Qi Ting doesn’t care about the bone cleansing pool at all.

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He has confidence in himself, and his elders also possess numerous foundation establishment pills. The reason why he joined this mission is purely because of Xie Ling. 

After soaking in the pool for a while, even if he’s feeling pain caused by the pool’s cleansing, he still maintained a perfectly relaxed bathing posture because of the dark-haired teenager behind him. His legs were supported in an arch, and his arms were slightly tense, revealing his defined biceps. Practically showing off his body in front of his loved rival.

And it’s also for his junior sister… Maybe Xie Ling is secretly peeking this way?



Qi Ting found a perfect excuse for his obnoxious behavior, making him want to show off more proudly. But as time went by, he could only feel his body getting hotter and hotter accompanied by some pain as the impurities within his body were slowly squeezed out of his pores.

Holy crap- Why is this so painful?! 

Young master Qi, who hasn’t suffered much during his lifetime so far, could only hold on for so long. But for the sake of his pride, he had to endure the feeling of pins and needles prickling his skin. This went on for two minutes before he finally relented and jumped from the pain that penetrated his bones. After jumping from the pool, he grabbed his clothes on the bank of the pool in a frenzy.


The noise he made was so loud, that it made Lin Zhizhi open his eyes and check on him, “What’s wrong?”

His voice was like a basin of ice water that froze Qi Ting to the ground. He hurriedly covered his private parts using his clothes as he indifferently answered, “Don’t look at me…”

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“Why would I want to see what you’re doing?” Lin Zhizhi questioned back.


Qi Ting’s face was already flushed red by the spiritual liquid in the pool, but when he heard what the other said, his face turned a brighter shade of red. Don’t even mention how he’s still dripping wet all over, anyone would’ve laughed at him if they saw him right now. In this situation, Qi Ting, who loves his pride, wished to put himself inside his spatial ring so that he doesn’t have to look pathetic in front of his love rival.

However, he is also the son of an aristocratic family who has faced numerous situations. He still has the ability to adapt to abrupt changes. He forced out an explanation, “I’ve successfully tempered my body. I want to save time and return to the sect to meditate and cultivate as soon as possible.”

After saying that nonsense, Qi Ting wanted to put on his clothes, but he was still soaked all over. If he walked out like this, it wouldn’t look good on his image. He was caught in a dilemma because of this for a while.


Lin Zhizhi immediately turned his eyes away, not wanting to see any more of this spicy scene. However, if he wants to get dry soon- 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The young man’s slender fingers lightly touched Qi Ting as his spiritual energy slowly evaporated the water droplets sprinkled on his body.

Ktlr lr jiwbra atf rjwf jr ktja Wejctej vlv ab tlw ja atja alwf, fzmfqa atlr kjr j aglnlji atlcu ab vb obg tlr rtlhec, ktlif la abbx tlw j iba bo foobga ab wjclqeijaf tlr rqlglaeji qbkfgr lc j reyaif kjs ab mjgfoeiis njqbglhf atf kjafg vgbqifar bc atf batfg’r ybvs.

The young master of the Lin family was too lazy to wait for the other to dry himself and did this. But from Qi Ting’s point of view, his appearance was reflected in the indifferent young man’s deep unfathomable eyes, who had momentarily changed from his usual aloof self and decided to help him out.

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To describe this feeling he’s never experienced before: flattered. 

Even if the other party turned his head and didn’t want to look at him, Qi Ting thought that it was because he was afraid that he’d know the other had a good impression on him. Is this him finally giving him his blessing? Since his rival in love has taken the initiative to be nice to him, he should also be nice to the other so that he won’t fall into the limelight!

The favorability on Mr. Qi’s head was added by another five points after he wore his clothes. He placed his spatial rings onto each of his five fingers before smoothing the wrinkles on his clothes in satisfaction. He walked to Lin Zhizhi’s side and said in a kind and easygoing tone. “Junior brother Lin, I’m ready to go now. Let’s get out of here.”

…Did Qi Ting take the wrong medicine?

Lin Zhizhi thought as he looked at him with an odd look on his face before jumping on the rock beside the pool and walking in front of him. 

The young man’s posture when he walked was proper, unlike Qi Ting. Qi Ting walked lopsidedly and moved in a way he was most comfortable with. Lin Zhizhi was born in a typical well-educated family, which was reflected in his every demeanor. His long legs were slightly spread out as he took a straight step forward, his long sleeves hung down from his clothes and swung as his body slightly swayed with each step he took. If you look from the back, you’ll see the obvious and dull white robe with sword patterns embroidered in the fabric, but when he wears it, he looks like a courageous young cultivator with an aloof and abstinent temperament.

Yet this person, with a cold facade, could act recklessly and do whatever he wanted. He could teach some demonic cultivators a lesson himself, and he could also think for himself and carefully avoid threats that could bring him down-


#Nope…Imperceptible flirting really is the most deadly#

Qi Ting buried his own thought before taking two steps forwards. 

No matter what, he couldn’t just watch the back of another man and be in a trance because of it. Although this person has been taking care of him secretly, unlike what Lan Zhen had said to him at all, but… Hey- Let’s just think about his lovely junior sister, his junior sister must be taking a bath now… Hee hee… Damn, why couldn’t he imagine it? Is his brain running out of supplements?

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Qi Ting seemed to be in a polarized state, thinking about his junior sister while closely following Lin Zhizhi.

When the two of them finally got out, Xie Ling and the others were already waiting outside. The young girl’s beautiful eyes looked worried as she stared at the exit and kept looking around. After seeing the black-haired boy looking the same as she last saw him, the girl felt relief wash over her as she said, “There was a huge commotion in the valley just now. Father guessed that a treasure might be born. We are currently organizing people to check it out. It’s a relief to know brother Lin and brother Qi are all right.”

Although Xie Ling mentioned Qi Ting, she was only looking at Lin Zhizhi, so everyone knew she was mainly concerned about Lin Zhizhi. 

Qi Ting looked at the two people in front of him acting like a pair of lovers. His face twisted as he stepped forward and disrupted them, “Junior sister. you don’t need to worry about me. Even if something did happen, I will always crawl back to you…”

He was back to normal, seizing every opportunity to express his love to Xie Ling. But when he looked at Lin Zhizhi standing next to him, his last words were said in a lowering hoarse voice.’

Xie Ling didn’t care about his mistake. Although the girl politely nodded to Qi Ting to greet him, most of the time she focused on Lin Zhizhi. The group walked all the way back to the Xie family manor, along the way, Xie Ling curiously asked, “The body tempering pool seemed to be a little different from before. This time, the effect was particularly obvious… I asked my brother, and he also felt the same. How about you, brother Lin?”

Lin Zhizhi wasn’t good at lying. When he was questioned about something he refused to answer, he would choose to play dead. He briefly said with a stony face, “It was fine.” 

“I’ll probably have to go into seclusion once we head back…”

The girl’s crisp voice echoed among the group. Qi Ting, who would usually step forward and show his compassion, had been following them from behind as he went over his old accounts with Lin Zhizhi.

For example, Lin Zhizhi took the initiative (?) to dry him earlier and helped him when he fought with those black-cloaked men. He also warned him that he might be in danger-

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that the other party was actually kind, yet he was discourteous to the other. 

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The human mind could be so strange sometimes. When you refuse to acknowledge someone’s bad side, you’ll only see their flawed side, and when you want to prove someone’s character, all you can see is the evidence that is contrary to what you’re trying to prove.

His head is now filled with numerous thoughts. His mind was a mess until he boarded the spiritual boat to return to the sect. He finally found an opportunity to talk to Lin Zhizih on the grounds of exchanging sailing experiences. As a senior, he rarely does this kind of thing, so he stammered as he apologized, “I may have had some problems with your attitude before, but I suddenly found that you have been helping me all the time, I-”

Lin Zhizhi interrupted him mercilessly halfway through, “I’ve been helping you…?”

“Yes. You stood up for me when the demonic cultivators ridiculed me. When we were about to be ambushed, you reminded me to not take off my pants, and you also helped me dry my body earlier…” 

Lin Zhizhi was silent for a while before slapping his face with the truth, “I taught those demonic cultivators a lesson to thank martial sister Xie. And I’ll tell you that I don’t want to see you stripping naked in front of me or in an indecent state, I don’t want to go blind.”



-Ah Lan Zhen, my brother, I am blaming you for this! You really are a true prophet among us ordinary disciples! This Lin Zhizhi is simply a son born in an aristocratic family, and he’s a wicked villain who plays with people’s hearts! I was almost deceived by him!

Qi Ting realized that he was still too naive! 

Awww.. Qi Ting… he really thought Lin Zhizhi was opening up to him 

I hope you enjoy the chapter! Let me know if there’s any mistakes in the TL, it’ll be much appreciated  ! And if you like my work, or want to motivate me to translate faster, do consider buying me a kofi  ! See you next chapter

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