has seen enough to know this person’s character. 


Lin Zhizhi was covered in green liquid. His skin burst open and healed due to the healing properties contained in the earthen fire liquid before cracking open again. In some places, even his white bones were visible. 


Then, in the process of breaking and repairing his body, a little golden light was quietly conceived in him. 


After the last wave of pain resided and his body had absorbed the spiritual fluid, the young man stood tall. With a faint golden light shining on his unblemished skin, he looked like an awe-inspiring and saintly young man. 


Lin Zhizhi turned around and put on his shirt, without hesitating, he took out his Wenxian sword and slashed it on his left hand. He used a lot of strength, yet even with the power of the divine sword, he couldn’t even draw a thin line of blood marks on his arm. 


In a second, the wind began to rush around the young man as his spiritual energy began to surge. He was about to build his foundation again. 


This time, he didn’t use the foundation establishment pill. Instead, he prepared to build his foundation by relying on himself. It’s only the first level of his foundation, no pressure. 



 The fluorescent light flickered as the base of the foundation tower began to stack high. In a blink of an eye, it reached eight and a half feet, just like his last attempt. 


Heaven and earth seemed to know that a perfect foundation will appear again as dark clouds floating on the skyline began to rumble, it was as if a heavenly tribulation will fall upon it in the next moment. 


With the sky as the guide and the earth as the tower, the young man raised his hand and took a powerful step at the end of the road. 


This is the last step, even if he succeeded in tempering his body now, it’s still difficult for him to achieve his goal. 




It was the deafening sound of the thunder above him. 


The thunder tribulation descended from the sky. With its teeth bared and claws aimed at him along with the mighty power of the sky between them, it slashed down on Lin Zhizhi. 


It was the envy of the sky. 


When the tribulation was approaching, Lin Zhizhi suddenly remembered that there was a time when he had such close contact with thunder. But at that time, his master had safely guarded him, but now, he can only rely on himself. 


The thunder was approaching. Amidst the blue ray of thunder appeared a pair of spirited eyes. This was a tribulation many people feared, yet the young man standing on the ground had a smile on his lips that had been absent for a long time. 



The tribulation is coming. 


Lin Zhizhi didn’t choose to avoid it. Instead, he chose to approach the incoming tribulation. He used his spiritual energy to form a shield and pulled out his Wenxian sword, trying to introduce the thunder into his sword. It was during the old man’s ascension to immortality when he forged this sword. Although this thunder tribulation is only aimed at a Qi refining cultivator, and the scale of its might couldn’t compare to that old man’s, the thunder still has the same origin. If you could supplement the thunder into the sword, it would be enough to form a sword formation.

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A thunder formation! It would be equivalent to him manipulating thunder! 


The thunder was violent and tyrannical. It avoided the Wenxian sword and changed its direction to attack the young man who contested for the perfect foundation once again. This time, Lin Zhizhi thought of something and removed the barrier and used the Buddhist sect’s golden body to resist the thunder head-on, using himself as a temptation to introduce the thunder to the Wenxian sword. 


This is quite risky. If there was even the slightest mistake, he would be reduced to scattered ashes. 


But success comes at a high price. The Wenxian sword itself is a divine sword bred from a thunder tribulation. At this moment, he felt the baptism of the heavenly thunder once again. The original ascension immortal thunder inside the sword spontaneously caught the thunder tribulation and absorbed it inside. 


Lin Zhizhi was struck by a thunderbolt, and the golden body had a tendency to crack. When he asked the immortal sword to absorb the thunder tribulation, he shook the hilt of his sword and introduced the last trace of the thunder to his foundation tower. 


Perfection is indeed not the pride of heaven and earth, but this nine feet foundation tower of his is made up of the sky itself. 


The sky couldn’t rob this from below. 


The path attracting spiritual energy spreads to both ends as the foundation building tower flew into the space between the young man’s eyebrows. Lin Zhizhi only felt the meridians inside his body were more than three times wider now, and a miniature ocean was formed inside his dantian, continuously replenishing his spiritual energy. 



During the Qi Refinement period, apart from meditation, there is no way to replenish spiritual Qi from within the body. No wonder there was such a big discrepancy between a foundation-building cultivator and a Qi refining cultivator. 


Lin Zhizhi touched the center of his eyebrows. In addition to being happy, he was also a little relieved. Now that his foundation had been established, and not any foundation at that, it’s a perfect foundation, his physique shouldn’t flare up anytime soon. 


Looking at the dark-haired boy with a rare smile on his face, the demonic beast spirit flew up and landed on his shoulders. Turning into a butterfly, it flapped its wings and landed in the boy’s hair, “A perfect foundation in this era… I’m sure it’s also the top foundation among your race.” 


The spirit said it well. 


The Central Continent is a prosperous place in the world of cultivating immortals, and the four major sects are very talented. They could be called the leaders of the entire human world, and Lin Zhizhi will be the pride of these four sects. 


Lord Daozun’s only disciple. 


Not many people know about this yet, but soon they will. 


When he returns to the sect, the gatekeepers in the sect will usher around in a rare turmoil. 


With the appearance of a perfect foundation, those hidden disciples would finally not stand it anymore. The nine steps of a ladder, the ranking of those stone tablets, and the entire younger generation of the central continents would have to reshuffle their cards. 


But for now, the news about Lin Zhizhi’s foundation is known to no one but the demonic beast spirit sitting on his head. 



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When Lin Zhizhi returned to the bone washing pool, Qi Ting had already woken up. It’s just that he was searching for something on the shore, wasting his precious time to use the bone cleansing pool. Seeing Lin Zhizhi, he touched his neck, and with an aggrieved face, he said in a worried tone, “Where have you been? I thought you…you’re gone…”


At this time, the favorability index above Qi Ting’s head was no longer the same. The negative number has quietly become, [Qi Ting, favorability index 10, and sees you as his rival in love]


It seems that, although Qi Ting’s attitude is not very good at ordinary times, he is still very friendly at critical moments. Although his attitude has not changed, his favorability index has gradually increased.


That was what Lin Zhizhi thought to himself. However, since he was used to Qi Ting’s thorny words along the journey. When he saw him like this, he almost thought the other became dumb after being bitten by a ghost. The young man touched his nose as he replied, “Well, It’s because I have to leave for something…” 


Qi Ting looked at Lin Zhizhi, and suddenly felt that he had already known him for a good amount of time, but how could this guy have a… faint charm to him?!


No, he must be confused by the formation, yeah- Just like when he woke up and found that Lin Zhizhi wasn’t by his side and he began to panic inside his heart!- Wait, formation? 


Thinking of this, Qi Ting hurriedly said, “How did you wake up? How did you know there would be an ambush?”


Lin Zhizhi didn’t plan to tell him the real situation. Now that he knows that these demonic cultivators are only here for the bone cleansing pool, then there’s no need to create more chaos when it’s already been resolved. If Qi Ting’s master is suspicious and the demonic beast spirit gets exposed, then he’ll probably get hunted down to be refined as a pill again. So he casually made an excuse, “I guessed that those three people wouldn’t give up so easily, but who knew they’d actually come and ambush us. I also woke up just a little earlier than you, so I looked around. Maybe an expert had been passing by and landed us a hand.” 


Maybe he really isn’t as good at lying as he thought he was, even the bad, mentally retarded, young Qi Ting could see the loopholes in his words at a mere glance. But once his temper broke out, he didn’t want to reign it back in, he didn’t want to continue talking, and he didn’t want to listen to anything! 



The temper of people like Qi Ting could come and go quickly. After being arrogant for a little while, he could easily be distracted by other things. For example, when he saw the pool of water, he suddenly blushed, and his eyes flickered, not knowing what to think. He saw the other deliberately turn his head and suggested in a casual tone, “Everyone already came here, and it would be a waste not to take a bath. As your senior brother, I should be teaching you to treasure your resources. So, let’s take a bath together.” 


Lin Zhizhi asked, “… A bath?” 


A god fucking bath? 


Qi Ting wasn’t feeling right at this moment, and he even slipped out of his thoughts. He quickly made a straight face and said with a revolted tone, “In my house, there are many pools with this effect. I’m just here for my junior sister, naturally, we could only share. But as your senior brother, it is my duty to tell you not to waste-“


“You’re correct, senior brother. But I’ve already soaked elsewhere, so you could go in alone.” Lin Zhizhi said. 


Qi Ting: “…”


#I don’t know why, but I feel very disappointed#


#Probably I can only make up for it#


#Help, what should I do if my body is suddenly hot when I’m soaking in the bath


# #Oh…it turns out it’s the effect of the bone washing pool, Ha ha#

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