The cultivation world in central China has been very lively recently. 

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A few days ago, a prodigy was discovered in the Luo immortal sword sect after they broke through the seventh step of the ladder. The news spread like wildfire in the cultivation realm. You can imagine how many influential figures of the cultivation world broke their cups in shock when they heard this news. It was simply unbelievable. 




There were rumors about how after a world-renowned master of divination heard this news, his hand violently shook as he shattered his teacup. This master made a divination on the spot as he gazed at the messy tea leaves scattered on the ground and said, “This world is going to be in chaos.” 


Soon after, he declared that he would no longer make any divinations for other people within three years and immediately retired behind the scenes. 



There were also many young disciples with outstanding talents who refused to believe this rumor. One by one, they rushed to try and climb the ladder. Most of them stopped on the first or second step of the ladder. Their actions had created an invisible momentum for Lin Zhizhi. 



His reputation was drastically growing. Many large and small families sent people to drop gifts at the sect gates. They were soon informed that he was not inside the sect, so they had to return in disappointment. The Luo immortal sword sect’s reputation thundered in the cultivation world once again as they’ll most likely reap the biggest benefit in this situation. But this also caused a commotion among some forces as they decided to launch their own core disciples to compete. 


The reincarnation of the true dragon, the son of the living stone, the young master of the three souls… Many people are still arrogant and aren’t convinced by the rumor. They still proceeded to climb the ladder one by one to prove their strength. 



According to the rumors, the reincarnated dragon sat in front of the stone tablet for nine days before he received enlightenment and defeated the patriarch of the Luo family, who was evil and corrupted with one palm strike. 


There are also those evil spirits who refined medicine and condensed dharma, creating something out of nothing. But they only managed to stop at the fifth step of the ladder, and couldn’t ring the bell as much as Lin Zhizhi did. They are the pride of the cultivation realm, but none of them could compare to Lin Zhizhi. 


What’s more, their strength only became mere stepping stones that set off the dazzling talent of the young master of the Lin family. 


With the cultivation world’s pride covered in the shadow of this young man, those ordinary disciples who didn’t have a deep understanding of the ladder only began to gradually realize the terrifying amount of raw talent Lin Zhizhi possessed. 


In their eyes, those people were powerful enough to overturn rivers and mountains, so how powerful would somebody be if their talent were way above them?! 



Some optimistic disciples had already proposed that they wanted Lin Zhizi to climb the ladder again when he reached core formation. They were convinced that he would be able to regain the first spot for the human race that they’d lost for thousands of years.


Cang Lun’s ranking in the stone tablet had always been an eyesore for those grassroot disciples who had a strong sense of honor. Now that Lin Zhizhi’s strength became more and more unfathomable, they began to set great expectations for him. The more they thought about it, the more people felt that this disciple had a rare talent that could only be born once every few thousand years. This has garnered him quite a number of fans, but there are also people who detest him for that as well. 


But most people are only curious about him. 

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Lin Zhizhi has been keeping a low profile since he began studying under Xuan Hua. Not many people have been able to see his face, so there were rumors about his appearance. Generally, these rumors would say that he has a weird appearance. There’s even one where he has a third eye on his forehead. It generated another wave of speculations and theories. 


Just a few days ago, when the news of Lin Zhizhi reaching the seventh step of the ladder began to subside, another shocking news came out from the sea clan. 


#The mighty emperor of the sea fell in love with a human and wants to marry him# 


#The two races would be able to release their previous grievances and join forces to fight their common enemy# 


And turns out, the other protagonist of this rumor is Lin Zhizhi. 


At that time, the emperor sincerely declared his love in front of the human envoy. Although he didn’t announce this person’s name, the sea emperor kept staring at Lin Zhizhi amongst the buzzing crowd. 


It was also rumored that the Lin family had received a letter from the sea emperor, which listed all kinds of exotic treasures from the sea clan. 



We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olc Hejc tjv wlzfv offilcur joafg tf mjiwfv vbkc ogbw tlr lclalji jcufg. Lf gfoifmafv ecvfg atf mbwobga bo tlr klof. Jbeiv la yf atja tf rtbeivc’a tjnf mea boo tlr rbc’r mbccfmalbc klat atja wbgaji kbwjc? Glv tf pera obgmf tlr rbc lcab meaalcu tlr bkc riffnf? Qfii, lc jcs mjrf, tf’ii ilrafc ab Olc Itlhtl’r bqlclbc olgra. 


And just like the rest of the world, he began waiting for Lin Zhizhi’s reply. 


As for Lin Zhizhi himself, due to the cooperation of the two clans, he still stayed in Huangdao with the rest of the envoys as he was being personally pursued by the supreme sea emperor. 


The sect elders definitely won’t agree to the emperor’s confession, especially elder He Wei. He was completely heartbroken!


When Dao Zun comes back from his trip, he’ll discover that his little apprentice was not only almost robbed by the other elders, but also became the sea emperor’s dao companion without his knowledge! 


He was the one who objected to the emperor’s confession the most. 


Lin Zhizhi firmly said he had no intention of becoming the sea emperor’s dao companion. He reassured the elders before returning to his residence. As soon as he turned his head, Jia Shu appeared right in front of him with a sad look on his face. Having returned to the throne, the sea emperor, who holds power over the sea clan in his hands, was dressed in luxurious imperial robes made out of dark blue ice silk. His extravagant robes complemented the color of his eyes, making him as handsome as a sea god. Because he overheard Lin Zhizhi’s words, there was a cast of shadows in his blue eyes as he looked down at him and asked, “Do you hate me that much?” 


The black-haired boy nodded as if it was a matter of fact as he answered, “Yes.” 




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The sea emperor was hurt by the other party’s honesty. 



The blonde man had never pursued anyone so ardently before, he had only pursued this young man in front of him, but he seemed unmoved by any of his tricks. He had tried to declare his love again by reciting poems and singing under the moon, only to have the young man look at him as if he was an idiot. 


In fact, according to Jia Shu’s plan, their relationship had started that night, and if they did it a few more times, the quality of their relationship would improve with time. Unfortunately, his mating attempt has not been successful so far. 


It was as if Lin Zhizhi had hidden himself within a cold shell, and was very resistant to making love with him.


Jia Shu speculated that it was because Lin Zhizhi had grown up in the human race since he was a child, making it hard for him to peel off the secular ethics Lin Zhizhi was using to protect himself from him. 


The blonde man sat beside him, he looked at Lin Zhizhi with great pity as he felt distressed in his heart but didn’t know what to do about it. 


It was intense yet also sweet at the same time.


“Do you really don’t want to, or do you not dare?” His deep voice was like a sigh as he approached Lin Zhizhi little by little. The other was instantly drawn into his ocean-blue eyes as he asked, “Why must you bind yourself in those pedantic notions of the human race? You could follow me like this, and we could even go back to that day together… Isn’t it good to just be yourself?” 


Jia Shu held the boy’s shoulder and pushed him onto the big bed behind him. He pressed onto the other and tightly blocked Lin Zhizhi’s way from escaping. He wanted to look into this person’s heart through those clear black eyes that always seemed to reject him. 


Lin Zhizhi didn’t push him away this time. He didn’t even show any resistance as he quietly lay down. He looked at him through his half-opened eyes, and with his voice as cold as ice and snow that never melts on top of the highest mountains, he softly said, “You’re wrong.” 


He then raised his eyes again and curled the corners of his lips into a smile as he looked at him with clear black eyes that looked like they were gleaming with water. 



The snow and ice melted as spring returned.


This time, even without the influence of the charming physique, the emperor was teased until he couldn’t think straight and unconsciously lighten the force he used to pin Lin Zhizhi’s wrist down. 


Lin Zhizhi turned over with a flip and pressed the blonde man under his body. He restrained his smile and expressionlessly lowered his head. He gently kissed the corner of the man’s alluring lips like a dragonfly lightly touching a pool of water. He calmly raised his eyebrows and said, “I rejected you because I really didn’t want to be with you.” 


At that moment, a look of arrogance flashed across the young man’s clear eyes.


The young master of the Lin family has never been one who would be bound by things like etiquette. If he was really bound by those kinds of things since he was a child, he wouldn’t often run off to play in the mortal world and end up getting scolded by his father to keep his virginity. 


He does things simply because he wants to do them as he pleases. 

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Jia Shu’s nose was filled with the unique light fragrance of the youth as he was getting kissed by him. Contrary to the normal cloyingly sweet and greasy fragrance he was used to smelling, this scent is very light. He could barely smell it, but he couldn’t help but get addicted to this aroma. 


The blonde sea emperor fascinatedly breathed in the young man’s faint scent. He suddenly held his face and kissed him back, from the corner of his lips to the center of his eyebrows, refusing to let the boy go for even one second. 


The hand that Lin Zhizh wanted to hit him with suddenly stopped in the air.


Why is he getting a sense of familiarity?



The first time he felt this was when both of them lost control of their physiques, but Lin Zhizhi wasn’t sober enough to realize it then and fell into confusion. Now, the black-haired boy felt this strange sense of familiarity very clearly. 


It wasn’t his actions, but it was this person himself. It was Jia Shu’s habit. 


“…Where have I seen you before?”


Jia Shu obviously misunderstood his words as flirting. The sea emperor licked the corner of his mouth and leaned closer. He lowered his voice and said, “I could help you remember…” 


He dragged out his words and narrowed his eyes, giving him an alluring charm.  


Lin Zhizhi carefully remembered that the sea emperor’s identity was somewhat special, and he had never even seen him before.


He didn’t know where this sense of familiarity came from. He tilted his head in thought before standing up from the bed. He said, “It’s already so late into the night, your majesty. It’s time for you to go back to your chambers.”


“I like it when you call me your majesty.”


His blue eyes lit up as he suddenly recalled the night when got to kiss the back of the boy’s hand. He attempted to get the boy to agree one more time, “Promise me you’ll accept my marriage proposal, okay?” 


“Your majesty, please get out.” Lin Zhizhi was very polite when he kicked him out, and he even used the emperor’s favorite nickname. 



Jiashu: “…_(:зゝ∠)_”


This time, you didn’t have to call me ‘your majesty’…


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The news of the sea emperor’s proposal to the Lin family had spread through the entire central continent. Even in the sword sect, only a few people didn’t know about this news. Feng Qin is one of them.  


Since the day when the idea of wanting to protect his beloved came up, little Feng Qin was motivated to cultivate and get stronger. When he returned home, he immediately found his father to ask if he could enter the spiritual fire vein to cultivate. 


The fire vein was Feng Shuang’s former cultivation spot. Because of the huge amount of fire ores there, he used a great amount of spiritual energy to confine the area and place it in the realm. The conditions within the fire vein are difficult. There wasn’t even any grass there, and it was very hot. The benefit of this place is that the fire spirit is active there, which is quite suitable for the phoenix clan’s cultivation. In the past, Feng Shuang always said, power compels enticing profits, but the little dough kept rolling around because he didn’t want to suffer from harsh training. Now, he was even struggling to get permission to enter the vessel.  


Right now, he felt pressured because he was weaker than his crush, so Feng Qin was anxiously scratching his head and trying to cultivate. 


The water has been spilled, his beloved son is now in love. 


Feng Shuang thought sadly. 


Feng Qin, who has been covered in jade and spoiled all his life, has never faced such hardships. But every time he thought about how powerful he must be to protect his sweetheart, he gritted his teeth and continued to endure. When Feng Qin successfully emerged from the fire vessel, he had already entered the fourth stage of the fire manipulation arts, its might is comparable to a cultivator at the foundation establishment stage.  


Feng Qin originally wanted to happily find his sweetheart to see if he came back already, but before he even stepped outside, he heard the news about the sea emperor’s marriage proposal to Lin Zhizhi. 



This sudden flash of news that came out of nowhere completely stunned him.  


#just got out of seclusion when I heard that the person I liked got proposed to by another man. How do I break them up# 


#Completely heartbroken#  


The little dough was very angry. Feng Qin lowered his head and put down the red feather in his hand that he was going to use to send a message. He ran to his father’s room and kicked the door open as he shouted, “Father!” 


Feng Shuang asked, “What’s wrong? Didn’t you say you were about to go see your future Daoist companion?”  


“Father, what would you do if someone wanted to rob your wife?” 


“…Neng kill him!!!”  


For the first time, Feng Qin sincerely believed that what his father said was right!

Guess who’s finally backkk 

[ sorry for the late return, had a bad fever so I couldn’t translate for a while ALSO TYSM FOR WISHING ME GOODLUCK ON MY LAST UPDATE, I REALLY NEEDED THAT ] 

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